Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
Living these "last days" is always hard. We start back on the 4th and there is NOTHING to look forward to for a LONG while. Our next days off are in February. :tongue

I am with you on the Walmart thing. I just hate having to go there.
:hugs Ugh! That IS rough! I at least have the 6th and then the 17th for MLK JR. Then the count down is on till Feb. break The week of Presidents' Day roughly. That usually goes quickly.
It will be nice having the house to myself on Thursday. My mom has the day off too. We'll probably have an early lunch together then pick up DS.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Well, back to school didn't totally suck.... it was an okay day. One of my students we thought had dropped out came back. Can't believe that he missed the entire month of December. :th "It was just a couple of weeks...." Oy!
I am buying seeds Thursday, so excited about this seed company that we used to buy from when I was a kid being taken over my Baker Creek and reopened. I had to stop posting on the gardening thread because I was hijacking my own thread!!!
I have to make dinner before Cub Scouts so I'd better update later.


El Presidente de Pollo
Dec 7, 2009
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We had THE day today and it was pure heck. SOme teachers had to go to meetings the board assigned them on the first day! So we had subs and that was terrible, Im sure you know all about that.......


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
BarredBuff said:
We had THE day today and it was pure heck. SOme teachers had to go to meetings the board assigned them on the first day! So we had subs and that was terrible, Im sure you know all about that.......
I do. My mom is one of those subs that floats for meetings and I used to be too. It isn't any fun for anyone!
Tomorrow is back to the elementary school.
We had fun at Cub Scouts tonight. I had all 6 of my Scouts show up and we got quite a bit done.
I'm still exhausted but feeling more encouraged than I was about being back to it all.
I have to say I have the gardening bug BAD>


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
Tomorrow is THE DAY here. :tongue

I have a lot more I would rather be doing at home! ;)
I feel like I got nothing done last week! Not entirely true, but not far off. I can't figure out why I'm so exhausted! Well, eating garbage didn't help I'm sure. I stayed GF but ate waaaay too many carbd. Got lazy. I'm signing off in a minute and heading to bed.
I need to find someone to order chicks with. The lady at church who places an order every spring moved last year and may not be placing an order this year!! :barnie Last time I hooked up with a BYCer she made a mistake handing out chicks and I ended up with three GLW I didn't want. They're the only chickens I've never bothered to name. Three years old and I still don't think of them as mine! Anyhoo....
I'm very much looking forward to my Thursday off. I'm going out to Wethersfield to buy seeds at Comstock, Ferre &co./Baker Creek. I ordered a tomato collection from Kitchen Garden Seeds today though. We're having a knitting/seed exchange party on the 28th with some women from church and others. If we don't get more snow this weekend we may just mark off where the new garden will go. I want at least 6 if not 9 square yard raised beds. We got two Home Depot gift cards for Christmas. DH is agreeable to using them towards lumber and fencing. I don't usually rush spring this early but .... (wishing I could import a couple of smilies from TEG right about now!)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Okay, change of plans. I'm enjoying my day off at home. Alone (well, with the critters, but....) I ordered seeds online when I figured out the shipping was going to cost less than the gas to drive out there. I will go out sometime, probably during Feb. break (26 school days to go!)
I ordered waaaaaaaaaay more than I should have but by making this big an investment I'm going to have to make sure they do well!!!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Aaaaaaah, I may not be getting paid for today but I enjoyed it anyway. I got up about 45 minutes later than usual. Indy, the Golden, and I walked DS to the bus stop. The bus was late because they had a substitute driver. I stupidly underdressed for the temperature and was good and chilled by the time Indy and I got back to the house. I threw on my overalls and a heavier coat and went out to do chores. Got to spend more time with the goats and birds and not rush. I loved it! I came inside and had some breakfast and more coffee. Took a nice hot shower. After checking emails I sat and finished knitting DH's hat. He just got home and tried it on. It is the reverse colors of one I did for DS before Christmas. It fits! Now I'll do one for myself.
My tomato garden collection seeds came from John Scheepers Kitchen Garden today. I'm excited, but it's still too soon to start them. I need to clear off the table, gather seed starting supplies and build the mouse proofing box(es) before I do anyway.
DS had a half day so my mom and I picked him at 12:45 then drove to DH's school. He had borrowed my mom's minivan to pull a hovercraft to school. She needed her van back so we drove his car up and switched them.
We've got snow coming but probably nothing major. It's one of those storms that the weather people are having trouble getting a handle on. Even they admit the radar can't figure it out exactly so we'll see what we get. It won't hit right to cancel school tomorrow. At best we'll get an early release. They're thinking 2-5 inches but "it could be less, it could be more" :rolleyes: I guess we'll know when it's all over and done.
Saturday is the "Vicar's Tea" for our church. The storm should be done and cleaned up by the time we head over to the vicarage for that. We always stay past the end. It's become a tradition that the vicar and his wife (who are good friends) invite us to stay for left-overs for dinner. A nice relaxing time after a houseful of people milling about!
I probably should get dinner started and consider heading to church for tonight's Epiphany service. It would be sooooo nice to have a snow day tomorrow and turn this into a 4 day weekend. Oh well, Fridays aren't bad days for me.
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