JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Wow, Just! you've been busy! I love the new mailbox! beautiful!

Only thing I managed to accomplish so far this weekend was organizing and re-organizing my chicken barn, separating out bantams, shipped out some eggs (won't talk about the eggs that came in the mail), made a dent in our bedroom that had become the catch all for everything all winter.

Found stuff from when E's sister was staying with us last spring. :th We're still recovering from having had all 5 kids sharing our bedroom - still had a lot of their toys and clothes, etc. in our room, plus everything his sister and her brats had left behind.

Found the two missing windows to my second incubator. Thank goodness, too, because the incubator I'm using is FULL and I need that second one plugged in today for the eggs that arrived Friday and Saturday...

Oh and we got some schoolwork turned in for the kids. :D

Over slept this morning, so we're missing church again. :rolleyes:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
23 May 10

What a day! It was soooooo warm...no, it was HOT out there! LOL I spent the whole day painting the cornish coop. I was able to get 3 coats on it, and STILL need to do another..tomorrow. Its an old crate we turned into a coop...so it really sucked in the paint. :/ I can't waite to get it all done, and get some mint planted around it.
We have this Toro rideing mower...its an extra, so I put it up for sale. Well, a friend of my son wanted it, so she and her friend came out. I have $300 on it...its a good mower! WELL worth it! Well, he looked it over..and said...I will give ya 100 for it. I just looked at him and said, " yeah, I bet you would!" So he started it, drove it around a bit...then said..ok, $200. I said , nope, $300....he kept saying 200, I held my ground. :D So, its in the garage, and if it doesnt sell by the next weekend...we will keep it, and take the deck off of the OLDEST mower..and use it for a tractor sorta. For hauling the wagons and stuff.
The neighbor girls came over, cleaned the barn. Didnt have time to get to the coops...so they will come back another day and get them done. I gave them $15.00 each, and a fudgesickle. :p Well, the one little girl got $7.00 and a pair of ducks for 4H. :lol: Tomorrow I am hopeing to finish the cornish coop...shingle the roof, and finish painting. THEN Maybe I can get the brick done around the post box. Tomorrow we have the septic guy coming back out to finish grateing the side yard he tore up when he put in the septic...my computer guy is coming out...and the contractors are coming to start on the roof. BUSY BUSY!
HOPEING I might be able to get to the dirt pile in a few days, and get that garden going!
Ok, my list...
1. Build 2 brooders ( get the turkeys and ducks seperated)
2. Paint the small coop/crate, add window. DONE!!
3. Plant the garden
4. Mow
5. Build 3 sided shelter for the goats.
5. repair and paint mailbox post. DONE!!!
6. Weed spring garden...add paper and compost.
7. clean coops (x8)
8. Install cabinets,sink in summer kitchen.
9. Move dirt/gravel pile to the BIG garden(before planting)
2 out of nine...whew. LONG way to go! LOL
Im off to bed...BIL and his wife came over last night, about 10:30...stayed untill 4 am!!!!! Then I had to turn around ang get back up by 7 am. IM POOPED!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Wheeew, your making me tired just reading all you have going on. Great job holding your ground on that lawn tractor. I hate when people try and weasel you down to nothing. Especially when you know it's worth more.



Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
You know, I sat here this morning and read my list...im tired! LOL
The flies are TERRIBLE around here. I really need to go get a bag of AG Lime, and get it spread...SOON! Once hubby gets up, he can deal with the contractors, and I can run into town, to get feed. NOT my favorite thing to do. Supposed to be another very warm day here... Already put the lawn mower out by the road, took the garbage to the curb, opened the barn, let the goats out, fed and watered the goats and sheep, let the duck out, opened the banty shanty coop fed and watered there, let the cornish out, fed and watered, let the turkeys out, fed and watered, and opened the big coop doors, fed and watered, and got a load of laundry on the line. :D Its only 8:30! Daaaaaang, im good! LOL Now, its coffee time! :weee


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Man you are good. I got up at 3:45 made dh breakfast and lunch to go. Brewed a big pot o coffee and sent him on his way. Then I grabbed my lap top and sat on my bed catching up on line. Not much for me to do until around 6:00 when the kids get up.

I wish I had a 2 story house but with a 1 story I really can't get much none if I don't want to wake them up.

I guess this give me time to wake up.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Also justus those lists can be soooo deceiving.

Take this one little line ....

"3. Plant the garden"

Looks easy on paper, but I am still working on that one on my list and it has been over a month!! :lol:

Don't work to hard today. As for me I have to go to a paying job and just can't stay home to play no matter HOW many things I have left to do. :(


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
FF, I agree about the list being deceiving. PLanting the garden means I HAVE to move 10 tons of dirt FIRST! LOL And, since we dont own a tractor....its shovel and wheelbarrow time. Ohhhh, my acheing back...and I havent even started! LOL
Tanks...you got up WAY earlier than I did! LOL Im still trying to recover from the late guests we had the other day. They stayed untill 4 am! UGH! If it dries up enough, MAYBE I will get some "on my butt lawnmower time" today! HAHA!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
25 May 10

Im loveing this sunshine and heat!! The yard is still wet..sorta, but hubby was able to get most of it mowed. Today...I moved 3 wagonloads of used straw bedding from the barn, to the spring garden. I was able to get the cabbages, cauliflour, brussel sprouts, and carrotts "mulched" Then I put a layer around the inside and outside of the fence. Put some around the grapes...just to keep the weeds down.
The roofers were here today....got MOST of the roof done. 10 am I had to stop work to make hotdogs for them. As I was headed in to the house...I heard one of them say..." Where are those hot dogs?" LOL I told them to hold thier horses, I was on my way to get them. When I took them out ...one of them called me MA'am!!! UGH!! I told him....you call me Ma'am one more time, and I am gonna put that hot dog up your nose! :lol: I gave them a gallon of sweet tea, and they all were very thankfull. For lunch they finished the hotdogs, and tea...and I came around to ask the "boss" about the carpenters coming...and they were all laying in the shade. :/ I said...now there is a picture of hard workers. :p I threatened to take a pic and send it to thier boss... LOL We all laughed. So, tomorrow the carpenters will be here to fix the rafters...then the roofers will come back and finish. Should be ALL done by Thursday. :weee
I had some rolled roofing I got from the auction, for a couple of dollars....so I took it and put it on the cornish coop. Then I had a piece of downspout in the "junk pile" So, I got hubbys compressor...and a cut off wheel...and split it down the seam, straightened it out a bit, and made a gutter for the small coop. Added another small piece of downspout, and now I will be able to collect rain from there as well! I will be hitting garage sales this weekend, looking for a cooler with a drain spout, to collect the rainwater. Oh, and I put a fan in the window of the cornish coop. Haveing to lock them all up at night worries me because of the heat. They should be comfy now. :D
Cleaned and filled the goat and sheep water troughs...and now I am headed to collect eggs, and close everyone up, then hit the shower...and collaps.:p Tomorrow is another long day planned..moveing that 10 tons of dirt...and hopeing to get the garden in by the weekend. Oh, and speaking of gardens...is it wise to mulch around onions?? Just to keep the weeds down? I was thinking of useing the straw bedding, with sheep poo around them. Good or bad idea???


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
26 May 10

The contractors were here all day replaceing the rafters in the roof. Then the roofers came back, and was able to get the felt down. Tomorrow they SHOULD be able to finish....depending on the rain.
I will be so glad to have the roof done, so I wont have to listen to BANG, BANG, BANG all day!!
Well..I have before and after pics of the tiny coop. This is an extra coop...right now it is being used for the cornish....later, maybe ducks.
Before.... The cornish were so small! I cant believe it....they have surely grown.

Now...The coop is 95 % done. I need to get a barrell for rain water..plant mint..and get the front finished painted. ( once the cornish are out)
Front view...

Back view, complete with fan in the window. :)

And...just a fun picture I took..Casper was so hot, he wanted to drink from the hose....

I moved the little turkeys out to the main coop today. They were flying out of the tub, in the garage. The pen they are in is temporary...but will work for now.What I REALLY need to do is get rid of these darned Showgirls!! I have a white pair..and I am NOT in love with them. :/
Hopeing to get some more work done outside tomorrow..just have to beat the heat in the morning.