JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Mountain Man
Feb 27, 2009
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In the woods with the critters
Thanks, I really like what I do for a living. I went to print 5 times last year, and one of my designers won kitchen of the year in 2007 that had one of my range hoods in it. (I like to think it won JUST because of my hood, but I stay grounded)

I was glad to read that you were able to help that little fellow get back on his feet. He loves you for it.

I have a few more weeks before I get my little fuzzy butts, but we are excited and the kids ask twice a week when their new chickies are going to come home.

By the end of the month before planting season comes, I plan to build my coop.

I understand how good the sunshine can feel, often I will stand in it just to feel my spirits lift a little.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
10 March 09
So, yesterday ended wierd, scarey, and sad.
Wierd...I have one hen, we cal her Reeree. She has brain damage, walks sideways..all the other chickens hate her, so she lives in the halway of the main coop...where she is content to be. She layed her FIRST egg softshell...and I thought she was going to just have a little heart attack. I think it scared her! I just love my little Reeree chicken. I was able to calm her down, and gave her a few treats. She is back to her wobbly self. The, DH and I came in to find one of the BR chicks was somehow able to get INSIDE the waterer....it was just abotu dead. I ran it to the bathroom, and after a few hours under a blow dryer, I can tell which one it was. All is well. Then, I went back out later...to close coops, only to find my sweet bronze turkey hen, Mary...dead. It seems the Tom rode her to death. My poor sweet Mary. She was such a sweet turkey hen. She didnt deserve this. I wanted to have turkey for dinner, but DH reminded me....Sometimes thats just nature. UGH! Well, I dont like "nature" :/ I already miss my sweet Mary. Now to find Mature Turkey hens.....CHEAP...so he doesnt finish off the other one in there. Finding a mature hen might be hard to do, as they are just starting to lay, and not too many people want to get rid of them.
Its So windy here today..I opened the coops..to air them out some. Cold nights returning in a few days, back to the 20's. YUK! I want SPRING! I seriously need to get my lettuce bed in..and my peas planted...once the rain stops...and I can get int the garden without sinking.5 more days untill we get the 2 potbelly pigs. I am excited..and nervous. Hopeing the pen I made will contain them. :rolleyes: And I am hopeing I can find them homes....SOON!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I just read on another thread that you have poms!

My daughter recently added a pom to her animal collection and what a firey little bundle she is. Her name is Kiya. Shortly after my daughter got her she had an adventure.

My daughter has three other dogs; a terrier mix, a beagle, and a half husky-half shepherd. All of the dogs went out together to go potty since they all get along fine. One day when the pom was about two pounds in weight and about 2 1/5 months in age she went out to potty with the big dogs. After about 15 minutes my daughter went out to bring her in... but she was no place to be found. She begin the long search. All the rest of the day (a Thursday) and all evening.

She searched her pasture, her neighborhood, the highway EVERYWHERE. That night the weather was COLD. We were all sure the pup was a goner. The search went on Friday (which included the dog pound) Saturday (which included a hay truck delivery through the pasture) and Sunday. During this whole period there was snow everywhere and on several nights the wind chill was BELOW -10 degrees. Monday my sad daughter went to the pasture and was greeted by a bouncy healthy POM! She smelled like the fresh horse poo she was covered in, but showed NO signs of distress at all. We think she was dining on the poo as well and drinking snow. Who knows where she was sleeping.

Months later she is still bouncy and happy. She has to be tied when she goes potty so she does not take another "walk about" through the fence. When her papers went in to AKC my daughter gave her the last name of Starkweather to go with Kiya in honor of her incredible journey!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh FarmFresh...what an ordeal with the Pom. Im so glad she was found, safe and sound. They can be so funny to watch. I have 3. 2 males and a female. All but one male is "fixed" No more poms for me. As much as I love the little stinkers...enough is enough! LOL
My little female, she is a "blue" More grey looking. She is my "chicken dog" I can take her to the coop...and tell her to " get em out" and she will run at them barking...or yapping...and all the chickens run out..then she stands at the door like she is guarding me from them! Job well done. Yes, the Roosters outweighs her, but they are afraid of the "miniature wolf" :lol: Now when I take her in there, and tell her to "leave em" she will just calmly stand by my feet...staying close, to make sure..I am safe LOL She is a great little dog. Now the 2 males....ummm, nope, they cant go in the coops. They are "hunters" HA! I can't call them off...they LIKE chicken a little too much and they are runners. No amount of calling, begging, or threatening will stop them if they are outside the fence. Been there, done that, and those little suckers are ALOT faster than I am. The last time they got out, I threatened them, "you can outrun me, but you cant outrun a 22" I would never do that, but I was so frustrated! :rant


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I am not very fond of little dogs as a rule, but these poms really have a great spirit. It is hard not to fall in love!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
I am not a small dog person either....but these little yappy, hard to housebreak, squeaky, did I mention yappy?? dogs..are hard to NOT love! They have a great personality...and well...they are just so darned cute! :p I wont get another, when these are gone...but, I love the ones I have.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Kiya hardly ever barks. She is not allowed. When she yips inside my daughter gets on to her. If she yaps outside the terrier mix gives her a paw slap and rolls her!

Mostly she just walks around with a desperate grunting whine when she needs something. Like uh uh uh uh.

The few times I have heard her bark I think I understand why the terrier won't let her do it!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
FarmFresh, they yapping is EXACTLY why I didnt want small dogs. If I want to hear a dog bark, I want a bark someone might be fearfull of!

13 March 09

Today was a slow day. Hung a few loads of laundry out early. It was in the 30's, and I knew it would take some time to dry. I ended up haveing to "fluff" them in the dryer. UGH!
Made an easy dinner. Had some spaghetti sauce in the freezer left over from a few nights ago...so I just made Goulash. No biggie, it works. Then I made a double batch of Chocolate chip cookies. I guess to make up for the lack of a good supper! LOL
Saturday is going to prove to be a long day. DH and I are going to get in the barn...or "junk collector" and start clearing it out. Most of it will go to the trash, some to goodwill...but ALL will GO! I have to make room for my sheep! Also....I have the pigs being delivered Saturday....well...MAYBE. I wish people would just make a plan, and stick to it! I called the woman tonight, she said..." I might have to come Sunday...if thats not a problem, but Im not for sure, I will let you know." UGH! I am the one doing THEM a favor, and they want to waste MY time!?? If it wasnt for the piggies...I would tell her to forget it. But, if I do, they get euthenized. :( I also have someone coming Saturday, to get some chickens, and maybe someone coming to buy a quail pen. Busy, busy day! Now, watch, they will all come at one time! LOL Would just be my luck. OR, NONE will come. That wouldnt bother me as much, I would get more work done in the barn. Oh, once the chickens are gone...I can move the babies from my garage, to the new open pen! YEAH!! Smell will be GONE! I am excited!! Then I can clean the brooder, and get it ready for the NEXT hatch! LOL So, another quiet day here at home....just gearing up for spring.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
14 March 09

I was up at 5 am. Leg cramps....I seem to get them about 4 or 5 times a week now. Anyone know of a good cure!? I already drink lots of water...I am on my feet a good bit...but rest well before bedtime. It starts at my ankles...they get really HOT, then ache...the up the legs all the way to the knees. Nothing seems to help so far.
So..up at 5 am...get some E Mail done...then head out the door at 8 am to get to town before DH gets up. Ran to the bank, then the store, then by Orschelins( which is a 30 min drive) . ( A little birdie told me they got thier chicks in Friday) So, I get there and the only thing they have left are a few Buff orps, and a few cornish cross. Nope, dont need any of those. I wnat DUCKS! Khaki Kambells! Darn. So, I come home...and get the woodstove going really good, when I hear a knock on the door. My step dad was at the door. ??? He NEVER comes out here...especially since mother passed last September. We visited a few minutes..DH got up, then Step D left. Wierd...he said he " just wanted to get out of the house" Dh is now ready, we head to the barn. OH MY GOODNESS! WHO put ALL this JUNK in there!??? Left over garage sale...an old woodstove with a hole blown in it...tires..junk, and MORE junk. So 2 hrs later, we emerge, tired,dirty, and ready for a break. Got it all sorted in piles...trash, keep, and goodwill.Came in for coffee...my phone rings...its the gal wanting the chickens. SWEET! She is the one giving me my sheep! So, her and her daughter come out....( they are BOTH such sweet careing people) I show them the progress we made in the barn, and she is happy with the area we have for the sheep. Then we go collect her chickens. We visited for a while, then they had to get home, one Ewe was due any minute! So, DH and I decide to treat ourselves with a night out for supper. Pizza hut, the new Lasagna. It was OK. Not as good as home made for sure! Come home, lock the chickens up...and settle in for the night. DH has to work tomorrow..so I will take a load from the barn to goodwill. Will be GLAD its gone!One step closer to getting my sheep here. I can't waite!! My little Eleanore Ewe might be preggers!! WOOHOO!!
Oh, and the pigs never did make it here today, so I am guessing tomorrow. :rolleyes: Figures she will come when DH is not here to help corrall them into the pen. Wish me luck, we dont have piggies on the loose!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Ouch leg cramps, I used to get them during my pregnancies. Not the hot ankle part though. They recommended potassium. Try eating a couple bananas.

Good work on the barn. Those sheep will appreciate your hard work. I hope all goes well with your piggy's tomorrow. g