Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Off to the CT Sheep and Wool Festival where I am pretty sure I could only buy a fleece rather than a whole sheep so DH is safe. Don't have room for BOTH sheep and goats anyway.
I'm calling the vet's office about the does he has before I go. Just for more information, you know ;)

DH just came back from his weekly Saturday dump run:

DH: "Hey, I was thinking about where you wanted to put the goat pen. Instead of the side you were thinking about we could put it off toward the right where all those bigs boulders come out of the ground. It would still be right up against the barn but they'd have the rocks to climb on."

Me: "Who ARE you?? What have you done with my DH??"

He's absolutely right too!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
:weee Mine always comes around to my crazy ideas, too.

Have fun at the sheep festival... I was really hoping to see some spinning and ask some questions. If you see this, could you ask about using fleece to stuff a quilt for me....the lady I got the recent fleeces said they were for spinning and if I stuffed a quilt, the movement on the bed from normal sleeping movement and making up the bed and such (no danger of that here :lol: ) would felt it and that I needed to use meat sheep fleece. I want to know if someone has another opinion. It is the only time I heard that. I was hoping to spin the best bits and stuff a quilt with the shorter fibers. Thanks!

Looking forward to your post about your vet's goats!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
That's awesome! Hope you have fun at the festival.
Invasion of the pod people! I came home to find my heavy metal listening, combat boot wearing, hard as nails hubby curled up in my rocking chair half asleep with Shadow in his lap :love


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
freemotion said:
:weee Mine always comes around to my crazy ideas, too.

Have fun at the sheep festival... I was really hoping to see some spinning and ask some questions. If you see this, could you ask about using fleece to stuff a quilt for me....the lady I got the recent fleeces said they were for spinning and if I stuffed a quilt, the movement on the bed from normal sleeping movement and making up the bed and such (no danger of that here :lol: ) would felt it and that I needed to use meat sheep fleece. I want to know if someone has another opinion. It is the only time I heard that. I was hoping to spin the best bits and stuff a quilt with the shorter fibers. Thanks!

Looking forward to your post about your vet's goats!
No word from the vet yet. I'm kind of disappointed. Oh well, he'll call eventually if he really needs to sell them. If not I'll try him again next week.
I didn't see your post before I left I'm afraid, sorry.
We had a great time. I ended up bringing my mom and DS even though I had planned on going alone and meeting my brother's girlfriend there. I didn't sneak any lambs home but there was the cutest little shetland...... :D Beautiful face. I didn't even try to sneak out a rabbit! I didn't even buy one! At $125 each I'll have to settle for my pound bunny for now. They were very cute though. The fact that I've never been able to wear angora without itching also helped.
I did however retain the business card of the lady with the angora goats. She has kids available. hmmmmmmmmmm One diary one fiber? Not sure....
Her goats were on leashes with the 4H girls (all girls, is that unusual?) and they were friendly and sweet.
I have a few pictures but none are all that interesting I'm afraid. We caught up with our priest's wife and some friends and sat under a tree watching them spin and knit surrounded by kennels of border collies and watching the ox cart go round and round in its enclosure. Every time it went by I swear, the outside ox looked at me, "Save me! I'm getting dizzy!"
It was a beautiful day. We're expecting rain tomorrow for the last day of our school break. As usual I feel there's so much I didn't accomplish. Just 35 school days 'til summer break.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Henrietta23 said:
Off to the CT Sheep and Wool Festival where I am pretty sure I could only buy a fleece rather than a whole sheep so DH is safe. Don't have room for BOTH sheep and goats anyway.
I'm calling the vet's office about the does he has before I go. Just for more information, you know ;)

DH just came back from his weekly Saturday dump run:

DH: "Hey, I was thinking about where you wanted to put the goat pen. Instead of the side you were thinking about we could put it off toward the right where all those bigs boulders come out of the ground. It would still be right up against the barn but they'd have the rocks to climb on."

Me: "Who ARE you?? What have you done with my DH??"

He's absolutely right too!
Isn't it great when they finally do come around?! And then they act as if it were their idea :lol: THat's ok, at least I get what I wanted.
Patience and perserverance do pay off. :lol:


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
FarmerDenise said:
Isn't it great when they finally do come around?! And then they act as if it were their idea :lol: THat's ok, at least I get what I wanted.
Patience and perserverance do pay off. :lol:
I'm a little short on that right now. I really really really want the vet to call. :p
DH worked outside at church this morning then came home and got back to shingling the coop/barn. He ran out of shingles and was going back for more but I stopped him because there had been a horrible two motorcycle accident in the intersection in front of Home Depot. He's going to wait a bit and try later. Ugh! Ambulances left with their sirens blaring. Hopefully that means all involved survived!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
No call back from the vet :( I got the weekend receptionist. If I call back and talk to the regular one tomorrow am I being too pushy? I just need to know if they're still available. If they're not I can start looking elsewhere.
We ruled out the angoras. The woman who has them turns out to be someone we got two of our ducks from. Her place was a little scary.
Back to school tomorrow. It's a long haul 'til June!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
:gig You are too much like me! Agonize for weeks/months/years over a new project or decision, then once the decision is made, you want it YESTERDAY!!! If not sooner!

Every time you call the price goes up by $50 each, I'm sure..... Do some more research as to who has Oberhasli's nearby. There is someone in Southwick, I can PM you the name and number if you'd like. They breed show quality animals and the college-age son is working to improve the breed and the milk production of his line. I bet they have some doelings and maybe even a doe in milk, who knows..... It is not too far, just a few minutes from Bradley. Southwick actually juts into CT. If the border was drawn as a straight line, I'd be a CT resident!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
I think I'm sold on the breed as being the best choice for us. Our GR puppy came from East Granby; not a bad drive. Honestly, I'm being silly because we don't even have a separate shelter and pen for any goats yet. :rolleyes: You're right. I want it yesterday. I was like this with the puppy too. Chickens and ducks.... which is why I didn't walk out of the duck lady's house when I probably should have. (Both ducks grew up and are strong and healthy birds now).
I think there is someone else closer too. The farm that sells milk to the Willimantic Co-op has Oberhaslis too. I priced the milk today. They're charging $8.45 for a half gallon of raw goats' milk. Whoa!!

Ah, here we go:
They are not far from me at all but I find their website very confusing.
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