Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Just stopping in to say hello. Sounds like we are all a bit busy trying to get back into the school routine!! Glad to hear your all doing well. I think just a couple weeks in and we will all feel better.

Bike riding!! Ahh, that's something I really enjoyed when I lived a bit further north of San Diego. The streets were all flat and had bike lanes. Everything ran east, west, north and south. You could never get lost. Now where I live is the exact polar opposite. Bummer. :(

I hope your having a great weekend.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
TanksHill said:
Just stopping in to say hello. Sounds like we are all a bit busy trying to get back into the school routine!! Glad to hear your all doing well. I think just a couple weeks in and we will all feel better.
Well ... not ALL of us! ;)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
:frow Thanks for stopping in everyone! I always have mixed emotions about the school year starting. I enjoy my summer off but I also like getting paychecks! DS, whether he realizes it or not, is bored. Which means he would really like me to be more entertaining than I am. While I'm interested in doing laundry and purging junk, he wants me to play with him. I compromise and do some of both. Then I don't get as much done as I want and he whines when he isn't getting his way. Last night he asked for a brother or sister..... :barnie Not going to happen! It's definitely time for school to start. I know what he needs is a play date. His best friend from his old school can't come here due to severe asthma and animal allergies. (And a psychotic twin sister who always has to come too.....) So unless they invite him to their house and I send him with DH to supervise, that isn't going to happen either. I'm looking forward to him making some new friends at his new school and Cub Scouts and after school clubs. He needs friends who share his interests and there weren't many at his old school. He had to do a paper one day and list memories of 2nd grade. I just found it. It was very telling that most of his favorite memories had nothing to do with school. They were family moments. His BFFs were the one kid from his class and the rest were from church or his old preschool.
I will post more of my grandfather's journal as I get it. It is coming through my uncle who posts as he finds bits that interest him. I have a scrapbook of my grandmother's but it is only poems that she liked and copied.
I can't wait to see Daisy's fiance! She is a terrible flirt. She is much tamer and loves to have her neck rubbed. Donki is my girl though. She just loves to hang out with me.
I had a message from a new BYH member who I met through BYC. He's one town over from us and now has Fainting Goats. He is thinking of adding Nigis at some point. It would be great if he eventually had a Nigi buck and I could breed Donki to him. Mini-nubians are soooo cute! We shall see. I'm still very chicken of the idea of having to help a doe kid. I wonder if the vet will let me board Daisy there when the time comes..... oo, that sounds expensive. Sigh...


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
When does school start for you guys Hen?
Kiddos go back on Sept. 1 and DH and have professional days the two days prior. Usually we start in late August but the way Labor Day falls this year it's a little later. One local system is starting on Aug. 25. They'll be out a full week before us in June but I'm still glad we're not them!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Could use some prayers, positive thoughts, etc. DH is on the road, on his way to his parents'. His mother called yesterday afternoon to say that his father had collapsed the night before and was in the hospital. As near as we can figure from her semi-coherent report, FIL hadn't been feeling well, mostly just really tired, for several days. In addition, MIL has Lyme Disease, again, and he will sacrifice himself to take care of her. She becomes completely helpless when ill. So FIL got sicker and sicker. He finally told her he was exhausted and she let him rest for a day. Sunday night she was finishing the washing up downstairs. He had gone to bed. She heard a thud and went up to find he'd fallen out of bed and was unresponsive. She freaked out but finally managed to call 911. She reported to my DH that she was stunned at how efficient and caring they were. ANyway, they got the two of them to the hospital and by the time she called us yesterday the doctor seems to think that FIL has a tick borne illness, but not Lyme disease. Nothing seems conclusive yet. He is still out of it, on an IV but has a high fever and is having nightmares or something and keeps ripping it out. That is literally all I know at this point. Except that the Malaria that FIL (or was it another disease.... now I can't remember) had in the Philippines during WWII seems to be involved. SIL is flying in from Iowa ASAP and DH will stay with his mother at least until she gets there. MIL has gotten herself so worked up that she can't keep down food and won't allow herself to sleep because she might not hear the phone. She barely eats as it is and hasn't been feeling well with the Lyme disease so I imagine she's pretty weak, and possibly dehydrated. Working in our favor is that Westchester County NY knows tick borne illness really well so he'll probably be in the best hands possible for something like this. He's 91 but in relatively good health overall.
So that's the deal here. I'm home with DS holding down the fort and waiting for news. We'll deal with it as it comes. Knowing DH like I do, I know he's thinking that he'll stay until his sister gets there, she will nurse MIL back to health, FIL will come home and all be fine. He's forgetting that SIL very shortly needs to move her son from Iowa to Princeton for his Freshman year, get her daughter ready for her senior year of high school, run her new fencing school and deal with her divorce. DH has a new job to get ready for and his old room to clear out, a summer job to finish that is beyond crazy at this point..... But we'll do what we have to do.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Okay, DH has called. He has arrived at his mother's house. She has eaten half a bowl of Cream of Wheat and is taking a shower. A friend will take her to the hospital at 11. DH will go to the local airport at noon to pick up his sister. They'll take it from there.
FIL has babesiosis, a tick borne illness. I'll let you look it up if you want to know more. It wouldn't normally be a big deal, but FIL is 91 and has a history of malaria. And probably let things go longer than he should have before seeking medical help. No way to know more until DH and his sister talk to the doctors.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
I am so sorry. I know sickness takes a hard toll on someone his age especially when they are worried about someone else and hiding their own symptoms. :fl that he gets better!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
rebecca100 said:
I am so sorry. I know sickness takes a hard toll on someone his age especially when they are worried about someone else and hiding their own symptoms. :fl that he gets better!
Thanks! I'll keep you posted. I've only done a little reading online about this disease. A young healthy person would fight it right off. An elderly person is going to have a tougher time. FIL's history of malaria is not going to help. :(
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