JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Now you have discovered why I butcher my meaties 4 to 6 a day over the period of a week or two!

I just cannot handle that many at once. We went to my aunts in years past and as part of an assembly line crew would do up to 50 in one day. :th

Then one day it occurred to me that they would get just as frozen a few at a time. ;) I can also work alone on the project now which means that I must wait on no man to get it done AND they are all done clean as I like them. Of course there is more set up and clean up involved, but I have it down to a fast science and with less birds the clean up is not so overwhelming.

I simply select the ones that are next in line (I try for most problems, largest, and then males. It seems like the straighter the legs and more balanced the bird the better able they are to get bigger with less heat stress and other issues) and bring them to a holding pen the day before the DAY. In the holding pen they get free choice water and fresh greens (or no grain at all). Doing this for 12 to 24 hours cleans out the gut and makes butchering easier. On occasion I have had "something come up" that makes butcher day a no go, then I just give them a grain feeding and start the clean out process over. After my selected batch is butchered, a new batch goes in the holding pen.

I rotate the chill zone the same way - 6 birds from day 1, 6 birds from day 2 on day three the first birds rotate to freezer camp. This way I only need fridge space to chill around 8 to 12 birds at a time.

Even doing them a few at a time I have arthritis flare ups. I cannot imagine doing all at once anymore. If I had a day like yours, even without the shearing that followed, I would literally be crippled for a week! You are a better "man" than I am Justus!

I hope the plan for today is TV and ice cream.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
We did the same thing....we just selected the 6 biggest and separated them for the day before and put them on grass only and it made things a lot easier. I don't think we could have done all of them at once....we had 30 to do and it took us 2 weeks to get them all done but it was waaaaaay easier than doing it all at once.

Hope you feel better!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Yes, you read that right...I was chased by a 7 ft tall chicken!
This morning after getting some more broth canned..hubby and I headed to town. He was looking at buying another truck. We was headed past a new store...and standing out there on the corner was a person in a chicken costume....easily 7 ft tall. It was really cute...so I honked, and waved...and he started chaseing my truck!! I swear, I thought he was going to jump in the bed of the truck. :lol:
So, about the truck...let me give you a little backround. When we lived in Alaska, hubby bought this 85 GMC, 2 wheel drive, RED pickup. He LOVES this truck...sometimes I think more than me! :/
So, when we moved back to the lower 48, he just had to bring it along. It would never have made the trip, so he drug it behind a U Haul. :rolleyes: THATS when I started...ummm..hateing this trruck. We get just oiutside of Alaska..when the front tire of his truck, being on the dolly, got a flat. Had to stop to change it because of the angle it was at. We get to Oklahoma...our next base..Tinker AFB. Once there, that truck decided she wanted to give up the ghost. We put $1500 into a new engine. That motor lasted a whole 6 months. Thankfully it was under warranty, so another was put in. :/ Then, the transmission, another 1200. That was in 1999. 2000 we moved to Indiana...the carb took a dump, so we had to put a new one on it....and ANOTHER one in 2001. Since then, new brakes, calipers, U joints twice, a new gas tank, several sets of tires, and the list goes on and on. $$$$$$$$$ pit!!! I have BEGGED him to let it go, and we would get something else. NOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo way!! Last week, it stopped running again! So, he limped to the shop...$200.00 later, it was determined there were rotted wires or something..OK, so we are good, right? NOPE!! Today, he limped back to the shop. Not sure whats wrong with it yet. It runs for a while, then dies. Its NOT the fuel pump, pressure was good, NOT the filter, that was changed, its getting gas...the carb checked good..floats good..now they are thinking electrical. UGH! I call her the " red bi**h" Even my mechanic is starting to NOT like it! LOL So, a friend of hubbys had a truck for sale. Its a 2000, chevy, 1 ton, with 90 thousand miles. New brakes, tires, and bed liner. He sold it to hubby for $3,500. The red Bi**h" is in the shop...and as far as I am concerned,she can stay there...forever! :lol: Oh, she will come home...and most likely just be the farm truck. I told hubby,. I wanted to take it to the trade school in the fall, and drop it off. Let them do what they do. Work on project vehicles. I say...IF they can get her up and running in good condition, they deserve an A+++++. Im going to ask about them doing the body work and paint as well. They can keep her as long as they want. ;)
Tomorrow is supposed to be a nice day...well, not raining! LOL I am planning to get in the garden and get the weeding done. I have some barn bedding I need to place around the tomatos and peppers as well. The beets are pokeing thier tiny little heads through the soil...I hope they do well. Last years beets were a bust. The green beans are finally starting to climb...and the corn is popping up nicely! Grow garden grow! :D


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
:lol: I don't think you have to worry about your dh leaving you for the red B. He wouldn't get very far!!!!

Enjoy your day in the garden!



Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy

Just read your adventures in butchering. Seems like DH is right and we need to do just a few at a time... I'm about ready to do the deed to some of the mean, flighty RIR. Especially the roos!!

So the big chicken acted like a regular chicken and thought you had some treats? :lol:


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Lori...Im getting to think we have more in that truck than this house! LOL I told him, if after we get it from the shop...and she doesnt want to run..we will get her running, and drive it off into the woods...until it stops....and leave it for another generation to find later. ( what a find) HAHA!
Noobie...I think it smelled the canned chickens on me! LOL Maybe it was wanting revenge! I was just finishing canning the broth...then we went to town. LOL Heaven help me when I cann the beef!!! :gig
So today I was able to move 2 loads of bedding from the barn, to the garden paths...and pull weeds. Total of 4 hrs in the garden. I was DONE! Whew! The potatos are looking good. Getting tall...almost time to put more straw/bedding around them. Tomorrow I need to go check if my DE has come in. I am haveing the WORST time with cabbage wormies! I hate those squishy green things. :sick My poor cabbages look like lace...I can't seem to get the caterpillers off fast enough. Im trying to NOT use chemicals...but they are attacking the cabbages, broccoli, and brussel sprouts!! Oh HECK NO! MINE MINE MINE!! Back away bugs!!
Looks like we are to get 4 days of rain. YUK! not looking froward to that. I was planning to get some laundry done today...didnt make it to the line. DARN!
Oh...and the other day, I had someone come out to shear the last 2 Ewes, and trim all the feeties out there....goats and sheep. FIRST let me say...when I go to town now, I have to wear long pants. I am bruised down both legs, and arms. :/ Hubby said " Everyone will think I am beating you" :gig So, we got little Mary sheared...and :ep She is preggers..I think. Well, she has milk bags...BIG bags. I never noticed them before because of the wool. Now....here is a question....
When Nelly had her babies...back in March...she had 2. Well, one of the little lambs ran to Mary, and was sucking. Mary let her!! I was told that one Ewe will try to steal anothers lambs. So I took the babies and put them in a pen with Nelly...the OBVIOUS mother. I checked Mary...didnt see any "goo" so I assumed it was just a case of her wanting to be a mother. OK, so now, fast forward...Mary has milk...but she isn't so big. IF she WAS the mother of one of the babies, wouldn't her milk be dried up?? Im thinking she is preggers. Dont know...yet. I will keep my eye on her..and make sure she gets plenty grains in the morning.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I would mix up some Murphy's Oil soap and a little water to spray your cabbages with. It kills bugs rather well and is made from vegetable oil.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I heard that sprinkling flower or cornstarch on the cabbage is supposed to get rid of cabbage worms. I've never had to try it, just thought I'd pass it on. ;)


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Just, after you can that beef, I would avoid anything resembling Paul Bunyan. You sure don't want to be chased by a full sized Babe :lol:
Bt works on cabbage worms, also Kaolin clay prevents the butterflies from chewing & laying eggs.

My dad uses cheap nylon stockings over cabbage heads to protect them.

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