I think your ice cream theme for names is just adorable!
I was going to wait to start incubating till it warms up more. Last year I started too many in the house (no garage) and I just don't want so many birds in the house for as long this year. Especially ducks. I don't want to keep them indoors at all again, only chicks. I wanted to incubate some chicks around the same time that the feed store offers turkeys so I better research when that is.
But no more ducklings in the house.....Peee Ewwwww!
Sing is sista! I'm out of ducks now. They were fun and I'd love to do it again, but they are just too messy for me. We have a pond and when we tried to move our ducks out there they came right home. When we have more time ( ) I'd like to build a duck house at the pond and specifically raise them there as opposed to home in the chicken coop but until that happens I'm going to stick to chicks and guineas.
I think ducks are actually easier to raise in a dry climate. Sure I have to make special efforts to get them swimming water, but their messes evaporate so quick I don't get the muddy yuck
One of my good friends lived in Colorado for a bit. She aquired two german shepards out there and when she had to move back she 'forgot' that you a)have to close your screens on the windows and doors because of bugs and mosquitos and b) the dogs WILL catch fleas and ticks and WILL take mud baths at every chance they get. She misses that state!
Bummer! Did they show it (the dead baby)? I've tuned into Pelican Acres but each time I have it's been on the community room so I've checked in less and less.
ETA - dang...they really shaved her bald back there!
All I could see was she pulled it out and then started trying to get it to breathe and then she shook her head and covered it up and set it aside to go back to check the doe. I hadn't been watching all day and then just popped in for a minute and got lucky. It looked like they set up a stall in the big room because there were other goats hanging around watching - and that rabbit kept hopping by, which was so funny.