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- #2,261
Almost Self-Reliant
Thanks for the well wishes all.. Jeesh, Doctors seem to want to find something wrong! Grrrr. Well, my body showed THEM! HA!
Looks like the little peas will be OK. And the onions. Now I have to go get some thing to spread on the garden to keep the cats from useing it for a little box! DAM CATS! I know there used to be a product called Scat Cat...I will be out today looking for it. I will have to make sure it is safe in a garden tho. :/
My little ducks are hatching....
So far...7 hatched....18 to go, I think...maybe 19 to go. LOL I lost count. SO far they are all black cayuga mix. I was hopeing to get a few Khaki Kambels....guess I will have to do a seperate hatch of them next...well,,,after the turkeys. I have a dozen turkey eggs to go in next. 
At least the snow melted...I was glad to see that! So were the PB piggies. Yesterday I moved Pinky and Oliver out to the pasture where the goats were. They have a nice little house to get into, with lots of straw, so they should be OK. Then moved Tulip over to Pinky and Olivers pen....then moved Harley ( the hog) over to Tulips pen. Whew! I am Sooooo glad pigs are food motivated!!!
Now I need to clean the stall where Harley was, and get ready for lambing. I am pretty sure my Nelly is preggo...she will be getting sheared this weekend...if the weather holds....then I will know for sure if we will have little lambs or not. She is the only one that MIGHT be. IF she is, she will be due mid April.... I think. LOL
OK, I need to get to town...booooooo..and get a few things. Have a great day everyone!!!
Looks like the little peas will be OK. And the onions. Now I have to go get some thing to spread on the garden to keep the cats from useing it for a little box! DAM CATS! I know there used to be a product called Scat Cat...I will be out today looking for it. I will have to make sure it is safe in a garden tho. :/
My little ducks are hatching....

At least the snow melted...I was glad to see that! So were the PB piggies. Yesterday I moved Pinky and Oliver out to the pasture where the goats were. They have a nice little house to get into, with lots of straw, so they should be OK. Then moved Tulip over to Pinky and Olivers pen....then moved Harley ( the hog) over to Tulips pen. Whew! I am Sooooo glad pigs are food motivated!!!

OK, I need to get to town...booooooo..and get a few things. Have a great day everyone!!!