Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 4, 2010
Reaction score
nudge.. nudge...
scuse me mista.. :hide

alright.. seriously speaking, you are from UK, right?
Where do you get your hatching eggs/1day chicks? I am looking for a place with a rather bigger choice. If you have this kind of hatchery/farm offering hatching eggs please PM me.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
rty007 said:
nudge.. nudge...
scuse me mista.. :hide

alright.. seriously speaking, you are from UK, right?
Where do you get your hatching eggs/1day chicks? I am looking for a place with a rather bigger choice. If you have this kind of hatchery/farm offering hatching eggs please PM me.
I am not in the UK I live in PA USA just north of Pittsburgh, my wife is from Cheshire England.

Floods are bad, knee deep in the hole trying to get the twigs out and unblock the hole, surface water is cutting creek beds in the soil. I had to move the coop, in the mud today.



Cold frame is coming along!!! Used materials...




Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Wow, I didn't realize you guys were flooding. That coldframe looks good.

Glad to hear your creative juices are flowing again. Mine have been stalled out for a while now. I too am an artist. I don't feel whole, when I am not feeling creative. Good luck with the museum. I really like that lamp.


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
modern_pioneer said:
Thank you free!!!! If I put forth the effort and loose some weight, you might have to pull out a desk for me in your class. I suggest getting a good solid yard stick prior to me moiseying on in. I am not unruly per say, but I did get voted class clown my senior year, but I always take really good notes.

Today I am ordering, say it with me......

Make that sweet potatoes if you are serious about the weight loss....And forget the yard stick. I used to train horses. I have quite a collection of whips and can pop the blossom off a dandelion at several yards away with a lunge whip....I'll make sure Dace is well-schooled in this before she starts her first class, too. :lol:

Gorgeous lamp, btw!!!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Thanks free.... Not to worry to much, I am listening and eating much better because of you. No I ain't taking a class yet, but thanks for opening my eyes to nutrition and what my body needs. :hugs

I am pretty miffed about how people feel and distance themselves away from their feelings and their familys feelings. Pioneergirl most recent post, and those that support her. I do support her in leaving the kids with her xDH, so now he is burdened and she can be care free?

So is life, and she looks not to be burdened and decided to leave her children behind. She decided after ten years to walk away without any sort of fight, leave her children, and yuns support her?

This is my journal, and I can rant on about stupid people if I want. I was left standing in my home because my x decided she was needing another life. I picked up the pieces and drove on. I can't figure how any woman would walk away from their children, heck with the SO/HUSBAND/WIFE walk away. But children? Sorry folks there are two sides to every story and I would like to know the other side of this one.

I would never consider what you have done, unless I had issues and it was in the best interest of my family.


Improvising a more SS life
Aug 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hot Springs, Arkansas
I will be supportive to her, because at a rough time like this- she really needs friends. She seems like she has a good heart and wants whats best for them even if it is hard for her.

She said she was temporarily staying at a friends, but doesn't know where she will end up living. He is going to be living at a farm. That's a pretty good place to raise children.

I felt like she was probably putting the kids needs for a good home and some stability first, and just trying to deal with her emotions privately. I doubt it was an easy decision.

I like you MP, and admire alot of the stuff you have done- but please try not to judge, since we can't know the whole situation without being there in it.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
Reaction score
Honestly - it is NONE of our business. If she does not want to share that with us, then she does not have to.

Since I know nothing about her situation, but I do know that she is a nice person otherwise - I will support her.

How many fathers leave their children? Is that not the same thing? Someone cannot be excused simply because of their anatomy, while another is chastised for it.

And, not all children have a good relationship with their mothers.

Again, none of our business, best to leave well enough alone.


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Blackbird said:
Honestly - it is NONE of our business. If she does not want to share that with us, then she does not have to.

Since I know nothing about her situation, but I do know that she is a nice person otherwise - I will support her.

How many fathers leave their children? Is that not the same thing? Someone cannot be excused simply because of their anatomy, while another is chastised for it.

And, not all children have a good relationship with their mothers.

Again, none of our business, best to leave well enough alone.
Thank you, BB. I have relatives in a custody battle right now- I would MUCH rather the father end up with the children. He is simple more caring and stable for them. But SHE is going off on this thing that since she is a woman, it is better for HIM to leave... just because she's a woman! It is selfish, honestly. And if a couple breaks up, one person will leave, whether it is the father or the mother.

No matter what, it is not ideal. But I do know that life often can't be. We can't know the situation. If it is ending, then it is. We can wish to high heaven that marriages don't end, but like my brother says (a bit vulgar) "wish in one hand and sh*t in the other, and see which one fills up first".

MP, you certainly do have the right to rant in your journal. And I do appreciate that you're bringing a distinct perspective to the situation, considering your background with your ex. I tend to be the "support unconditionally type" but that has always been my role. Like right now, my 19 (barely) yo niece is getting married. Her parents and my parents are all kicking up fusses, and she's not talking to any of them. But I'm being supportive no matter what, because she needs family there. And if it falls apart, I'll be there for that too. It just seems like a lot of people find being judgmental easy to do. I try and do the opposite to keep some balance in this crazy dang world. But I did wanna make clear- no judgment on your words, MP, only thoughts! :)

edited to clarify


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I called the police after being attacked by Steves landlord, and they took my camera.... WTF......

I made a deal with Steve for some wood and other materials he left behind and couldn't haul away.

Steve was evicted last month due to rent in rears as I understand it, and still has 2 days to clear. I am not aware of dealing of matters such as these and I didn't pretend to either.

As two of my guys were loading 4 cords of oak firewood that I paid for, one of them called me and said they had been approached and were being yelled at, I could hear something. So I got off the phone and went down to deal with the problem.

As you would guess, camera in hand, took pics of plates and him shouting and throwing things at my guys who were standing behind trees in the yard. I dialed 911, two minutes later the troopers arrive.

Meanwhile, I got off the phone and the guy hurled a plastic toy at me, and it hit my truck. I moved to the rear of my truck, SWWOOSSSHHHH... Over top went a shelf from a fridge. The 60 something man was mad/crazy so I started to yell/talk to my guys.

Here come the troopers, I was back on line with 911 and advised them what was going on.

As soon as the pulled up the tears start, long story short, I was able to recover the stuff I paid for, but I didn't have permission to take photos of the property. HUH?????? So the keystone cops took my camera and they speak with Steve to make sure I had permission to photo his property. So they called while I was eating, I can come and pick up property when I go into town...
