JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA

When my D1 was about the same age we were out hiking and she had to go pee. She was too uncoordinated to squat alone, so her daddy was holding her hands while she went. He asked her if she was "ok now", meaning was she done needing his help and she said "yes" meaning she was set and going pee. He let loose and she sat down in her own pee puddle!!! :ep

The priceless moment was when she looked at him and said in a very serious voice. "YOU are a BAD DADDY!" :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Farmfresh said:

When my D1 was about the same age we were out hiking and she had to go pee. She was too uncoordinated to squat alone, so her daddy was holding her hands while she went. He asked her if she was "ok now", meaning was she done needing his help and she said "yes" meaning she was set and going pee. He let loose and she sat down in her own pee puddle!!! :ep

The priceless moment was when she looked at him and said in a very serious voice. "YOU are a BAD DADDY!" :lol:
:yuckyuck :lol:
Today was a pretty busy day. Now t6hat the contractors are finished, I can try to get my house back in order. A very DEEP spring cleaning.
THis morning, I let the animals out..fed, watered...and played with Half Pint. Oh my goodness, she is SOOooo cute!! When I sit down in there with her..she will hop, skip and jump sideways running to me! Then plop in my lap! :love I gues she is over the big mean shot thing.
After animal chores...I came in and started a pork roast. Sure made the house smell good, all porky and garlicy. (??) Then I started with vaccuming the entire upper level...living room, diningroom, hall, bedroom and bathroom. ( Yes, there is carpet in the bathroom, NOT my idea!) After I vaccumed...i got out the carpet cleaner. I just LOVE fresh cleaned carpets! Ours was getting a little "ripe" with all the in and out traffic from contractors, and ourselves...animals and garden.."stuff" :/ Cleaned all the carpets upstairs. Had to stop to get hubby's dinner packed for work...then ran the vaccume down the steps, and into the family room. Still had plenty time...so I got the mower out, and ran it over the sheeps pasture. There was some pretty tall grass, that had gone to seed, and it was tough. They wont eat it. Picky sheep! Then started on the front field. Got most of it done when the mower started shakeing terribly, and I saw a piece of the belt come out from under it. DARN! Disengaged the blades, and put the mower back in the lean-too. Hubby can look at it tomorrow. Checked and filled waters for the chickens...came in, got a shower..and went to BINGO! Wheeee! I won $100.00!!! Good timeing too. I have a woman coming on the 7th, to sheer 2 Ewes, and trim all the sheep and goats hooves. I just dont have the confidence to trim hooves...yet. Came home from bingo...cleaned the kitchen...went out and did the goat shuffle...closed the barn..gathered eggs, closed coops, filled feeders and waterers..and now I am relaxing with my coffee. Whew! Storms coming..again.
OH, and I looked in on the garden today...those crazy green beans are already popping up! :ya Grow babies grow!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
5 June 10
Today is the day....chicken butcher day! My friend is coming over to help, and my 2 sons are coming in from OK later this morning. This is going to be a long day....Im not looking forward to it...however, I DO relish the idea of all those yummy chickens in the freezer, and canning jars. :) I better get myself busy, and get things ready. Need to go put an edge on the hatchet....Fill the water barrell...get my wrapping paper and pots ready, and get the fire going. Hope everyone has a wonderfull weekend!!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
How do you intend to wrap your birds Justus?

I use Ziplock freezer bags and DOUBLE bag them, then I weigh, label and date each package.

Remember to chill them for about 48 hours or so BEFORE freezing them.

And try a squirt of dish soap in the scalding water. It saturates the feathers faster AND smells a whole lot better in addition to helping clean the bird a bit.

Good luck and have a great time processing! :thumbsup


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well, the Sky's have spoken. The chickens get a reprieve...for now. Rain today, and tomorrow. I was sure hopeing that these storms might miss us, but doesnt look like it will. So, MONDAY! Supposed to be nice and sunny...UGH, 2 more days of feeding these uglys! I might try to get a few done today...will have to watch the skys.
FF. ... I plan to set them in the spare fridge in the garage for a day or so, then I will put a few whole in vaccume bags...cut up a few, also in vaccume bags, for frying...then can the rest. I never thought of the dishsoap. Hmm, might have to give that a try! Thanks!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well, today is the day! In about an hour...we will start the butchering. And, here I sit, still unprepared. LOL Oh, I have it all fairly close to the area we will be working...but still..im not looking forward to this job.
My oldest son, and youngest son came in from Oklahoma Saturday morning. The oldest brought his 3 boys along!! The youngest son came to pick up his son for 2 months visitation. Then my middle son came over with his 2. I had ALL my grandkids here!! What a weekend!!!! I didnt get anything done around here....just played with the kids all weekend. Oh, all the animals were fed and taken care of.....MORE than usual with all the helping hands. :) We played...we ate...we played..we ate.....Yup, that was our whole weekend. Sunday early evening they had to get back on the road to OKC. :( I made all the kids "trip bags" complete with cookies, jellybeans,cheese puffs, peanutbutter crackers, and $2.00 each for drinks. Yeah, I know, I should have made them healthy snacks....but jeesh...I dont get to see them very often..so I splurged. :D
Back to the normal grind today. Butchering chickens early today...then around 7 pm I have someone coming to sheer the other 2 ewes, and trim all the feet out there. ( there are a LOT of feet.. 11 animals) Hopeing we can get it done before dark!
Once the cornish are gone...I will put lime down in that pen...wate a few days, and make it back into the duck yard. I need to get my little female aquainted with the 3 little ones. I hope they get along.
So, I better get going...get the fire going out there, and table set up! Wish me luck everyone!! :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
It was a lot of kids under one roof. Especially for someone who doesnt ususally have ANY kids under this roof! :lol: We all survived...no fighting..and no crying. ;)
Just finished butchering the chickens. They are resting comfortably in the spare fridge. :p 15 for me, 8 for my friend that helped...and we had it all done in 6 hours. Oh, I still have a bit of a mess to clean up...burn some stuff..bleach a few things...but..we are DONE!
Tomorrow I will start freezing what I want frozen...and canning the rest. What a JOB!! But...its DONE! WOOHOO!!!!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
I've got 18 meaties that are going to need done faster than I'm prepared for. I wanted to talk to an Amish man about doing it for me, but I haven't connected with him yet. :( Figured it would be worth the cost to get them all done in a timely manner.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
8 June 10

So...yesterday...what a day!! 8 am my friend shows up. I had almost everything set up. Table...hot water going on the grill...pans, rain barrell with cold water, knives, and hatchet. We started the task of butchering. Knocked that out right quick. Then, the plucking. Ohhhh, boy...I can barely type today, my fingers are so sore! It took us 7 hrs from start to finish. We ended up skinning the last 6 or 7...just needed to get done fast. I will use them for canning. Got them in the fridge, cleaned up most of the mess...got the fire going to burn the "extra" parts...then headed to the coops. Had to check on the chickens, poults, and ducks. I decided to put the ducks in the pen that the cornish were in. So, I was able to get Baby duck...the oldest femal to follow me in...then I went and got the 3 babies, and put them with her. I was surprised to see them get along just fine! Filled water dishes, feeders for the chicks, then came inside to wash off a bit, and get some much needed water for me! I was just getting comfortable, when the doorbell rang. ( dang it) It was the sheep shearer. She was early...about an hour or 2! Oh well..back on my feet....ready to go. She wanted to go out to see the Turkeys. She said she has never seen a "real" one. So, out to the coops we go. She ooohed and aaaahed over the poultry for a while....then we headed to the barn. 2 of the Ewes still needed sheared. She also said she would trim ALL feet out there. ( thats a lot of feet!) First was April. She was a bit of a fighter...but we were able to get her sheared and triimmed. April is the one with the messed up jaw....from being attacked by goats at her former home. I have to feed her seperate, and make sure she gets enough. Well, apparently..she is NOT getting enough. She is SOoooooooo skinny!!Starting today, she will get EXTRA rations.
Then we got Mary...she is a bit more skittish around strangers. Got her down, and started shearing. So this woman says...where are HER babies?? HU?? She doesnt have babies! She said..no?? Well..look here...if she doesnt, she will! O M G ! Mary has milk bags....HUGH milk bags!! We were a bit more gentle with her after that, and after getting her sheared and trimmed...its OBVIOUS...she is preggers! :th Thinking back...we took the ram out in March..so..no later that August, Mary will lamb. Im thinking alot sooner...like this month. Wow. That was a shocker. Time to up her feedings a bit as well.
Then we went to the goat pen...time to trim feet. We muscled them all, and got them trimmed. I am bruised, lliterally from head to feet. I HATE horned animals!! :gig At least THATS all done....for now.
Today I will be working on those chickens. Cutting, canning, and freezing...chickens...ALL DAY!
I have about a gallon of mulberries picked and in the freezer...Jelly makeing wil have to waite.
Time to go feed, water, and turn out animals....then start in the kitchen. Whew...im already worn out! LOL

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