Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hey Hen, you still there? Did you survive the storm? How the snow? I bet your sleeping in. I check back later!!!



Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 19, 2011
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Canterbury, CT
I'm willing to bet Hen went into school today. Our town's school went on as usual today (surprisingly!) and we're just a town over.

But this gawd aweful white stuff MUST...GO...AWAY.... :hit

I have a picture of my son in a position just like yours, Hen! As soon as I get the computer back I'll post my pics.

And...didja hear we're supposed to get a "dusting" tonight and tomorrow night and then ANOTHER STORM Tuesday!

*runs off sobbing into a corner*


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I heard, I heard! I'm still here. But I am at school. It took me 10 minutes to find parking at the HS because I come here later in the morning, having started at the other school. If someone hadn't left I'd still be driving around out there.
My poor animals have nowhere to walk! We haven't had a chance to shovel paths for them yet. DH is working on that since his town is off again today. I thought for sure we'd have a delay but no. The driving is treacherous because the roads are so narrow. At least the back roads. Going around corners is truly frightening! DS's bus driver said she was late because she kept having to pull way over because the back roads aren't even 2 car widths wide.
More snow, where the heck will they put it????

Oh and the pic of DH with shovel?? He just stood there with it. All that snow was moved by the neighbor's bucket loader thingy. :gig


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Ugh, what a stupit day. Yup, stupit!
Just getting from here to there is a nightmare. You can't see around corners. 50% of drivers haven't figured out they need to drive differently in this situation. Maybe more.
I tried to go to the food co-op after school. I just wanted something healthy for a quick snack and I knew there wasn't much at home. I pulled into the entrance of the parking lot only to find that someone had parked in what would have been a parking space a week ago. I couldn't get through. This lot has a row of parking on the far right, a lane to drive through, two nose to nose rows of parking in the center then another lane to exit the lot and finally a row of parking against the building. Right now there is only room for one row of parking in the center but this person didn't realize it I guess. Another car followed me in and there was a UPS truck trying to get in behind him. So now the whole street going by is blocked in both directions. And they're yelling at ME. So I put down my window and told them I wasn't going anywhere. Noone could or would back up. So there we sat until the woman who parked her minivan so stupidly came out. She looked at me, she looked at the mess behind me and said, "Couldn't you get past me?" So I backed up as far as I could, she could just barely pull out. I drove around and found a very narrow spot on the other side. By the time I got out of the co-op with my apricot almond Kind Bar and my carbonated maple sap (mmmmmmmmm!) about 8 other people had left and there was parking galore.
Knitting night at the vicarage tonight. Should be nice and relaxing.
Pinewood Derby for adults tomorrow night then the kids on Sunday afternoon. Busy weekend!


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
We had our knitting night and our hostess is on strict orders not to knit for two weeks due to some carpal tunnel issues. That meant lots of time for help. There were only 4 of us all together. I got my heel turned and picked up my gusset stitches. It's starting to make sense. Unfortunately I don't think the sock is actually going to fit a human foot. :lol: but we will see.
Once I get this there'll be no stopping me. I will never wear store bought socks again!!! Bwahahahaha. I joke to my friend that I'd be knitting my own underwear next and she took out a pattern for an undershirt she'll be starting once she can knit again.
She was drum carding wool from a fleece she bought recently. She's going to make a sweater for herself in graduated shades of gray/blue. So she has separated different parts of the fleece and blended them to get the colors she wants. She has 8 different shades!! It's going to be stunning.
Back to work on my car. And I need to make a dish for the pot luck. I'm thinking chicken curry because having cook in my Dutch oven will make the house smell yummy.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Ugg on the parking.

Once I went to the DMV, I couldn't get into the lot. the lady trying to pull out onto the road could not see past me. She took her chances and go hit. Right there in from of me. I think in that case patience would have been good.

I used my Nifty Knitter to do some socks once. They turned out more like slippers because of the bulky yarn. The heel was tricky. I wish I could needle knit those delicate tiny sock yarns. Some I have seen at the store are just beautiful.

When you get the perfect let me know, I'll place an order.!!!

So what are the big weekend plans. Dh raking the roof today? ;)



Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
All the roofs is raked!!! Barn, garage and shed. He's tired but happy. He finally just went up with a shovel and heaved it off. DS is headed out with his toboggan to see what he can do with it. It's about 8 feet high behind the garage. Where part of my garden will be!
Today means some cooking and probably heading back to that same darn parking lot. I have to finish painting my car and put the wheels on it. I hope to work on the sock some but we'll see.
Tomorrow after church we have the kids' Pinewood Derby which is of course much bigger and chaotic. Last year DS took 1st out of all the kids. He's keeping a level head today and seems to realize there's a good chance he won't repeat. I hope he doesn't. With a dad who's a tech ed teacher everyone will assume DH built the car for him and that is not the case. He helps with the big scary tools but DS did all the parts he safely could.
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