Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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TGIF - except I have to work a half day tomorrow. It's for a good cause and will probably even be fun. I'll be taking a group of our students to 'ring the bell' for the Salvation Army in front of Wal-Mart tomorrow. It's a good cause and the kids get community service hours for their efforts. Most of all - they get a look at 'giving in action'. In past years I asked them to pay attention to the folks who give the most. They've noticed that a lot of times it's a lot of the elderly that give the most - and the little kids who beg their parents to let them put money in the kettle. They've also learned how hard it is to watch people walk by without even acknowledging that they are there. I ask the students how that makes them feel and to a person - they've promised that they'll never ignore the bell ringers (or the cake sale folks, or the girl scouts) again. They know they may not have the money to donate - but they will always speak to and acknowledge the presence of the folks who are asking for money. It's all good!

I lost a hen last night. I have no idea how, but the gate was partially off the hinges and a Red Dorking hen was partially consumed in the walkway. I have a LGD out in the pasture, and two terriers in the yard. These chickens are in an area between the two dog areas inside a locked area with covered runs.(did that make sense?) And yet, somehow one of the gates was lifted off the bottom hinge, the gate pulled open a bit, and a hen was dead. Had to be a coon - nothing else could have accomplished that. We baited a live trap with the carcass and caught - a rat. I took the trap out in the yard and gave the rat a chance, lol. Not much of a chance against a couple of West Highland White Terriers! It is amazing how focused they are and how determined they can be. Centuries of breeding I guess - but whatever it is- it works!!!

We have a grandson for the weekend! What a sweetie pie he is. He's 4 - and told us he doesn't eat because one time he got sick. LOL - he ate a big chunk of beef, some macaroni and cheese, broccoli salad, and jello for dessert. I just love 4 year olds!

Sunday the plan is to finally shingle the roof on the critter shack. After that I need to catch and re-pen all the chickens that have escaped their pens while the construction was going on...

Told the grandson that he's got about 10 more minutes and then its bedtime - cuz I'm the sleepy one!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Kids at that age are so cute w/some of the stuff they come up with. We had snow for Thanksgiving when my son was 5. He woke up, looked out the window and wanted to know if it was Christmas since it had snowed. :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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I try hard not to ignore the bell ringers, etc. I am NOT a very outgoing person, so it always helps if they speak first - I like the ones who greet you as you approach :)

:hugs Sorry to hear about the hen. I went out to feed the animals this morning, and DH had left the chicken pen unlatched :barnie I did a quick head count and they were all still there, thank goodness.

Have fun with your Grandson! My brother has asked me if I would PLEASE watch his 3 year old daughter one day a week. I love them at that age! She is a real handful though - shows obvious signs of ADHD already. He said he wanted me to do it, because I managed to survive life with my DS#1, who was the same way, so he knew I could handle it :p


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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We try to stress to the kids how important it is to be outgoing, but not pushy or threatening in any way. We have found that the thing that works best for us is to convince the kids to sing Christmas carols! Now - getting high school kids to sing can be a bit of challenge in and of itself, lol. They are sooooo worried about looking cool. OMG - somebody might see me... :hide gee whiz! But, when they get started it is so much fun and they love it. It's so rewarding to see how they get into it. They offered to let every little kid ring the bell if they wanted to. They helped people take packages to their cars, and assisted a couple of folks who were physically challenged. I was so darn proud of 'em.

On the home front - I intend to get the shingles on the critter shack tomorrow. It seems like I've been saying that forever... AND - when I went out to milk this morning I saw waaaaay too many chickens running loose. Seems that 'someone' left a pen open and the Barred Hollands are running FREEEEEEEEE - and they like it. They really don't want to go back into their pen....not that I really blame them.

Chocolate Chip is drying up. I'll keep her up and milk her until her next heat cycle - then breed her back. After that - her little rolly-polly butt is kicked out of the 'easy-livin' quarters and back into the pasture. I've never seen a goat gain so much weight while being milked for 8 months. She's definitely an easy-keeper. That's a pygmy for you.

Red is still going strong. But, tomorrow morning after milking her, I'm going to put her out in the pasture with her daughters. They'll keep her milked for me, and it always boosts her production. Plus, it'll give my hands a break and give me the opportunity to do something with alllll the milk I've got in the fridge right now. I feel another batch of cajeta coming on. I want to have plenty on hand cuz I intend to give some for Christmas gifts.

I keep contemplating getting some turkeys in the spring - maybe Midget Whites. Now, does getting midget turkeys kind of defeat the purpose? Toms are supposed to average 13 lbs, and I've got chickens that get darn near that big. But, the breed sounds kinda neat and I like the idea of raising Heritage/threatened breeds.

Oh, not sure what's up, but my goose is nest building already. She isn't laying yet, but she's sure thinking about it. Geeze, only a couple months early... what's up with that? But, I have seen them breeding, so I guess they're getting serious about it. I really hope I'll get some Pilgrim babies - I do love the breed. Contemplating pulling some of the eggs and incubating them while letting her lay another clutch that she can incubate. Maybe that way I'll have both bases covered and can get some live babies.

Last, but not least - GO LONGHORNS!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Nope, raising smaller turkeys doesn't defeat the purpose. If I ever raise turkeys, I'd want smaller ones. Normally, it's only hubby and I, so a smaller bird is better for us. Plus, I don't know how well a larger bird would fit in the smoker. Right now the 2 birds I have in the freezer are under 14 lbs.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Good point, Deb. I wonder if DH would have a fit if I added another species to the farm. I wonder how long it would take him to figure out that they're not chickens??? They're definitely on the 'maybe' list. But, I'm not gonna think about it for awhile.

Grandson has gone back to mama...he cried and cried and said he wanted to stay here forever....ahhhhh....he's a darn cutie-patooty. It's such an ordeal to get to see him that we went ahead and gave him his gifts because it's unlikely that we'll see him again before Christmas. These darn step-families, with their baby mama's and baby daddy's sure does make it hard to get everyone coordinated.

I Got Shingles On The Roof of The Critter Shack!! OMG - I hope no one takes an aerial photograph, lol. But, they're up there and it oughta darn sure be rain proof. That is - if it ever rains again. We are back in a drought - AND -it's 87 degrees right now. Geeze.....Really glad to have the basic structure finished - now it's time to start thinking about embellishments. For starters, at least, I need to mount a roost....after that, who knows?

Well, sittin in here is wasting daylight....gotta get back outside.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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RAIN! We've got rain - it's almost a miracle! We were back in a drought situation; about 5 inches behind. We must have gotten at least 2 inches this afternoon - maybe more. And the lightening - wow - haven't seen a light show like that in years.

We've been so warm that I've been kicking myself for not plantin g a second summer garden instead of a fall garden that isn't doing so well in this heat. We were in the high 80's a couple days ago, but today's rain is supposed to usher in a cool front. They don't even call them "cold" fronts because they aren't cold, lol.

The blind goat has recovered most of her eyesight. Sunday she was able to come out of her pen and find leaves on the ground to munch on - so I think she's going to be fine. Soooo, one heals and another one is injured. My older mini-mare came up Sunday evening with a weeping, swollen eye. I washed it out and put some cream in it and it looked much better yesterday. I was a bit befuddled as I wouldn't expect an eye problem to jump species.

Monday evening as I was feeding I spent a bit more time with the critters. Good thing I did because I think I discovered what the problem is. The gander is getting more aggressive as he ages. Not so much towards me, but towards the other animals as they eat. I noticed him going from feed pan to feed pan hissing and threatening all the other critters. Then he did it - he pecked a goat right in the eye - GRRRRR. About a minute later - he did it again. Sooooo, he and his lady have a brand new pen now - away from everything else except a few chickens who fly in with them. I never woulda thunk it....


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I've got broccoli! Guess my fall garden is going to be okay - at least the broccoli. That's the only thing showing any real life, but I've got some heads that I can pick this weekend. The littlest things get me excited, lol.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I think that's how it is for all of us. :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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There must have been a polar shift, a shifting of the seasons, or the world changed when I wasn't looking. Okay, okay - a little bit dramatic I guess, lol. But - my Pilgrim goose has laid an egg. Only a couple months early. Really? What's up with that?