JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
justusnak said:
Hey Bee...thanks. She really is a great mom. Calling to her every second that half pint might "wander off" Yesterday as I was in the barn cleaning...I stopped for a second ( or two) to watch them. Little Half Pint tried to jump and hop...and resulted with her laying down. LOL Still not strong enough for those actions. Soon little one...soon!
Our pony Cayenne does this same thing with her sheep son. It has been raining a lot here, so she is making him stand in the barn so he won't get damp. I really don't think his own mother would have taken such care of him.

Yeah I bet you watched them for a second or two!!!! :lol: I would probably try to sit out there all day! :D :love


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Farmfresh said:
justusnak said:
Hey Bee...thanks. She really is a great mom. Calling to her every second that half pint might "wander off" Yesterday as I was in the barn cleaning...I stopped for a second ( or two) to watch them. Little Half Pint tried to jump and hop...and resulted with her laying down. LOL Still not strong enough for those actions. Soon little one...soon!
Our pony Cayenne does this same thing with her sheep son. It has been raining a lot here, so she is making him stand in the barn so he won't get damp. I really don't think his own mother would have taken such care of him.

Yeah I bet you watched them for a second or two!!!! :lol: I would probably try to sit out there all day! :D :love
OK, so I am busted! I watched....for a little while. Hey, I was paying the neighbor girl to do the work, I didnt want to help her TOO Much...because then I would have to deduct some of what I told her I would pay her for doing the job...and well...taking money from a kid is just wrong! :p So I busied myself watching momma and baby. You know...to make sure no one got hurt!!!! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
13 May 10

Whoooweeee!! Im pooped!!!!! The other day, I had the neighbor girl come over, and she mucked out half of the barn. Well...today...me and my trusty green machine tractor and my heavy duty dump wagon....hauled 15 loads of that half composted straw and sheep poo to the garden. :th It was wet and heavy, and smelled really really bad!! LOL However...its done. There were weeds growing hip high in there, but now they ae covered in 4 to 6 inches of "compost" I am hopeing that this fall it will be ready to plant beets and peas.
My little Banty cochins are hatching. :D Soooooooo cute!!! Tiny little things. So far one yellow and one black. There are about 25 eggs between 2 hens. Im just hopeing they sell quickly! LOL
My duck eggs in the bator are pipping today too! :weee I have been waiting what seems like FOREVER for these to hatch. Soon my one little duck will have friends. :love Well, they are her eggs..so she will have babies! LOL
And, I finally have a broody Buff orp. So, this evening I stuck 10 eggs under her. 4 Barred rocks, 4 Buff orps, and 2 Wellsummers. Just enough to freshen the coops. Hopefully in about 3 weeks my turkey hens will hatch out thier broods. Oh, and I have 7 turkey eggs in another bator...should be hatching in 4 days. Yup, babies everywhere! :love Now if this darned weather would co operate, I might get my garden finished. Its getting late, and with all the rain I havent been able to get much planted. :rant
I let Pebbles and Half Pint out in thier own yard today. Little HP was sooo cute! Hopping, jumping... :love All 2 pounds of her!
Oh, and just to prove my heart is stronger than I thought it was....
I was late getting out to close the coops...it was almost dark. So, by the time I gathered the eggs...got my little kitten loves...and was starting out the door, it was dark....really dark! Of course I forgot the flashlight...so as I stepped out the door...something BIG and brown ran past me! At forst I was thinking...OMG, its a COYOTE!!! My heart stopped....and my brain started to work again...when I realised...if THAT was a coyote...im in trouble, because its back was about 4 ft tall! :barnie It HAD to be a dear....right?? I mean...there are no 4 ft tall yotes...right?? I looked around...yelled...GIT, GO ON..GIT OUTTA HERE!! Like that was going to help, then I quickly made my way back to the house. Now, I am safe inside..going to get my shower..and put some ice on my elbow. Its red, and swollen, and hot. Im guessing from all the pitching of compost today. :tongue to getting old!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
16 May 10

Well, we now have 5 little ducks hatched, and 2 turkeys. The ducks are Khaki Kambels...from my little female...the eggs were fertile before the male was killed. The 2 little turkeys are both blue slate/Royal Palm. They look all blue. :D Cute cute cute!! I will try to get pics later.
Oh, and we have 3 little Bantam cochin/frizzles hatched so far. All black. Dont know yet if the will frizzle or not...but sooo tiny! Mommas are not letting me get too good a look yet...but I will get in there sooner or later..I just HAVE to cuddle those babies! :love
So, my garden....or lack there of. :/ There was an area in the garden Hubby could not get to with the tiller, because of the rain. So, the weeds in that section were about 2 ft tall. I took the bedding from the bard, straw and sheep poo, and layered it over the weeds. Its about 4 to 6 inches deep....and since it had been laying outside on the rain for a few days...it was steaming hot when I put it on the garden area. So far the weeds are not coming through. Now, here is the "test" Since I hadnt been able to plant taters yet..and my seed taters were about 4 to 6 inches tall already in the box.....I decided to just plop them in the compost in the garden. Not sure if this will work...but...if it does..then I will have a tater bed thats about 8 x 15....with close to 35 plants in there!! :D Now I just have to waite..and see if this works. If it does....we will have PLENTY taters for winter...if not...well...looks like I will be buying tater this winter. :/ Now...here is the question....since the taters are deep roots...would it be possible to plant my corn right in there with the taters!?? Or would the corn eventually shade the taters too much?
Dang all this rain!! I seriously NEED to get my tomatoes and peppers, and beans planted. Guess I will head out and put some compost around the cabbages. The leaves are spread wide open almost laying flat. :/ Better get that done before the rain gets here...again. :tongue


Lovin' The Homestead
Apr 28, 2010
Reaction score
NW Indiana
Oh congrats on the babies! I feel for you on the garden. We have been planting our little hands off for weeks. All thats left now are the lima beans. Your potatoes should work. We did the peanuts like that and they were not burned. We planted the peas next to the feed corn. So far they seem to be getting along just fine. You might try planting a light vine plant with your corn. I also just read where folks are planting their tomatoes on top of their potatoes. I have not been brave enough to try it yet:/


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Rebecka said:
Oh congrats on the babies! I feel for you on the garden. We have been planting our little hands off for weeks. All thats left now are the lima beans. Your potatoes should work. We did the peanuts like that and they were not burned. We planted the peas next to the feed corn. So far they seem to be getting along just fine. You might try planting a light vine plant with your corn. I also just read where folks are planting their tomatoes on top of their potatoes. I have not been brave enough to try it yet:/
Tomatoes on potatoes.....Hmmmm....that MIGHT work!!! I was also thinking....maybe...peppers in with the potatoes...hmmmm...Nothing ventured, nothing gained...right??


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
We are swimming here as well justus!!

It just rains and rains and rains.

I think I am done with it now.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Farmfresh said:
We are swimming here as well justus!!

It just rains and rains and rains.

I think I am done with it now.
Just waite.....in a few months...we will all be WANTING this rain...I bet! ;)

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