Hen23's Journal~Goodbye

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Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
How are you feeling this morning?
If you are not feeling better you really ought to go to the doc! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Hope your on the mend!!! The pictures are great. Are all those twinkles stars or snow??? They look really neat.



Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Ugh, still coughing, on antibiotics for the sinus infection. Now I think I have pink eye! Called in to the doc. Waiting for a call back. I missed school Thursday, Monday and today. SOOOOO thankful I have sick days!! (Didn't use to and I'd be there toughing it out....) Holiday preparations are on hold. We got the tree Saturday, got lights, garland and a few decorations up Sunday. DH is coming down with what I have. DS is totally frustrated with both of us.
Got a call yesterday at 3pm from the assistant Wolf Den leader from Cub Scouts. Our leader has officially quit because his son is nowing bowling on Monday nights. Assistant couldn't be there last night, heard that I had run the Tiger group in our old pack last year, blah, blah, blah. So sick with no voice I threw together two activities so the boys would have something to do last night. Unfortunately I've probably infected them all. (All 3 who showed up anyway). Looks like I've been tagged to take over, the only female leader in the whole pack. I tried to convince DH to do it with my help but he wouldn't bite. I'd be excited about it if I didn't feel so exhausted.
I'm going to attempt to cut out fabric for the wool plaid stockings I'm making. I hope they turn out as cute as I hope. Red plaid with beige cordouroy cuffs. Definitely have a nap planned. Trying to remember my pledge to keep Christmas simple this year and not feel overwhelmed like I'm getting behind. Trying....


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
TanksHill said:
Hope your on the mend!!! The pictures are great. Are all those twinkles stars or snow??? They look really neat.

That's all snow! Just the way the flakes caught the flash of the camera. I thought they came pretty neat too. Thanks!


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
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Urban Idaho.
That's too bad about the leader quitting. Cub Scouts would be better in the long run than bowling.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I agree dac. I finished all my online training today while home sick. I'm hoping the boy who quit doesn't influence my son too much. They are in the same class at school. I'll just have to keep it fun! :cool:


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I went back to work today. Thursday is relatively light. Other than having to be in so early because it's high school I did okay. I was walking through the hallway with a hot cup of tea and started couging uncontrollably. Like bent over, hacking up a lung coughing. Three staff members walked by me like I had the plague. A student stopped and asked if I was okay. In a twisted sort of way it made my day. Gave me hope in the kids. Must be the time of year!
We watched A Christmas Carol with Patrick Stewart with DS this evening. He's 7. The HS drama department is doing the play and did a few short scenes at his school. He became fascinated by the story. He loved the movie. I haven't really had any desire to see the new Jim Carey version. I'm not a big fan of his. But if DS asks to see it over break we might go.
I am quite behind in Christmas preparations because of being sick most of this past week but I think partly because of being a part of this group and doing a lot of reading and pondering and praying and..... about simplification lately, I'm not sweating it at all. I could go out there and power shop and go nuts staying up late baking cookies but I'm just not going to do it. We will have a nice Christmas Eve meal. My mom is doing Christmas dinner. There will be presents under the tree whether I buy them tonight or next Tuesday. I could also overdo it and make myself sicker. It's just not worth it. We did get our tree Saturday. DH got lights and garland on it. We got half the decorations on it before I got sick. We might put up more this weekend. Or not. If weren't so darn cold I'd have scraped the mushy pumpkins off the front porch. But we had windchills in the single digits today and I frankly didn't have enough breath when I was inside and warm! No outside decorating has happened. We'll live. I may cut some greens and stick them in pots this weekend if it's nice enough. If it stays this cold maybe I'll make ice luminaria.
I think MIL is starting to have some regrets about "canceling" Christmas. She now wants us to come earlier on the 26th and stay for dinner. She hasn't yet suggested we stay over night after all but I can sense that it may come yet. Not doing it. We made plans based on her decision and I'm not changing them! We will spend the day with them like she asked.
Not much going on except some cr*p at DH's work that has us stressed a bit. Not like job ending stuff, just lies being told that need to be cleared up. Lousy time of year for him to have to deal with it. He's also got a big project going that requires extra work away from his teaching. AND he is building the car for the stage production of Grease that the music department is putting IN JANUARY! 4 more school days to work on it before break. He promises that he is NOT going in over break to work on it on his time. NOT NOT NOT.
DS came home in tears yesterday because a paraprofessional in his classroom yelled at him to get back to work. She startled him so badly that he cried in class. Which embarrassed him. His classmates are pretty tough and streetwise. They didn't let it go without some teasing. His teacher usually keeps this woman in check. I've talked with the teacher about her before. She is very tough, and I guess abrupt would be the way to describe it. She holler at them suddenly. She'll rush at them yelling, "What do you think you're doing????" on the playground. She scares them! So today after several complaints from DS that she was really mean while his teacher has been out sick for three days I emailed my concerns to the principal. I don't care if you think you're helping out the sub. If you reduce a child to tears something is wrong. The principal wrote back that she will look into it, that the teacher had already come to her concerned about some things that went on while she was out and that was one of them. I'm quite sure DS was in need of redirection, or a reminder and was probably on her last nerve. Lord knows he can get on mine! She has no right to do that to him. And I won't put up with it. She works one-on-one with a special needs student. DS's teacher had him sitting next to this boy because she found him to be very caring and helpful. Today she had to move his seat away from this boy because of the para. Rather disappointing. But the best choice in the situation. The boy uses an electronic communication device and DS is very interested in it. The Speech Pathologist has had him be part of a language group with the boy and had spent some time showing them how it works. DS had been able to help the boy use it in class a few times. It was a very warm, fuzzy kind of thing to think of my little boy helping his friend. But no, we've got to put space between them because of this woman. GRrr.
So another vent over. I may unload about DH's situation at some point. Not feeling up to it now and need to feel out a possible legal situation. Can you say libel? Defamation of character? We'll see where it goes.
Cub Scout Christmas party Monday night then I'm up as official Wolf Den leader. Better dust off that uniform shirt.
Hopefully I'll have something other than vents and complaints to write about soon.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
So sorry you are still feeling bad. That stuff just hangs on forever. It is especially bad to be sick around the Holidays, but you are making the best choices. Just take it easy.

We have never had blinking lights on our Christmas tree. This is because as a kid my hubby was very sick with the flu at Christmas and all he can remember is throwing up and having his head banging away on the couch in front of a blinking tree. :sick

A simple Christmas will be great. Might make your MIL appreciate you even more in your absence! ;)


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Farmfresh said:
So sorry you are still feeling bad. That stuff just hangs on forever. It is especially bad to be sick around the Holidays, but you are making the best choices. Just take it easy.

We have never had blinking lights on our Christmas tree. This is because as a kid my hubby was very sick with the flu at Christmas and all he can remember is throwing up and having his head banging away on the couch in front of a blinking tree. :sick

A simple Christmas will be great. Might make your MIL appreciate you even more in your absence! ;)
There ya go! I like the way you think :cool:


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
Forgot that I finally went to see the podiatrist yesterday. I have bilateral plantar fasciitis and strained tendons behind both ankles. From walking too much in flat shoes at work. I have exercises to do, over the counter insoles to buy, and permission to wear sneaker or CROCS to work! My feet have been hurting for over a month. I strained them that badly one day wearing a dumb pair of shoes! Oh and I'm supposed to alternate ice and heat 20 minutes at a time three times a day after I've been on my feet. Um, yeah, that's almost two hours of sitting down.... when do I do that? That should be interesting! :rolleyes::lol:
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