JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well...no ducks. DANG. Everyone said 2 or 3 more weeks. For now it is resting in the brooder, with a stuffed little dog toy. Warm and toasty. Next week I have turkeys due...so it will have a few friends soon.
Didnt get to make the chicken and dumplins either. DH wanted Hamburgers. :barnie So, I one upped him on that...I made hamburgers...sauteed mushrooms and onions...had sliced swiss cheese...and lettuce and tomato. I make our big meal in the afternoon...this way he can pack a lunch for work. He works second shift. Makes all his co workers drool. :drool :gig
Yesterday was fresh pork ribs, BBQed.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
22 Feb 09

Ohhh, what a weekend! Another busy, family entertaining at my house, weekend. DH and I had planned to just "relax" Saturday...I was planning to make egg rolls...chicken stir fry...and just really take it "easy" So, I get a call from my older sister. She asked what we were planning for Saturday...I tell her NOTHING, we are laying around ALL DAY, and she said " great, we were planning to come out for the day" OK, now, this is 3 weekends in a row, we have had family want to come visit. Family that we usually only see around the holidays. So, I turn to my DH and say....ok, either I am dieing, and I am the only one that doesnt know, or we won the lottery, and I am the only one that doesnt know.....why is everyone wanting to come out all of a sudden? He just shrugs and says....Guess those city folks are starting to like the country! HAHAHA! So, Saturday....sister and her DH come out...we have a great meal..and just sit around chatting all day..and late into the next morning. ( 2 am as a matter of fact) They live about 2 hrs from here so I tried to convince them to just stay...they would not. I made her call me when they got home, so I knew they made it safely. We had gotten some snow, and the winds were kicking up pretty good. So, 4am...sister calls...they are home safe. Ahhhhhhhh, sleep!! And sleep I did, untill 7:30 am....when our son calls. ( another one we dont hear from unless its a holiday, or he needs money...or someone is hurt) So I jump out of bed....answer the phone, just to have him ask me....did you get the winning lottery numbers? I bought a ticket! :barnie I know he is my son....so I just "politely" told him I would talk to him later. Well.....im already up..and we have another long day planned. We are driving to Louiville,KY to my other sisters house. She bought new furniture, her was " old" and she wanted new. So, she gave us her "old stuff" Her idea of old, is 2 yrs. MY sofa, is about 8 or 9 yrs old. So, we hook up the trilors, and head to Louiville to get furniture. We get there and she has planned dinner. OUR plan was to get there around 3ish....get the furniture, and make a "quick" retreat. Yeah, we left there at 7pm. 2 hrs home....22 degrees...we finally get pulled in the drive, where DH gets the trailor stuck. So, we have to unhook the trailor, and hand push it to the garage...and unload it. Get everything in the garage....get the woodstove going...and realise. DANG, I need to go collect eggs, and close coops! :th Its 11 pm, everyone is settled...furniture is in my garage....and will STAY THERE for a few days I am sure. The woodstove is blazeing....a cup of hot coffee..and I am DONE for this weekend. Next weekend, we get to take our "old" couch to Ohio to DH's sister. Another 2 hr one way trip. I want to RELAX ONE WEEKEND!
Oh, update on kiki. He is doing well...almost bearing weight on the leg now....and...Chubs...I believe is a GIRL!!! A all of a sudden FAT girl! If my suspicions are right....anyone need a few kittens!???:lol:
I will know for sure in a few more weeks.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
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East Tenn.
Sounds like you did have a busy weekend.

I noticed you make egg rolls. Would you mind posting that recipe or have you already?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
I dont think I have posted it. Its really just a simple one.
While in the military, we had a neighbor who was from Korea. She taught me how to make them.

One( fairly large) head of cabbage..VERY THINLY sliced.
about 3 carrotts..again...very thin shredded.( you can buy shredded cabbage, but its not as finely shredded as it SHOULD be)
2 or 3 cloves garlic...yup FINE diced.
one pound RAW sausage. ( you can use what ever flavor..hot,mild)
Salt and pepper

Mix all the ingredients well...now this is where some DONT like this recipe...but...I have used it for MANY years.
Take the RAW ingredients, and start wrapping in egg roll wraps. Dont make them too thick...you want them to be about 1 to 1/2 inch think. Get your oil hot...and deep fry untill golden brown. Easy peasy.!
I asked my neighbor why everything had to be so "paper thin sliced" and her reply was....."when I was growing up food was not as plentifull as it is here in the states, so, to make it stretch we sliced everything as thin as possible, to make it stretch and because cooking raw ingredients wrapped, you want them thin so the can cook through"
By useing the raw sausage in the wraps...as they cook the "juices" from the sausage penetrate the cabbage and carrotts, giving them better flavor.
The egg roll wraps you can buy in the grocery are fine...but, IF you have an oriental market nearby, go there and get the Spring Roll wraps. They are MUCH thinnner..and your wrap has better flavor...you dont taste so much of the wrap as you do the inside yummyness!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Where do you live that you are only 2 hours from Louisville KY and 2 hours from Ohio??????

Um, yea, I'll take some kittens! If you have no issues with them being outdoor barn kitties! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Quail....I am in Indiana...Jennings county. I will let you know if we have kittens. I got conformation today....Chubs IS a girl...and ummmm....fat! I am hopeing she is just getting LOTS of mice! I have no qualms of them being barn kitties....Chubs and Kiki are both outdoor cats..and darned good mousers. ;) I will let you know, as soon as I know... LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
27 Feb 09

Yesterday was a good day. I have been working around here trying to get into the "spring cleaning" Last weekend we went to loiuville and picked up the furniture from my sister. ITS BEAUTIFULL and Broyhill!


We didnt get it in the living room untill Tuesday...but, now its there...and I love it. There is a matching love seat as well. I cant believe how it matched my drapes perfectly....as if I special ordered them together.
This week was slow going. Rain...cold..so I mainly puttered around the house...clearing cobwebs.
Wednesday I went to the local hardware store here in town. Its really a quaint place, been there for about 100 yrs. Handed down through a few generations from what I am told. I love going in there, the people are great, and if I dont have enough cash, they will just put it on account. They sell rope by the foot in there, and there are a few holes in the floor..where the rope comes up from the basement part of the building. Then there are places marked on the floor to measure it out. The old timer in there told my grandson when he inquired about the rope coming from the floor..." we have a rope monster down there, his job is to make rope as we need it" If you could have seen the look on my grandsons face...priceless! Not many places like that left in this old money hungry world. So, I ordered my fencing for the sheep pasture. Was able to get 300 ft of farm fenc...$167.00 I think thats a pretty good deal, TSC wanted $219. Will be going Saturday to get the fenceposts. Someone on craigslist has black locust fence posts, 3 to 4 inches across...8 ft long... $5.00 each! What a deal!
Last night I treated myself to Bingo at St Marys in town here. I was able to sell a dozen turkey eggs for 36.00, so off I went. I WON $100. WOOHOO! MORE fencposts!! LOL Its getting closer and closer to me getting those sheep! I am so excited. Now I need to get to work on the barn. Clear out a corner of the barn for the sheep. I am thinking a 10 x 12 area in the barn will work for 2 sheep...ya think? There is already a manger in there...I just need to clear out the old tires and junk...and put up a wall partition from the rest of the barn. Wont be long now...weather permitting.
Today is another rainy cold day. I think I will work on the closets today. YUK, NOT my fav thing to do...but it needs done.
Our local wal mart bought a piece of land here in town to build a super center. There are a few smaller homes on the property, that they are moveing people out of so they can clear the land. I am trying to figure out who to contact about saveing the doors and windows from these homes. I want to build a greenhouse with the windows, and need new doors for the coops. Now...to find out WHO i need to contact. I just hope I can get them, there are 5 small 1 bedroom homes.
Well...im off to get a load of laundry in...and get supper started.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Sometimes if you just go up to the construction site and ask the foreman they will let you have all kinds of stuff if you will just move it out of their way. Bring a truck! I would love to find some old windows and try to make a cold frame. Someday.....

Nice couch, btw, you did good! Isn't it funny what people want to throw out? That's why I love freecycle...I also like seeing people's faces when they get something from me and it means so much to them. We had an extra set of pots and pans in the attic, nothing special but still in decent shape, I just don't have room for them in the kitchen anymore. Anyway, this wonderful lady contacted me after I offered them on freecycle and her sister had separated from her husband and had taken her kids and had moved into an apartment and had to start all over again with nothing. She was so grateful for those pots and pans...made me very happy to help someone in need.

Construction sites are great places to find stuff...lumber, old windows, everything. You may want to contact someone in the window business and inquire about what they do with the old windows they take out when they do a job replacing/updating someone's windows. Never know what you might find out! Good luck!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
I would love to know when they are going to start the project....but its a 20 minute drive one way...and I dont get into town too often. I have told a few people that I want to get them...and asked if they would keep thier eyes open for when the demo crews start moving in. I just hope I can get there BEFORE they demo them all. Those doors would be GREAT on my new coop. Solid wood, with one little window way up high. Just enough to let the morning sun in.
Thats really not a good picture of the couch..Im going to try to get a better one later. Its sooo pretty! My baby sister is in the 3 digit a week income level...so to her, this 2 or 3 year old couch needed to go. :rolleyes: Hey, one mans junk, is another mans treasure.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
28 Feb. 09

Well, another adventure today. Last week I answered an add on craigslist for some wood fence posts. They are black locust, 3-4 inches across...and 8 ft long. $5.00 each! So, WOW, yeah I wanted about 20 or 30 of them. All week long I am just getting more and more excited for Saturday to get here. So, this morning, I call the "seller" and make sure I can still come get them, and to make sure I have the directions correct. DH gets up..has his coffee...gets the trailor hooked up and we head out about 1pm. This is going to be a 1 1/2 hr drive, one way. OK, so...lets just make a day of it...enjoy the ride. The trip out was pleasant...not too hard to find the last road...then...we get to the house where we are going. What was THAT?? Deuling Banjos in the woods!?? This drive is MUD....Uphill...and in desperate need of being grated.We dodge the potholes...go up, up, up, and around...and there at the top is this little OLD wood house...in much need of repair. A Large Akita meets us in the drive. Beautifull dog...and HUGE! So, I look at DH and say....I am NOT getting out untill a human comes out. I have a chevy S10, and this dog is looking in MY window!! Ummmm, NO! In a matter of seconds, the "woman" of the house comes out. She calls off the dog..and we get out. She assured us the dog doesnt bite. ( like I have never heard that before) I get out, and the dog runs up on me...I freeze...he sniffs, and lays down wanting a tummy rub. Whew!! What a friendly dog. then another little dog runs out....with 2 teenage boys following. Nice kids...but in need of showers, and clean clothes. :rolleyes: They are all very friendly...and soon 2 men come from the back of the house, where they were cutting wood. We chat a few seconds, and DH gets the trailor situated to load the "fenceposts" Oh, did I mention the "fenceposts" were just recently cut down, and still GREEN? LOL
So..they start loading...we get 30 on the trailor...get em strapped down just to notice both tires are low. YIKES. I think...we are in the middle of NOWHERE...loaded with fenceposts. So, the oldest gentleman barks orders to one of the boys to get the compressor turned on. They air up both our tires...and we slowly head down the drive. Spooky drive...wet...muddy..full of holes...downhill with a big curve...us being pushed by a trailor of wood. :fl Please dont let there be any cars coming on the main road when we get there. Whew, all clear...which is a good thing because there was no stopping! So, we get going towards town...and I look out the side mirror....uh oh....tire going flat!! Get to a gas station...air it up...and hear the hisss....dang...sidewall SPLIT!! OK, Saturday...have NO IDEA whats around this town....so we go ask where we might get a tire. Just 1/4 mile up the road. OK, we can get there...so we get there..and you guessed it..they dont have one our size. :th I asked where we might get one..." Oh, just up the road, about 10 minutes theres a Wal Mart" I dont know about where you all live, but " just up the road" means...PACK A LUNCH! So, DH is going to get the tire off...and Ohhhhh no...my tire iron doesnt fit the trailor tire. :rant I ask inside...and they tell me they only have air wrench, and it wont reach where we have to park the trailor. So, a customer from the lobby comes out, and helps us get the tire off. What a guy! We get directions to the Wal Mart, and off we go. After about 15 minutes..we find Wal Mart....get the tire changed and get another 4 way that FITS...and head back. Did we miss a turn? I dont remember this.....turn around....get going again..see a sign telling us we are headed the right way...but nothing looks familiar. After about 30 minutes..we somehow find our way back...get the tire on the trailor...and head home. What was to be a 3 hr drive total, turned into a 6 hr day! FINALLY HOME! I make my MUCH WANTED egg rolls...stir fry and white rice, DH takes care of the chickens and gets a fire going in the woodstove. Tomorrow...move the chicks from the bator, to the brooder....and hopefully relax!