Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Got up to a cool morning. Temp was right at 32 but dropped for a few minutes and with the appearance of the sun it's back at 32 again. We're expecting mid-20's next week, so I'll need to get some protection for my baby trees. I've got three new citrus and three mulberries to protect. Two of the three mulberries that I planted around the pond have tiny leaves. They were shipped at the "optimal time for planting" so I planted 'em, lol.

The little buckling is a mess. He's decided I'm a play toy and uses me to bounce off of whenever he's bored. Little stinker! Time to get his coccidia prevention treatments started.

I loved having company in the house for two weeks - but I'm behind. Oh my - laundry mountain is crazy! Got a good start on it but still have some catch-up to do.

Trying to get better at meal planning and failing miserably. Need to remedy that. It's that freezer/pantry clean up time of year. Guess that means I need to do some digging.

Some of the hens are apparently over their strike. I've been getting a few eggs again. However, it may be time to thin the ranks of the slackers. I'm getting 3 - 5 eggs a day from about 15 hens - nope -not okay. However, I picked up 4 new pullets a while back that should start laying around March-ish.

Need to either open a new round bale for peeling off or just set one out. I'm getting about 20 days if I hand peel and feed. Last one out for free feeding lasted 18 days. Not sure if it's worth the extra 2 days to spend so much time and aggravation handfeeding.

Home health therapy will be here in a couple hours - guess I should tidy up a bit.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Someone has an ego.
That's what I said! Even though his symptoms started very shortly after taking the med she insisted it was a fever reaction - not! Thankfully he's on a new antibiotic and a lot better!

We haven't been spared the upcoming winter weather. Thankfully, today will be comfortable and I'll use that time to get outside preps done. I need to put air in the tractor tire that continues to make my life miserable. This was a new tire summer of 22 and has been a PIA since. I've had it off the tractor and back to the shop multiple times. That's not a fun job. Ugh! I finally bought a portable air tank. That allows me to fill up the tank at the compressor in the garage and carry it out to the tractor. When I get that done I'll move a round bale out to the does. I've hand-fed the last two bales, but I'm over it. Does are far enough into their pregnancies that I want them to have free access to hay now. It's muddy out there so this should be fun, lol.

I'll start on the trees after that. Citrus trees first. The mulberries are supposed to be extremely hardy, but I'll give them some protection too because they're babies and that's how I roll. I'll turn off the water that goes out back and drain the hoses. I think I'll leave faucets dripping inside. Gotta fill up any empty gas cans also. Hope we don't need it but we'll be ready if we do. The other generator will run on propane and we're all set with that. Need to pick up a few groceries - like milk. DH takes his meds with milk and since I'm not milking yet I need to get him some. Probably cook up a big pot of something...maybe broccoli cheese soup since I have some in the garden that needs to be picked. Can't think of much else that needs to be done. Laundry is caught up finally, lol. Can't complain too much I guess - it IS winter.

I put the trash out already. Have a truck full of feed to unload waiting on me. Time to get to it I guess...


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
I got feed on Wednesday. I filled the horse water tank. I can bust ice for her to drink. I filled a black tub so I can bust ice and water the sheep out of it. I’m gonna turn my water off Sunday evening. It drop in the low 20’s, then drop in the teens and not get above freezing for several days. By Wednesday daytime temperatures will rise above freezing and I’ll turn water back on. With just me here, I’m not gonna drip the inside faucets. I’m going to set a couple of buckets in the bathtub for flushing the toilet. And draw up pour of water in the kitchen for washing hands and cooking. It’s not worth a busted pipe. The added on utility room where water heater and washing machine is, is underskirted with lattice. Ummmm….. that doesn’t keep the cold out. For some silly reason it’s not been of pressing importance for me to replace it with something solid and insulated. This hard freeze will just be a mild annoyance.

If you need buckets, I got 2 yesterday for $10 at Harbor Freight. It hurt my feelings to have to buy buckets, but those are hard to scrounge up for free. Most of mine have cracked, so I had to actually buy some. I can use them to carry boiling water to melt ice in the sheep water buckets. I only carry them half full so I don’t slosh them, plus they get heavy if very full.

That’s a bummer on the new tire. I’m sure you’ve had the valve stem replaced and had them go over it for punctures. Maybe the rim has a small bent place not noticeable? I would be disgusted too.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
My sheep need to finish their round bale so I can set a new one tomorrow. I don’t want to be on the tractor in 17F with the wind blowing. I’ll fluff up the remaining hay today. Tomorrow after church, I’ll clean out my cow panel hay enclosure and put the waste hay in their shelters to help keep them warm. Then set a new bale for their enjoyment. I got 11 days out of this bale.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I've pulled that stupid tire off the tractor no less than three (maybe 4) times. Trust me when I say I never expected to have tractor tire changing on my resume. Not terrible if the tractor is on concrete - definitely a challenge when its sitting in the mud and too flat to drive. Yep, our trusty tire store has done all of the suggestions. They have a large water trough sitting by the front door and they sink the tire in there and look for bubbles. The last time they found a small leak around the valve stem and replaced that. I thought that would be the fix. Not! I'll continue to fill it with the air tank until spring because I just don't feel like jacking the tractor up and pulling that tire right now. It's not like it gets a lot of use either. Basically, every three weeks or so to move a bale is the hardest thing it does. I used it a couple months ago to move gravel out to the pond. I don't even mow with it because my mower is crap and it's easier to get the neighbor to do it than to buy a new mower. I asked about the wheel last time too and they said the wheel was fine. However, the next time I take it in I'll ask for a better assessment.

Got the mulberry trees covered yesterday. I was worried that the crazy wind would blow the covers away, but apparently, I did an ok job, lol. I have the trunks of the citrus trees taken care of - still need to put feed sacks around the tops and stuff the bags full of hay for insulation. I'll top that off with a frost cover. Tired of losing citrus trees!

Critters will hunker down and I think everything will be fine. A 20+ pile of goats creates a lot of body heat.

Last, and major issue to work on is water. I'll shut off the water and drain hoses that go to the pasture and barns tomorrow or Monday. Not sure yet if I'll drain lines to the house or leave the water dripping.

Today is all about the Texans game! DS and DDIL are hosting a watch party. I've got cheese/sausage dip in the crockpot and about to bake some sausage/cheese balls. There will be chicken enchiladas too. Not sure what else might show up. Sounds delish - but it's really about the GAME!



Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score

Today is all about the Texans game! DS and DDIL are hosting a watch party. I've got cheese/sausage dip in the crockpot and about to bake some sausage/cheese balls. There will be chicken enchiladas too. Not sure what else might show up. Sounds delish - but it's really about the GAME!

Can I FedEx you some antacids in advance? :pop:pop:pop
