JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
Reaction score
In the woods with the critters
Why couldn't you pick up dog and cat food at your local feed store?

:frow Hello...

You got a lot more done today than I did, HAAAWWW CHHHHEEEWWW!!! Sorry, it's the colds faught.

I wanted to visit and say hello, still meeting folks and all. You should make that tub time tomorrow, did you forget day light saving time? See, now you have an hour to spend in the tub.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
justusnak said:
Oh Bee, Congrats on the sheep! What breed are you getting!? We are getting Shetland sheep. I am so excited! These pot belly pigs are just fosters....however, I already have a pig pen for our butcher hogs. I will waite to get them untill it gets nicer out...I dont want to have to put heat on them...and its still too cool and wet for baby pigs.Do you know what breed pig you will be getting yet!? I really want to get a male and female, and raise them for breeding...but DH doesnt think its a good idea. :/ He said, " let someone else do the hard part, we will just get cheap babies, and feed em out" Hmmmm, maybe he is right.
I am getting St. Croix/Katahdin cross sheep and I only wish they were going to be free! The pig will be free, though. My sis went to Arkansas this year and brought back a registered pair of Large Black Hogs and is expecting a litter soon. She said she would give me a female.

Here's a link that explains this breed:

http://www.nigeriansandicelandics.com/Pigs.html#Large Black Pigs

I plan to run this pig with my sheep on pasture and breed her when she matures. She will be eating hay and sprouted grains along with the sheep this winter. I plan to wean and finish the offspring on pasture and sell them at the livestock auctions or to private buyers. She will pay for herself in offspring, manure production, preplowing my garden and eating all the apple drops from my orchard, all the walnuts and wormy chestnuts from my trees, mowing my yard and orchard, and cleaning up the garden at the end of the season. They are supposed to be a very large and gentle breed, so I'm looking forward to having her around.

People will sure get their money's worth when they gawk at my place this year.....sheep with no wool, chickens roosting in the trees and a humongous black pig grazing on the lawn! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh no!! Bee.....my husband will be SOOOoo upset with you! :lol: I WANT BLACK PIGS! LOVE the ears...and the fact that they are so docile I could run them with my sheep! Whew..another breed on my "wish list" Where are you located again Bee?? And mor important...where is your sister!??? LOL I am seriously LOVING those great big ears!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
the-metal-peddler said:
Why couldn't you pick up dog and cat food at your local feed store?

:frow Hello...

You got a lot more done today than I did, HAAAWWW CHHHHEEEWWW!!! Sorry, it's the colds faught. :he

I wanted to visit and say hello, still meeting folks and all. You should make that tub time tomorrow, did you forget day light saving time? See, now you have an hour to spend in the tub.
Hey there peddler. Just wanted to say, wow, you do some great work! I visited your site. LOVIN it!
The "feed store" I buy from doesnt carry the dog food brand we use. I have 3 smaller dogs...poms..and they cant eat those big chunks...and I dont think I have even seen cat food. See, where I get my feed is Dons Tire and Auto and Feed. LOL Small town....combined spaces alot around here. Our Long John Silvers and KYC are in the same building...shared counter space and all!
I dont mind so much going to the Wal Mart...my son works there. With the spring forward in time...I lost an hour! My "sleep in Sunday" when I get to sleep in untill 7 am...was 8 am this morning. Going to have to reset MY internal clock now. YUK. I dont think I will get that "tub time" today. We really need to get the motor mounts replaced...nothing like getting down and greasy on a Sunday! LOL


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
You know you will need to clean up after you replace those motor mounts. Maybe you could wash up in a hot bubble bath? I know how it is, I have a big tub and I am lucky if I get in it a couple times a year. Quick showers seem to be all I have time for. Makes me nervous having unsupervised children in the house. :)

Wow, bee that web site has great information. I can't wait to see you pig.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
justusnak said:
Oh no!! Bee.....my husband will be SOOOoo upset with you! :lol: I WANT BLACK PIGS! LOVE the ears...and the fact that they are so docile I could run them with my sheep! Whew..another breed on my "wish list" Where are you located again Bee?? And mor important...where is your sister!??? LOL I am seriously LOVING those great big ears!
We are here in WV, eastern panhandle. I will tell you this....if I get a nice big litter with the first breeding I will sell you a breeding pair for an exceptionally low price! My sis paid $300-$400 for her pair of piglets and traveled all the way to Arkansas!!! :th I would never pay that! I am interested in furthering the heritage breeds and would help someone get established in the breed if they were wanting to do so. I'll let you know when I have piglets on the way, and if you are still interested, we can do a deal. :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Beekissed said:
justusnak said:
Oh no!! Bee.....my husband will be SOOOoo upset with you! :lol: I WANT BLACK PIGS! LOVE the ears...and the fact that they are so docile I could run them with my sheep! Whew..another breed on my "wish list" Where are you located again Bee?? And mor important...where is your sister!??? LOL I am seriously LOVING those great big ears!
We are here in WV, eastern panhandle. I will tell you this....if I get a nice big litter with the first breeding I will sell you a breeding pair for an exceptionally low price! My sis paid $300-$400 for her pair of piglets and traveled all the way to Arkansas!!! :th I would never pay that! I am interested in furthering the heritage breeds and would help someone get established in the breed if they were wanting to do so. I'll let you know when I have piglets on the way, and if you are still interested, we can do a deal. :thumbsup
Wow Bee....thanks! Sounds like a great deal to me. I would never be able to pay that much either. Just not in the budget. I would love to run them in with the sheep...How great and multipurpose would that be?!!! Maybe when you are ready...I will have shetland, registered babies to trade ya! Want to get into some spinning? ;)


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Nah! Not interested in the fiber trade at the moment, but, who knows? ;) I will be using these pigs for all kinds of bartering, so we'll see what we can work out as far as bartering, huh?

Folks around here do like to eat pork, that's for sure! Those piglets did look so cute with the hanging down ears, didn't they? :p

As far as pure profit, raising pig on pasture vs. pastured sheep, the pigs will no doubt be the winner. AND, if one were in a bind for food and lard for cooking, the pig would be a bigger asset than would the sheep.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Bee, I am in love with those ears! And the thought of helping to further a heritage breed is a great idea. Yup, I can see them now....just lazeing in the pasture...enjoying life. I HAVE to get me some of those pigs! One day.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
9 March 09

So, its only 3:30 pm...and I am whooped! First I got a late start. Danged time change! I didnt get UP untill 8 am! My head fealt like it was going to split down the middle...and I forgot to turn the furnace back on last night...so, it was 50 degrees in the house. BRRRRR. Got the woodstove going....coffee made...and sat by the fire to warm these old bones. Once the sun was warmer, I headed outside. I just love being outside...working in the sunshine. So, I decided to get the AG lime, and take care of the smells...yeah, mud. chicken poo, water....YUK! So, spread the lime...cover with fresh straw...and open the coops wide open to air them out. The chickens are enjoying the sunshine, and fresh air. After getting the taken care of, I decided to finish a yard for the brooder coop. They need sunshine as well. So, get some straw down in thier run, and get the fence finished up...and let the little ones outside. Thier first impression was...im not impressed. LOL Funny little creatures. Would only go TO the door, not out. After a while...they ventured about a foot out into thier yard...then would RUN like the dickens back inside. I just sat in the sun for a while watching them, and laughing. Of course...Kiki was in my lap, enjoying the sun..and watching the little ones run and flap thier wings. OK, time to get more work done...jung out a load of laundry. Sure hope it dries. Of course after 3 days of 30 mph winds...I try to get laundry dried, the winds stop. Figures. :rolleyes: Inside to get dinner in the oven. Nothing fancy...pork chops and taters...baked...with some corn on the side. Hubby loves my fresh canned corn, and I think would eat it ever day! Kitchen cleaned...back outside. DH cleared tthe shop,. and got the truck pulled inside to check the motor mounts. They look fne...Hmmmmm. Gonna take it to my mechanic tomorrow. He will test drive it, and let me know whats wrong. HOPEFULY something WE can fix. Had a nea tradgedy today. One of the little BR chicks, somehow got IN the waterres, and nearly drowned. Im not sure how long it was in there before DH found the poor thing. By the time he got it out...it was ice cold, and limp...but barely chirping. So, I run it up to the bathroom, and set the blowdryer on it. 2 hrs later, I can t tell which one it was. Whew, that was close. Now I need to head outside, and take a broom to the coops....get the cob webs down....now where is my bandana?? Hmmm, have to cover my face...that dust is killer! I better get it done, before it gets dark. Hope everyone has a great day. Enjoy the sunshine of ya have it...and get a good book if ya dont!