I am curious: Who here doesn't use Wal-mart? Why??


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 1, 2009
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Dover PA
sylvie said:
Didn't Sears buy it? Ours closed recently; after Walmart opened. They were seriously limping along for several years, tho.
Yes. Sears and KMart are now affliated.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
hikerchick said:
Beekissed said:
Upwardly mobile folks are those who make enough money to have choices in where they shop, who make $35 an hour and think it's chick feed, who live where their yearly taxes are half what I make a year.....at least from a lower income viewpoint, that is who we refer to as upwardly mobile. :p
I say the same to you; if you are not happy with your choices why do you stay in the area you live in? You can be "upwardly mobile" too if you think that makes life so easy. I came from the inner city and worked almost full time while going to school full time and raising a 4 year old as a single mom to get my degree. I wanted a better life for my child.

I am sorry if my salary is such a problem for you. If you want, I can give you some tips on how to get there.
Good grief... was that comment aimed at you? I didn't read it that way. Hmm.

I understand what you mean Bee. My husband's cousin had children approximately the same age as ours were. I don't know how much they made (combined income) per hour, but I am SURE they considered themselves "upwardly mobile". Had to have the biggest best house they could barely afford and ALWAYS bought new designer label clothes for all of their kids ... AND had the audacity to look down on us who dressed our kids in thrift store togs. Dressing in that way, and sometimes tossing a few discarded scraps my kids way, kept us in our "proper place".

My hubby has a corporate job where he deals with executives a lot. He always talks to me about the "upwardly mobile" ones, (aka ... the crawlers, the climbers). This class of people seems to find it important to put others down in order to get on top. (and that is NOT directed at you hikerchick :) even if you are upwardly mobile! ). Those who have "made it" seem to be more kind and gracious (at least on the outside).

Interestingly ... that cousin referred to above ... has bought homes, sold homes, downsized & bankrupted, while we still live in our same cozy little hovel... AND still feel superior to us peons! :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 1, 2009
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Dover PA
Farmfresh said:
Good grief... was that comment aimed at you? I didn't read it that way. Hmm.
I did,since I was the only one stupid enough to admit that I make that much. I am sure other people make much more but they are wise enough to keep that information to themselves.

Just because someone makes money and likes nice things does not mean they look down on others. Some people just like nice things.It doesn't make you a bad person. And when you realize that you can no longer afford nice things, even at such a lofty salary, you give them up. I don't think it is very charitable for other people to gloat about that, but if it makes you feel better about your own situation, go for it. So for now, I am downwardly mobile at $35 an hour. If that makes y'all feel superior to me, I am glad for you.

For the record, I came from poverty. I never looked down on anyone because I knew I was fortunate to have what I have. I worked extremely hard for it. Not everyone who gets a college degree and a decent job turns into a snob. There is a reverse snobbery going on here. You seem to look down on anyone who has more.

Can't we all just be content with our own choices and stop judging others?


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 1, 2009
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Dover PA
Farmfresh said:
(and that is NOT directed at you hikerchick :) even if you are upwardly mobile! ).
Thanks! And, I am not. Never aspired to be upwardly mobile. Just wanted a nice life for me and my child; now in the process of redefining that. I never cared what other people had or didn't have.

BTW- I do shop at WalMart when I don't see any good alternatives. (Back to the OP)


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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well the definition of upwardly mobile isn't too on point anyway in my eyes. It is not a negative thing at ALL.

there is not a thing wrong with being upwardly mobile. It shows ambition. Something some people do not have....and maybe would like.

the beating down of ANY decent income or money of any kind is beaten down on this forum ALOT. I am just used to reading it on here.

anyway---our secondhand stores have walmart clothes...LOL

and mostly the stuff our stores have is not that good of quality anymore. I can get brand new at walmart on clearance or thru sales, at a cheaper price than our goodwill sometimes. I think more people are now keeping their clothes and wearing them instead of making them super disposable and shopping new.

which is a good thing


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
hikerchick said:
Can't we all just be content with our own choices and stop judging others?
Perhaps you are right. I am being judgmental.

We all have the right to our own opinions and aspirations. (Personally I didn't realize that was the $ figure others placed on your work before you just told me) All I was saying is that there ARE people out there that feel they are "upwardly mobile"... soon to be rich (for all of the wrong reasons) and that everybody else should GET OUT OF THEIR WAY! I also acknowledged "Those who have "made it" seem to be more kind and gracious (at least on the outside)."

I should probably also include several people that I have known through the years that are REALLY rich (in both money and spirit). These people are kind compassionate and responsible with their money. One is a business man, three are doctors (various kinds) and one had (she has passed now) inherited wealth. All were very human folks and never held wealth and status over others ... matter of a fact with two of them you would be hard pressed to know of their wealth.

But back to the original topic. Several of the more "elite" neighborhoods hold community garage sales every year around here. Garage sales in the neighborhood of the "climbers" are awful! They are selling the same trash as everyone else, but they expect retail prices for it. Give me a good old middle class garage sale, a thrift store, online shopping (I love it!), TSC, or anywhere just pleasee don't make me go to our Walmart super center! :barnie

On a side note:

My sister and I went to a small town Walmart near us this summer on our way back from the state fair and I (once again) enjoyed the experience! I just can't walk for miles and play bumper cars in the big one's parking lot.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
Shopping local allows the folks around you to live more SS and your money can be put to better use in the local market place, instead of opening a new store in another state.

Shopping/purchasing local is very important to me, I believe that keeping the money here is what keeps us working.

Honestly, you/me, we might be in different boats, and thats ok. I just encourage folks to shop locally even if its just a few hundred dollars a year.

Wal-Mart sucks... :tongue


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
modern_pioneer said:
I just encourage folks to shop locally even if its just a few hundred dollars a year.

That is why I shop Farmer's Markets, and the smaller more specialty stores when I shop off line. Even a locally owned grocery store or smaller chain is what I prefer. I even get on line sometimes just to find out how a company is held. For the bigger places I prefer the ones (like TSC) that cater more to me and my wants. When I find out little insider tips - like the fact a pharmacist told me that Walgreen's operates on a cash only basis and never borrows money to expand their business - it influences my buying choices.

Of course I do live in a big city and I have lots of stores to choose from. If I lived in a smaller community I am sure that would effect my shopping considerably.