Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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yay on the job!!! wow.. how fun is handing in the resignation!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
ohiofarmgirl said:
yay on the job!!! wow.. how fun is handing in the resignation!
He enjoyed every second of it! He thought the principal might have been suspicious that he was looking around, but apparently not.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I take back every thing I have ever said about my in-laws. Except soon-to-be-ex BIL. He's still a jerk.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Well, hasn't been a whole lot to say. Summer isn't really exciting around here. I get up, milk, shower, make something with milk, do stuff around the house and play with DS and the animals. Try not to let the heat and humidity get to me. A couple of afternoons it was just so awful that we hopped in the car and ran away to the shore. That's an hour drive so you know we were desperate! We introduced DS to the coolness of the ocean at night. He loved it! We went to RI rather than CT because the waves are bigger. Not much further but much more fun! Had to work it around milking but it was worth it.
Today the three of us rode our bikes from the trail at the bottom of our hill into town, about 4 miles round trip. I wasn't sure I could do it. Last year I wouldn't have been able to. It was not a big deal at all. Some hills, nothing major, mostly gentle grades. I feel like I got some exercise and I got good and sweaty because it was still in the 80s today. But it was all good.
Tomorrow DH is renting a van and hauling as much of his stuff from the old classroom to the new classroom. He'll also be dropping off a bunch of paperwork at the school district's main office, insurance and stuff. Our dentists and eye doctor don't participate with the new plan but our PCP, pediatrician and the naturopath all do. I spent some time on the phone with the dentist's office and they will still file claims for us and we will have to a minimal amount out of pocket so it looks like we won't have to change dentists. It took me many years to get to the point where I'm not dentist phobic. Having to select a new one could put me over the edge.
DS and I are going to tag along to see the new school from the inside and check out the new classroom. There is a letterbox planted on the grounds of this school as well as the elementary and middle schools so we might try to find those three boxes while we're up there. Haven't been letterboxing in a year. I have great plans to each summer and then the bugs and humidity do me in.
The heat and humidity of this summer have also killed my plans to do a lot of preserving and trying new recipes for our new eating style. I've resorted to lots of fresh veggies and some grilled meat most nights. No creativity but we haven't gone hungry.
School starts on Sept. 1 for students. DH and I both go back two days prior for professional days. I've got a vague idea of how many days that is in the back of my mind but I'm not thinking too hard about the exact number. Truth is I'm always ready by then. Two weeks in I might be desperate for Christmas break, but for at least a little while I'm happy to be back. Mostly this year I'm excited for DS to be starting new. I've got his uniforms all ordered. I had to do a little each paycheck but by the time everything arrives he'll have enough for the year I think. My in-laws surprised us by offering to pay a month's tuition spontaneously. They're generous enough people but this was not something typical. Our last few phone conversations have been full of the excitement of DS's new school and DH's new job and I guess they just felt compelled to celebrate this way. The check they sent was enough to pay a month's tuition, finish DS's uniform shopping and buy a few new pairs of pants for DH for work. He's always worn jeans to his old school. Not allowed at the new one. So he will need work pants, like Carhartt's or Dickies. Should work out okay.
If the temperatures cooperate I hope to do some cooking for the freezer so that we can ease into our back to school schedule. They've changed the times of our town's schools. One school received an improvement grant (all of our schools are failing according to the NCLB list....) and that lengthens their day by half an hour, thus screwing up the bus schedule for all the schools. The high school where I am two days a week will be starting 15 minutes earlier and the elementary school where I work will be starting half an hour earlier. I'll just have to get used to it and getting out earlier will be good in the long run. DS will still have to go to After School care because the Catholic school gets out the same time the high school does and I'm fighting traffic to get there. But it will only be for 45 minutes at the most on my longest days. At least at this school it is on an as needed basis. At his old school I had to sign him up for a minimun of 4 days a week to hold a spot whether I needed it each day or not. So there were days I paying $5 for 10 minutes of child care. :rolleyes: Oh well, at least it was there and I have a job to pay for it.
I've rambled long enough that I'm finally tired.
Oh forgot. DS found a yellow jacket nest under the deck. The hard way. I am sooooo thankful he is not allergic to stings. He got nailed at least 5 times. DH went out and sprayed the *&#$ out of the nest. I think it was a newer nest. It was in ground next to where the hose is stored so we would have noticed it. DS was walking right on top of it which of course riled them up. He did a good job of getting himself out of there before it was worse. The kicker was DH trying to call my cell to let me know and see if he needed to do anything. He got mad at me because I didn't answer while I was driving. :rolleyes: When he called a second time I did pull into a parking lot and call back. What more could I legally have done?????


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
:frow I've had enough of the heat and humidity here. Hope we are done with it! It is seriously sapping my energy, and there is nothing worthwhile left in my pasture. Feeding hay all the time now. Which will probably be expensive this year! Oh well, love my goaties!

Hugs all around!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Glad your DS was not allergic to the stings. They hurt bad enough all by themselves. It sounds like you are all perched and ready for a really good school year this year. :cool:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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my DH found a yellow jacket nest the hard way while he was up in a tree with a chainsaw.....got him 5 or 6 times behind his ear. His buddy said he hightailed it down the tree and took off running....while the chainsaw was still running.... :rolleyes:

Glad your DS didn't have any problems with the stings!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
He's a little itchy today but not bad. He's got at least 5 stings, possibly a few more, but it's like, one here, one there, not a bunch in one spot.
At least the heat and humidity broke for a bit today. I hope it continues but I'm expecting a few nasty days once school starts.
We took a bunch of DH's stuff to the new school. He had "current" student and one former student along to help. He had some small engines and stuff that had been given to him from various sources. While the idea was that they'd be used in his program, they were given to him, not the school. Since the program isn't going to continue at his old school he got permission to take them with him.
He's got three huge lab rooms he'll be using and a small classroom too. We looked around a little bit but they were stripping the floors so it was hard. It's a huge school compared to where he's coming from. DS was awestruck.
We didn't look for the letterboxes since we had the teenagers with us.
Off to do more sorting and purging! Fun is....


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Never a dull moment. I thought we were having a quiet last few weeks of summer!! Well, we are really, but it does seem to be some little thing everyday. Today, thankfully AFTER DH got home from work, DS caming running into this room where I was cleaning and dejunking "Mom Mom Mom Mom, one of the ducks has a hook in her mouth!"
I go out to find DH sitting on the porch swing with Miss Quackers on his lap. She had somehow gotten her head through an old piece of wire loop and gotten her lower bill stuck in it. No punctures but she was good and stuck. And LOUD. I took her from DH and he went and got wire cutters. Two snips and he had her out of it. I'm glad it happened when he was there. I could have done it all too, but it was easier with two calm adults than it would have been with DS trying to help and me doing it all.
Got more of DS's school uniform stuff in the mail. His all black sneakers fit! What a relief. We found a few pairs out in the stores but they either didn't fit or they didn't have his size. He got so sick of the whole process. I decided to chance it and order the ones from the uniform company. They were actually cheaper than any we found out there. He now has everything he needs for the first day of school and the other stuff that is still coming will get him through the whole year! Gotta love that!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
My hubby left his fishing rod on the porch and my yellow lab/golden retriever mix got a trebble(sp?) hook THROUGH his tongue...one barb down and two barbs up....at 7am, as I just got out of the shower. Had to flag down my neighbor to get some wire cutters to cut the tips of the barbs off. Then had to take him to the vet to have him put under so they could cut it out of his tongue.

Don't you just love animals....... :rolleyes:
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