A Major Squash & Pumpkin Lover
Well, dang it. I must be losing it. I always thought PM stood for Personal message or Private message. I had no idea it actually meant PUBLIC message!'s not just the needy buying from thrift shops...but to buy there and resell is wrong! I will admit, I am not one of the needy...BUT...what I save by shopping there for myself often gives me leftover money to give a needy person something that they need. And I don't mind wearing second hand clothing if it means helping a family who can't put food on the table fill thier refridgerator instead of buying something new to wear:>)sylvie said:We have Goodwill and Salvation Army. I see people loading carts with the 50% off tags. I recognized one lady who I know(she has quite a trust fund) and she told me she sells them on EBay!!! Not just the needy buying from thrift shops, I'll tell ya!
Don't worry about it. I make about that much when my two incomes are combined but one income is a monthly retirement pay so I get paid whether I work or not. The other income is seasonal and right now I am going in to the lean season where the second income is slim to none.hikerchick said:. . . I was the only one stupid enough to admit that I make that much. I am sure other people make much more but they are wise enough to keep that information to themselves. . . .
Why exactly is it wrong to buy at a thrift store and re-sell?MorelCabin's not just the needy buying from thrift shops...but to buy there and resell is wrong!
I agree. So why is my income such an issue here?modern_pioneer said:Money, or lack there of doesn't define us as folks, it defines aspects of our lives. Who we decide to be and treat people defines us as humans.
I agree 100%. Free enterprise, baby.hwillm1977 said:Why exactly is it wrong to buy at a thrift store and re-sell?MorelCabin's not just the needy buying from thrift shops...but to buy there and resell is wrong!
Our thrift store is run by the Salvation Army, and all the money raised there goes toward running their shelter and soup kitchen, the people working there are volunteers. There are several churches who have free clothing days, and I agree that getting clothes there and re-selling them would be horrible...
I am one of the people who buys name brand clothes there and re-sells them on Ebay... I don't see anything wrong with that. Technically I'm supporting them and myself at the same time. Of course I do also buy my own clothes there too.I've bought character bed sheets (like Popples or Strawberry Shortcake from the 80's) for 75 cents at the thrift store that have sold for more than $50 on ebay.
Me too. I think it is low class to bicker in public so I try to take it private but it doesn't seem to said:Well, dang it. I must be losing it. I always thought PM stood for Personal message or Private message. I had no idea it actually meant PUBLIC message!