Jason closes his journal... Thanks!! I love you!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well now you've gone and done it!!! Everybody at Chad's work wants me to make them jerky..... :th They love the hillbilly seasoning. They want to pay me $30 to do 2 hind quarters in jerky for them. Killing me! :gig


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
lorihadams said:
Well now you've gone and done it!!! Everybody at Chad's work wants me to make them jerky..... :th They love the hillbilly seasoning. They want to pay me $30 to do 2 hind quarters in jerky for them. Killing me! :gig
I would have sweetened the deal and agreed to 40 dollars if I was you... Oh and they would have to process the raw meat themselves into bit sizes they wanted. My personal jerk is a blend of spices that started from a dry rub recipe I found some years ago. I have fooled with it over the years till I finally got a mild flavor and a hot flavor.

Now, the smoked seasoning I sent attached to the sausage case, well add that and garlic powder (3 tablespoons) before making your sausage. Now this will be the sausage you will want to make and invite a few friends and family members over to share it with them, it is banging good... It will impress folks when you tell them yuns made it yourself. I would do a 5 pounds of pork, 3 pounds of deer, 2 pounds of pork fat... Listen, trust me I have done all kinds of different meats and weights, this is the one that is just the best.....

On the deer front, not that I am a trophy hunter, we had 5 bucks harvested in the hollow yesterday. Which means my chance of getting a buck early isn't going to happen. Hearing that Braidon harvest a tenner yesterday, I took my photos over to match up the points... :hit he killed the tenner I caught on camera.... :tongue

I might head off to some state game land.... Doe season will be open this weekend, so I will be harvesting two before xmas. I will use my buck tag during muzzy season if I have too.....

The winter has been slow to set this year, my fears of having a long winter hasn't left yet. A few weeks mid winter this year we dropped into the -20's at night. I think it was just over two weeks, and in that two weeks I used more than twice the amount of wood than I would normally use, hence splitting a couple extra cords.

With hunting behind me, winter set in, other than the snow removal, I will be baking stuff other than my own bread. I figure with all the cheap flour I can get, time on my hands, I will use the down time to discover what baking is alll about. I know baking and eating, I better get out and burn some calories off too... I also have a few indoor projects to finish up early winter after hunting and the holidays are out of the way.

Sarah will be here after xmas, and I am looking forward to her coming home. I look forward to the work and play time we will have, which will help me with my winter blues.....

So all my winter plans wrapped up in one single post... :( I know, I know, things change everyday... :pop


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
I think Lori and Aly have killed the only bucks worth killing on the eastern sea board... :p

I had a 6 point cross in front of my stand this morning, and still a load of does just walking around eating branches and stuff. I will fill both tags this weekend.

I did some fab work for Albert yesterday afternoon, I welded it and took it down to his place. His wife said he was working on their oil well and needed the parts there. So after she drew me a map (they have 80 some acres) I drove into the woods to met up. After he put the part on I welded, he fired the lawn mower up and green oil started to flow after he primed the shaft.


He says he is getting a 12 barrels a week from this well. He showed me the he burns it in his bull dozer which I was shocked to see he pour it in and fire the thing up. So he is selling most of it to a wholesaler guy who drives a big tanker around and gathers from small local folks pumping their own oil. Just thought this was pretty neat to share.

Mark and I are going to do some driving for deer this evening, he has pics of some taggers on his property. His fnl and bnl have tagged out. So he invited me over to tag a buck on his property. Mark has tagged out as well, so he said he will let me sit and he will drive them towards me. :fl

So spread some of that mojo my way you girlie great white hunters... :D :hugs


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I dunno, Jay, when we picked up our meat this morning, we saw a bunch, and I do mean a BUNCH of bucks up there waiting to be processed...

The biggest one tagged in so far I think we were told was a 12. I was hoping to get to see that one!

Plus, there's a bigger one roaming around our place, and last year we saw a 20 point but no idea where he is this year....I think he got smarter!


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
In my neck of the woods, hunting is more than just sport, its tradition. There is no school on the 1st day of deer season here, as most girls/boys are out hunting with their family. Where I live is hunted very heavy for buck, but not doe. By the time doe comes in the deer are getting scattered daily.

I always get frustrated during buck season if I don't harvest one the first day. I tried a different approach of thinking, I will use the tag during black powder. I am not a trophy hunter, its the meat I am after. With point restrictions because there are so many hunters here, harvesting has been getting tough. :barnie


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Well not all is lost.....

As I was getting down from my stand, I saw a deer out to my left. Some one had kicked it up from across the way. It was on the move, I was half way down the 15ft stand so I couldn't get a shot off.

All I can say is that he was a shooter, and gave me a little more faith that I still might get one.

I am sure I will fill both doe tags tomorrow, I am looking forward to some fresh back straps.

I like to soak my straps over night after the deer hangs for a few days. Then I will add salt, pepper, and garlic powder to some flour. I wet the meat with water, flour and place in EVOO. Back in the day it was melted butter, so from time to time I do treat myself and my mind takes me back to having dinner back on the farm.

When I was sitting on the stand this morning, I watched the sun rise alone. My coffee was hot, the air was cold, I was warm, and the birds woke up and the woods came alive.

Mother Earth is a beautiful place when you take the time to see her and all that is here with us. We often take for granted everything around us, so do yourself a favor. Before winter sets in, get up early before dawn, bundle up get a drink of tea coffee or whatever you drink, and visit Mother Earth as the sun rises around. You will feel very blessed to have so much just by looking east as the sun rises.


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Hey MP, I need some input. I know you have game trail cameras.
I need to buy one. Any suggestions on a good trail camera with night vision and a way to secure it to keep someone from stealing it.


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Wanda, I am truly a big fan of Stealth Cams products. Stealth Cam

They all come with brackets you can bolt and than lock to the tree so folks just can't walk away with them. Even the basic cams are decent, but I use the higher end cams with better infared tech. They take black and white photos at night and color during the day.

I also had some political signs come missing, so when I replace them, I set the camera up to catch a thief. In the end, I didn't get his face, I did get the tag number on his car and called police. He returned all my stuff but a sign he had torn up. I didn't press charges.

I am tagged out for doe for the year, if I don't get a buck, I will get either a buck or doe in late muzzle loader season.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Congrats on the does, I'm out of jerky already, finished it last night. Gonna have to kill another doe and do some more!!!