Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
freemotion said:
So nice to see promising results so quickly. Sounds like you are on the right track. I just hope it is only the grains and not the dairy, which is so good for growing kids. Although it is tough to live without grains in today's world, until you get used to it. For a kid, though, it is tougher because they go to friend's houses and the friend's just don't get it.

I've had adults think I was just being fussy and give me stuff that made me sick. :rolleyes:
I know it won't be easy! I'm hopeful about the dairy too. So much of the GF stuff has dairy in it. Which will mean I have to do more from scratch which I should be anyway.....
At this point his best friend has more allergy issues than he ever will. Can't even come to our house because of the animals and his severe asthma. But DS can visit there and bring his own food and I'm confident those parents will get it. I sure sound really confident considering we haven't eaten outside of our own house yet... :rolleyes:
We'll be okay with family. My parents will be great and MIL is used to her families various dietary concerns: SIL is a vegetarian and can't eat chocolate, MIL herself chooses not to eat poultry, BIL wouldn't eat fish, which is no longer a problem :rolleyes: and niece is now a vegan. MIL will do her best to accomodate and won't be insulted if DS can't eat what she serves to the rest.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Back to school tomorrow. Lunches are packed, clothes set out and materials gathered. I wrote a note to the school about DS's diet changes and cc'd the principal, nurse and cafeteria staff. His teacher already knows. He's got a new lunch box coming this week. The dog got ahold of the old one and damaged the zipper. Getting a new lunch box might ease his annoyance with having to bring lunch from home a little.
He helped me make spring rolls for dinner and pronounced them delicious. Rice noodles, shredded cabbage and carrot, chopped green and red pepper, chopped peanuts, GF soy sauce, ground flax. Mmmm.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
It is so difficult to get other people in your child's life on board with special diets.
DD was hypoglycemic. Something we discovered when on her 1st birthday when she got cake. I was never one to give her much stuff with sugar in it, but on her BD she got a second helping of carrot cake and had a major crying fit!!!
I had such a hard time convincing people not to give her sugary things!!!! :barnie For Easter a nurse friend gave her a marshmellow rabbit, even though I had asked this friend on numerous occasions not to give my child any candy. DD ate a small portion of the candy and went wild. She and her little friend ran around in circled for about 20 minutes. The kids were 15 months and 18 months at the time. Then DD crashed and started crying. She cried for 2 hours straight!!! We were at the friend's house and had a 1 hour drive home. I had no intentioin of driving home with a crying baby, so we stayed at the friend's until the crying jag passed and DD fell asleep. Ummm, this friend did not give my DD any more candy after that :lol: Nothing like listening to a baby cry for 2 hours to realize that maybe the parents knew what they were talking about :gig


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Oh, tough way for your friend to learn a lesson! I'm sure she'll never forget it though!
I go back to see the doctor two weeks from today to discuss test results. She tested for a bunch of stuff, some routine, some gluten related and then I kind of lost track. They drew 8 vials of blood. :/
She did request that a copy of the results be sent directly to me (without me asking, I found that impressive, and not typical of traditional doctors I've seen) and I haven't received them yet.
My mom was subbing at DS's school today and heard through the grapevine that he was showing off his cool bento box lunch in the cafeteria and trying to explain about not eating gluten and dairy. He came home with an empty box except for some carrot sticks which he ate while he did his homework.
We went to the Cub Scout banquet this evening. I made a chicken tetrazzini kind of dish from Living Without magazine (now carried by our library-how cool is that). It was pretty good. I labeled it which meant hardly anyone touched it. I also made GF/DF cupcakes from a mix and store bought frosting. It was Cherrystone Kitchen. The cake was good but the frosting was gloopy corn syrupy disgusting. Won't be buying that again. I can come up with homemade when I have more time. I labeled those too and there were none of those left over! DS ate one and a half. His appetite has definitely improved. He ate the pasta, some green peppers and carrots, a slice of cucumber (he just doesn't like them) and didn't complain about the stuff he couldn't eat. If the boy could live on one food by choice it would be Cheetohs. :p He didn't even ask about the bowl full on the table, just passed it by. He asked about the meatballs but I explained they probably all contained breadcrumbs. There were a few green salads. All the dressings were dairy based. So we picked out some veggies he'd eat without dressing. Other than that there was a roasted chicken, many many pasta dishes and beans with hot dogs, and 5 different crockpots of meatballs. He was very polite when offered a slice of the sheet cake, "No thanks, I can't have that."
We meet in the Catholic school we're considering sending him to next year. The principal was invited. She couldn't stay but she did come and offer grace. I was able to introduce DS to her. He was a little intimidated by the habit and her very energetic personality. She talks a mile a minute but slowed down a bit when she shook his hand. I got to talking with one of the other moms whose kids go there and they love it. Just waiting for their open house next month so we can make a decision and move ahead.
I did get an email from his teacher that he was having a pretty good day, calm and focused more than usual. Now she's aware of the reasons for the diet change so how objective she is I'm not sure... but I'm hopeful! AND his ears are no longer perpetually bright red, one of the signs the naturopath picked up on. Hmmmmm


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Honestly, do I need to say more??
We were in the part of CT that didn't get the snow......


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
you are welcome to have OUR snow. for heavens sakes it just wont stop!!
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