Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I took the time to rest over the weekend, and sat mostly with my lap top playing Bookworm that I purchased from bigfish. Its a spelling game, you all know I need the help. Anyway you get points for words you make, each letter is in a block, when you spell a word the letters go and new ones fall down. When flame blocks appear, you have to use that letter before it gets to the bottom or the games over. So I guess I am a nerd. :lol:

I did fix Dales snow plow Saturday it needed beat on and welded. But I came back in and put my jimjams right back on. :lol:

So I got up this morning, feeling a little better, about 30% better than I felt yesterday. As I open the shop, I noticed the shed looked odd. The sides were wavy and it look fatter. Its a 6x10 plastic one that was here when I purchased the property. Anyway so I took a propane heater and placed it in the shed to help melt the snow on top. So I loaded a pallet on the forklift and raised it up to reach the snow on top. I got the snow off the roof only to fall onto the sides of the shed. The shed is now buried almost to the roof with snow. The snow on the shop had melted off the roof and turned into icicles, which turn into ground touching ice poles. Had the guys knock those down, and I am worried about the amount of ice on the gutters. But not much I can do at this point.

More snow is coming, and I just can't move it further in the ditches/field without getting my tractor stuck. :/

I have not seen this much snow since I was 7 or 8 I don't remember which year it was, 1977/78? But dang the snow fell that year.

What I fear is the big melt when it warms up, I fear the river will come once again in the front yard if it melts to quick.

Here are some pics of the flood of 2007, as you can see its a swift moving creek. This is when we had a heavy rain, it down poured for 40 minutes.



That flood cut a 2 foot wide, 18 inch ditch through my yard and washed out my driveway not to mention the road going up to the shop. I had a drain put in through my yard, and a 24 inch culvert put in the road going up to the shop.


After the storm drains were put in, new soil brought in, and labor/materials the end bill was just over 2,000.00 and I hope the drain will handle the water if it should flood. :fl


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh MP, those pictures make me shudder!! Just thinking of the thaw....we sit on flat land here, and I think are pretty much the lowest area...so we flood terrible!! I am SOooooooooo dreading thaw...even tho I dont want snow...or rain...just sunshine and a light breeze!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
There are a few stories we like to share with others, like my grandpa in the bush bear story. Now I want to share another about boot camp.

I was stationed at Ft Benning GA and in boot camp. As I remember it was the first week of august, and I had always been one to try to get away with bending the rules. We were only allowed 1 cup of milk, 1 cup of juice and all the water we could drink. My unit Drill Sargent made us wait to eat until all of us were at the table. So happen I tried to get away with 2 glasses of juice.

I didn't notice one Dr S was walking behind me while I was eating and saw that I had gotten 2 cups of juice. He told me to stand up, I was trying to eat my food as we only had 5 minutes to eat once everyone got to the table. He proceeded to get right in my face and his spit was on me.... He said the following...

Private fanman... what the he!! is that, are you stealing from your buddies? now one of your buddies will not get his juice because you stole it... I hate privates who steal.... Come down to the cq at 1800hrs in full winter time PT uniform/sleeping mat. I am going to get my juice......

The only thing we were allowed to say, without getting smoked is YES DRILL SARGENT!!!! As you read that, I remember at the time " I am in deep doo doo.." Smoked is defined as doing many push ups/sit ups until you hit muscle failure... When I return back to my bunk, my fellow GIs were joking with me and how I was screwed... So At 1800 hrs, I show up for what would be the worse smoking I would ever get...

Drill Sargent was at his desk on the phone. I stood where I was told at attention till given further orders. So he would end that conversation and order me into his office. Once I moved the chairs from the front of his desk as ordered, he told me to place my mat on the floor.... As I stood back up, he opened a drawer..... So what do you think he had???

He had gotten a glass from the mess hall and he placed it hardly on his desk. He ordered me into the front leaning position (push-ups) and began to smoke me. I still didn't get the glass or why he had it during the first 25-35 push ups I did. As the sweat began to run off my face, he took that glass, pushed it onto the side of my face and said... " I TOLD YOU PRIVATE FANMAN I'S GONNA GET MY JUICE!!!.... and so he would... That glass was 1/8-1/4 way full of sweat 3 hours later... I wonder how many times he would tell that story later in his life.. :lol: I know I will never forget it..

I can tell you I never ever got 2 glasses of juice again. I also learned to follow orders and do what I was told to do. But later in my days in the Army, I would throw a piece of small paper on the ground in front of an officer and had to low crawl a few hundred yards picking other peoples ciggie butts up around the barracks. I tried to explain to the officer that I didn't smoke, he said it didn't matter, littering was littering... :he :barnie


Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Urban Idaho.
Memories of Army life.

I hated picking up butts on police call. :somad I didn't smoke either. :sick


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
We were lined up to get 6 more inches last night, that didn't happen!!! :weee However we did get 4 inches.... I plowed about 10 last night and headed back up this morning on the plow. Only a half inch fell today, and they are expecting another 4-6 again tonite.... :he But it is what it is, a season that should only come and go when I agree it should. While we're at it, I wanna take time off winter, add it to spring and some to summer, the beginning part of summer too, and the added time to the back side of spring. So I guess what I am saying, we need to create a new season call SPRIMER. SPRIMER is the time taken from winter and placed between spring and summer. :woot

Three cheers for SPRIMER!!! :ya :ya :ya

I posted one of these on Debbies Journal yesterday, and added a new ones.



I am feeling a little better today and I was able to eat a full meal today. Although some stuff sat well, others didn't when I was feeling ill.

I counted 7 deer last night that showed up to the feed I put out. I don't do it very much once a year or twice, never the same spot thou. The picture was taken through a window as not to spook the fellas. As you can see they look pretty healthy. The bucks have since lost their horns, and I was pleased to sex the largest deer of the group to be the buck I was I saw last week. Can I get that to go please!!

The other two not in the photo were up the hill a little, just out of the cameras view.

I am looking forward to making my cold smoking video soon, I am saving a leg of deer, I will have some salted cod, some trout, jerky and bologna to smoke all at once. I might do some pork chops as well, but I will need to be careful of my temps. I might smoke a loin as well, I will decide a couple days before.

I also have some canning to do before long, being ill the last week and a half has put me off as I was going to have all my canning done by now. But I will get it done.

dacj I here its a very different Army as perhaps when I or you were in, perhaps your older than I and it was even tougher in your days.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
The only thing I have to say...about those beautifull creatures...Bambi types....is

YUMMO!!!! :drool



Our Frustrated Curmudgeon
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Urban Idaho.
modern_pioneer said:
dacj I here its a very different Army as perhaps when I or you were in, perhaps your older than I and it was even tougher in your days.
I was in between 72 and 99 with a break in the early 80s. It changed a lot while I was in and looks even more different now.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Great pics Jay, glad to hear your felling better. Whatever that bug was it sure did a whopper on you.

I look forward to seeing your video.



Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
My dad was in WWII, a fiesty little man out of the hills of Tennessee. Didn't take kindly to authority. He was a cook and got chewed out by a "Snot-nosed" liutenant (why can't I spell when I get on here?) because he didn't jump to attention and salute him (he was carrying several trays of fresh eggs). So next time he saw him, he dropped his eggs, came to attention and saluted.... Back to the brig!

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