- Thread starter
- #451
Lovin' The Homestead
I'm chickening out. I made an appointment for 8:30 am to have the vet disbud the buckling. $70!!! 
But, it's my local vet so I'm gonna support the locals. I've actually only used 1 vet for my goats and that was only to have some kids disbudded last year. $96 for that....sheesh. And I had to drive 45 min away. So whatever, I'll cough up the cash for the buckling and support my locals...support....my....locals....for.....$70....
I can't swallow right now
As I mentioned I have two people interested in them. One person is actually on BYC and posted a thread about wanting pygmys so I responded. The other responded to a craigslist ad I put out.
I told them I'd eat the cost of disbudding the buckling if they wanted me to do the doeling. But if they wanted the vet to do the doeling I'd like them to cough up a little more cash. After all, it's gonna cost me an arm and a leg to have them both disbudded by the vet.
Does that sound fair?
(Edited to change BYH to BYC....it was in the 'other animals' section)

But, it's my local vet so I'm gonna support the locals. I've actually only used 1 vet for my goats and that was only to have some kids disbudded last year. $96 for that....sheesh. And I had to drive 45 min away. So whatever, I'll cough up the cash for the buckling and support my locals...support....my....locals....for.....$70....
I can't swallow right now
As I mentioned I have two people interested in them. One person is actually on BYC and posted a thread about wanting pygmys so I responded. The other responded to a craigslist ad I put out.
I told them I'd eat the cost of disbudding the buckling if they wanted me to do the doeling. But if they wanted the vet to do the doeling I'd like them to cough up a little more cash. After all, it's gonna cost me an arm and a leg to have them both disbudded by the vet.
Does that sound fair?
(Edited to change BYH to BYC....it was in the 'other animals' section)