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- #361
Sustainability Master
Good day today.
One of the students in the program I work for wanted to make a little extra pocket money today. Sooooo, I put him to work. We cleaned out an area under the big shed that I've been wanting to get to for awhile. It took a couple hours to clean out a 10 x 10 area that we've been using for storage. This shed was built over dog kennels a long, long time ago. The kennels themselves are no longer there, and there's no floor in it, but it does have concrete pavers in a section. I want to bring in some fill dirt to keep that area from flooding - if we ever get rain again, lol. It was in a high spot when we built it until my neighbor brought in about 8 dump loads of dirt several years back and now her place drains onto my place - grrrrrr! My dilemma is this: do I pull up the pavers? If I do, I'll have them to use somewhere else. But, the point is to raise the level, not lower it which is what will happen if I take the pavers out - and then I'd need more dirt to take up the space vacated by the pavers. Plus - it'll be a whole lot more work.....I'm gonna keep thinking about it....
We got a couple other things taken care of too while we had the help. Moved some of the big cinder type blocks out of the back area. They are heavy! But, with the A's help, we got about a dozen of them moved into a spot where I can make better use of them. Also, put the finishing touches on an extra pen that I use when I need a spot for a sickly critter, or one that just needs to be kept up or quarantined. Nice to get that done.
The pigs are getting soooo big. I'm guessing that they're around 100+ lbs by now. Starting to wonder if I should butcher one sooner than later. I'm thinking that butchering 'em both at the same time might be a huge task, and I'll be forced to deal with allll that meat at one time. Sounds like a better idea to butcher one a little earlier. I'll can as much of the meat as possible so I'll still have freezer room for the other.
On the goat front - I've been suspicious that the two does I tried to get bred back in early September didn't settle. I was right.
It was sooo hot then that I'm not surprised that the bucks' sperm count might have been low at that point. I've never had an infertile buck, but if the does don't settle this time around I'll be making a decision about this guy - and he won't like it.
We worked hard today - soooooo - it'll be a hot tub night.
One of the students in the program I work for wanted to make a little extra pocket money today. Sooooo, I put him to work. We cleaned out an area under the big shed that I've been wanting to get to for awhile. It took a couple hours to clean out a 10 x 10 area that we've been using for storage. This shed was built over dog kennels a long, long time ago. The kennels themselves are no longer there, and there's no floor in it, but it does have concrete pavers in a section. I want to bring in some fill dirt to keep that area from flooding - if we ever get rain again, lol. It was in a high spot when we built it until my neighbor brought in about 8 dump loads of dirt several years back and now her place drains onto my place - grrrrrr! My dilemma is this: do I pull up the pavers? If I do, I'll have them to use somewhere else. But, the point is to raise the level, not lower it which is what will happen if I take the pavers out - and then I'd need more dirt to take up the space vacated by the pavers. Plus - it'll be a whole lot more work.....I'm gonna keep thinking about it....
We got a couple other things taken care of too while we had the help. Moved some of the big cinder type blocks out of the back area. They are heavy! But, with the A's help, we got about a dozen of them moved into a spot where I can make better use of them. Also, put the finishing touches on an extra pen that I use when I need a spot for a sickly critter, or one that just needs to be kept up or quarantined. Nice to get that done.
The pigs are getting soooo big. I'm guessing that they're around 100+ lbs by now. Starting to wonder if I should butcher one sooner than later. I'm thinking that butchering 'em both at the same time might be a huge task, and I'll be forced to deal with allll that meat at one time. Sounds like a better idea to butcher one a little earlier. I'll can as much of the meat as possible so I'll still have freezer room for the other.
On the goat front - I've been suspicious that the two does I tried to get bred back in early September didn't settle. I was right.
We worked hard today - soooooo - it'll be a hot tub night.