This evening it rained and I got to collect a bunch of water for my garden!
My dad called and said the sow I got from the auction last winter (She was a very young gilt at the time) just came off with her first litter, 9 piglets! Best 15 dollars I ever spent. Plus as soon as it cools off here we are going to butcher his boar hog (which we got for free) There will be plenty of sausage and lard from him to go around and a few nice hams too!
Tomorrow is Auction day! Im so excited! I havent been in 3 months!
I had a great time at the auction last night and I was able to make it home by 2am! LOL
I got some goodies too! I went with Pidgey104 she gave me a pair of buff silkies (male is from Hinkjc lines). I have been wanting buff silkies for over a year now. Plus I have 3 young pullets from these lines also.
Second- She gave me a fawn and white runner duck hen and she has a black runner male she is going to give me!! YAY!! I have been wanting runners so bad!
Third! I got a quad of Dark Cornish bantams from the auction! I have been wanting more of these for a long time too! I have had one little white laced red cornish bantam roo since last spring and he has never had a mate. He is gorgeous tho and I love him. One of the hens I got was from a different seller and has a ton of gold on her so I am going to give her to him so he can finally have a wife. The other Dark Cornish Trio Im keeping together as a breeding trio. Here are some pic of them in their quarantine pen. Once I have vaccinated them make sure they are healthy I will be putting them into a new bigger pen of their own.
I also scored some fresh cut hay bales for $3.25 a bale and some bread and bagels for $1 a loaf.
Plus I got 10 white pharoah quail for $1.25 that I already have sold for $2.25 each!
Yeah the only thing is he isn't little! Hinkjc was trying to breed up in size I think and he is the most massive silkie I've ever seen! This picture really does not do his color justice tho, he is a gorgeous guy.