hqueen's collection of Far From the Usual stuff.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yes, Deb, it is. I How I get to meet you someday! We are pretty close to each other!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Thanks, @frustratedearthmother

Yesterday was sort of productive. Got the ponies taken care of and Headed down south to get the feed. Luckily my friend decided to pick it up from the old barn so I was able to drop it on my way home and didn't go out of my way and burn more gas. It was bad enough as it was.
Got home and ate lunch and talked to mom a few hours. While we talked I managed to get the dry clothes folded and another load washed and hung. I for some things organized towards dinner and put a loaf of bread in the maker.
Got off the phone with her and did evening feeding and for back and got organized to start dinner. Turns out the chicken want thawed so I had to speed up the process in the sink. I was mildly annoyed that there was a tiny hole in the bag so water was getting in as it thawed. The bf got home just before I got the chicken in the oven and got everything else ready to go. Dinner ended up good, though the rice burned because I didn't get it off the heat quite fast enough.
We relaxed after and got kitchen cleaned up and then crashed early, which we have been doing a lot lately.
The bf did get down to fill out the next batch of paperwork so that is good. We should hear something by Friday or Monday. He wasn't thrilled with the hour drive home since he left just about quitting time, but I don't think it Will be that bad in the long run. He got home at 6 which is. Time still. And earlier than the 8 or 9 that he gets home some nights now. I'll take that!
I guess I need to get myself moving for the day.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Got my stuff done this morning reasonably well. I got the marinara put together before I left, and ended up a little later than I wanted to be. That meant that when I fed the old boys they came running up which means they actually felt good enough to run which is a good sign. Then by the time I got to my friend's place, I got a nickered greeting, which always makes me feel good. I'm so glad they are home tonight! I get a break again!
Headed down to the ex's for a bit to borrow the internet and hang with my dogs. I got some work done there on the computer which was good. I set up a little website for the boarding and hay feeders so at least I have somewhere to send people to instead of having to type everything over and over again on my phone which is about as annoying as it gets. Stopped by the creamery on the way home for ground beef and milk and got myself a snickerdoodle coffee. Eating lunch now and then I need to be productive somehow.
I should get the laundry folded, and make the bed. There are a billion other things I really should and could do, the question is where do I start?
I contemplated organizing the laundry room a bit too see if I can fit the tools from the coat closet in there instead because it's a mess in the closet and I would rather store food and cooking supplies in there.
Im also contemplating trying to tackle the receipts and money tracking again. I think I'm going to start using an envelope system of keeping up with receipts. Lord knows all the bills come with free envelopes anyway. Lol
And in addition to that I really should take down the Christmas decorations. The house is so messy that I don't even feel like I have room to deal with that so I have just been ignoring it.
I guess I'll try to get something done.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Well, the things i completed weren't really in my list.
I remembered I had to call home depot with a question about the roofing stuff and I needed to call my net suppliers with a few more quantifying questions. For both of those things accomplished and spoke to people both Times, which was a good thing!
I was running a little behind and was about to feed the old horses here when my friends texted and said their plane landed so I didn't need to feed the horses, which freed up my time a bit more.
I got the old guys taken care of and was putzinf around waiting for the gal to stop by to see the barn and my phone rang. It was my former boss finally calling about offering me the part time job to do the database work I was doing. So I go to meet him tomorrow at noon to chat and full out the fresh paperwork for the "new" company. Right now he's only offering me 8 hours per week, so we'll see what happens. I don't know if I'll break that up into two days or try to figure out how to manage in one day with traffic. One day Would mean less gas but two days would mean it would be easier to avoid traffic on the tiny back roads that I have to use. But it is something steady that I can list as employment and will be taxable which will help my credit a lot. Much easier to apply for loans when you don't say Self employed!
The gal showed up right at the end if my phone call, but thankfully I we were done by that time. She was nice and seemed to like the place but told me at the end of the conversation that she wouldn't move her horse till spring because she just moved her at the beginning of this month. That doesn't help me now... ugh. I'm not sure that she'll follow through with it because her only complaint about her current place is that he doesnt harrow the arena enough. I don't know, it is a big concern for her because her last horse developed arthritis at a fairly young age so we'll see what happens.
Now I'm just waiting for the bf to get home so we can find out how this marinara turned out.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like things may be falling into place for you! That's great.

And now I want snickerdoodles and it's all your fault. :rant:plbb


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Heh so sorry!
Well, things are shifting. I don't know about into place or not but things are shifting. The extra money from 8 hours per week will help, but it won't be near enough if I can't get the barn filled.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
I really need to get moving....
Today I need to
get horses fed
Get changed and go to the "interview"
Check to See if I need to run laundry
Vacuum up all the dirt tracked around this house
Pick up clutter
File papers
Clean up the office in order that I can file papers
Organize new filing system for receipts

Somehow I think I just made a long term list not a today list.

Last night the bf replaced the keyboard in my laptop! I can't wait to use it now! The keys had gotten so sticky from when I spilled tea with honey on it. I'm just grateful that I could replace the keyboard and fix the problem. My other plan is to officially type up the supply lists for the feeders. I have this uber geeky idea for organizing all of it which will be fun for me to design but way more organized than it probably needs to be. Sometimes I just can't help myself!
Ok seriously going to get started now...


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Meeting went really well. As the new owner I think he's taken the company in a good direction. He got Rid of all the bad apples and so he said the team is really pulling together. But he has no numbers person. So there isn't much clarity of where things are going or what the goals are or if they are being met. So I'll be getting back into my groove of crunching numbers again.
I really felt good about some of the things he had to say. We talked fairly openly about just how bad things were through the beginning of last year and what he has done to start a shift in the company. He is totally ok with me being flexible and doesn't really care how I structure my hours as long as the work is getting done. I'll still be upstairs in the admin suite, where my old desk still sits largely untouched from when I left. I Will likely move into the old bosses office because it has a door so I can have more privacy and be able to work in peace. He was very clear that he did not want the office manager or the billing manager to give me anything to do, that I was to be working independently and wouldn't have to answer to anyone else. I greatly appreciated the emphasis that he put in that because I got jerked around a lot I'm the last with "oh, hq will Do it" and that was not Ok. I feel good about how things are setting up right now so we'll see how it settles in.
Whew that is a big relief.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's great! When will you s tart?


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Next Thursday. I realized that my birthday is 2 Thursday's after, and that is the day my ex is having surgery on an ulcer that he has, so I think I'll just swap days that we'll. That will be the test of the flexibility of my schedule, so we'll see How that goes over.
The bf got home early yesterday so we were able to get a run to bjs done. We were at crisis level on the butter. We stopped in red wing shoes in the way home, and then ate dinner at panera. We talked with the lady at red wing for a while, Well mostly I talked. With two very different sized feet life stinks buying shoes. Red wing has some shoes that they can order in 2 separate sizes. Unfortunately the ones I liked are originally $215.00 a pair originally. Ouch! They were also full steel toes while makes them heavier and colder in winter. I May try to call ariat and see if they could Do anything for me.
Not much to Do today other than continuing to clean. I really need to get a handle on things so I won't have as much to Do when I'm not in the house all the time. Things are only going to get busier from here.

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