JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Don't you just loooooove days like that??? :D

Sounds like you all had yourselves a real adventure today! Glad you survived it and I hope you get to relax a bit tomorrow!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
1 March 09

What a realxing day...for a change! LOL Just the regular chores..then DH and I went out to dinner. Its been a long time since we have been out to eat, and WOW. $30 for just the 2 of us. OK, NOW I know why we dont eat out. DH had a good steak, that was most of the bill...18.00 :rolleyes: Oh well...It was nice to just get out, no adventure...just dinner.
We came hom and watched the rest of the race.
Today, 2 March 09 , is COLD! In the teens this morning...only in the lower 30's for a high today, and back into the teens tonight. YUK YUK YUK! I want spring!Tomorrow I have a fellow BYC'er coming to purchase a few EE pullets. I am hopeing I can get the whole flock of EE's sold, and SOON! Cant sell blue or green eggs around here...people just wont buy them. :/ I cant convince them they are just like my brown eggs, just as yummy. They see the blue and green, and wrinkle thier noses. Oh well....on to another breed! :D
I was contacted by a local rescue yesterday. They want me to foster 2 pot belly pigs. I think I can do that, as long as they can be OUTSIDE PIGS! LOL I wont have them in the house. The woman is going to call me tonight, and we will discuss future fostering. Seems my plan is coming together..being a foster farm. Now to get some more fencing in...and "huts" built...we will be on our way. I just have to make sure the foster animals are no where near MY animals....due to diseases. Hmmm, its workable.
Well...thats about it for today....or this morning! LOL Looking forward to see what another day holds for us here adventure wise. LOL


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
Can't remember which part of the world you're from. I'd love to have some EE pullets!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Henrietta....I am in Indiana. Guess that might be a little bit of a drive hu? :/


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
justusnak said:
Henrietta....I am in Indiana. Guess that might be a little bit of a drive hu? :/
Yup, just a bit! Too bad-the green eggs are a big novelty around here.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
6 March 09

What a busy few days. I was contacted by a local rescue org. and they wanted to know if I would foster 2 pot belly pigs. The story is, they rescued the pigs..and the foster person that has them now is in the city limits...she can't keep them there she will be fined daily. Since this is not an option for them, its either I take them, or they are euthenized. Soooooo, guess who will be fostering 2 pot belly pigs?! LOL They will be here next weekend...the 14th or 15th. Now I have to make sure the pen I am putting them in is "pig proof" I was not ready for pigs...I really wanted to get working on the sheep pen! Guess this is a little more pressing. So, this week I will get the pen ready...and thier shelter ready...for our new arrivals. ( anyone near me want a male pot belly pig!? ) LOL I will get pics when they get here, and get settled.
Today we had new gutters put on the house. Seamless! Woohoo! No more dripping! We saved the old gutters so we can put them on the chicken coops....to collect water. Now to get a few more 55 gallon plastic barrels. Time to search craigslist again...and freecycle.
I ordered more seeds...all heritage types. I am going to try the broom corn. Just what I need, another "project" " I think I can, I think I can" LOL
UPDATE on Kiki....he is useing his leg more and more. Just a slight limp now...I think he will have a full recovery. Oh, and Chubs....our stray FEMALE cat....is...well...CHUBBY. :rolleyes: I sure dont want kittens. I am pretty sure she is a "rag Doll" or at least part Rag Doll cat. Im really hopeing I am just over feeding...or she is finding LOTS of mice! :/


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
That is sooooo weird, Just! I was working on a sheep pen today too! The weather was just too good to waste! And I'm getting a pig this spring too. I love it when so many people are doing about the same things as I am! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh Bee, Congrats on the sheep! What breed are you getting!? We are getting Shetland sheep. I am so excited! These pot belly pigs are just fosters....however, I already have a pig pen for our butcher hogs. I will waite to get them untill it gets nicer out...I dont want to have to put heat on them...and its still too cool and wet for baby pigs.Do you know what breed pig you will be getting yet!? I really want to get a male and female, and raise them for breeding...but DH doesnt think its a good idea. :/ He said, " let someone else do the hard part, we will just get cheap babies, and feed em out" Hmmmm, maybe he is right.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
7 March 09

Oh what a beautifull day it was today. The temps soared to just over 70 degrees. The wind was a real kicker tho. 40 mph gusts!
I was up at 5 am. The chickens were squaking. I have a baby monitor in thier coop, just in case. So, I jump out of bed...run to the door, prepared to get the gun and go on a shooting rampage, just to realise, I forgot to turn thier light off, and they were just "welcoming the morning" UGH! Well, I am already up, and now the dogs want out. Might as well stay up and get an early start.
Puttered around on the computer for a while waiting for the bank to open. 8:15, leave the house and head into town. Hit the bank..( no I didnt rob it) LOL.....then the post office, and head to Wal Mart for dog and cat food, and coffee creamer and a few other things. Head to the feed store, to get some straw for the coming piggies. As per my luck, he is out of straw. Well, there was an older gentleman customer in there, and heard my "plight" and offered me 6 bales for 20$ Not too bad, so off I go to his house. Pick up the straw...had to load it myself, he had just had surgery on his hand. All loaded, strapped in, I head home. DH is still in bed...he likes to sleep in on the weekends when possible. So, I start unloading the straw...spreading it in the pen where the piggies will go, and throwing a few squares in each chicken run to give them something to play around with...and spread some in the MUD. Just as I am finishing, DH heads outside to the shop, and grabs the chainsaw. UGH! I forgot, we had to take out the Mulberry tree that was struck by lightening, and leaning terribly...pulling the roots out of the ground. So, I finish up what I was doing, and head to the barn...where the tree is. We get cutting on it, and when all was said and done....3 hrs working on that darned tree! Cam back to the house...moved about a rick of firewood to the garage, supposed to get rain tomorrow....then get cold again. :( Put the drain pipes on the new downspouts to direct the water away from the house....and come inside. We rest for a bit, then shower..and out to a cheap dinner at the local buffet. YUM! Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, so I am excited to see how the new gutters work...praying this will stop our flooding in the basement. Need to clean out the shop tomorrow so DH can get his truck in there. We are going to pull the motor mounts, and replace them. Oh what fun. At least its a fairly quick job....maybe an hour or so. Then .... hopefully..we can rest. I want nothing more than to run a hot bath...in my huge cast iron ball and claw tub...and just read. It probably wont happen....but I can dream! ;)