JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Thanks for the well wishes all.. Jeesh, Doctors seem to want to find something wrong! Grrrr. Well, my body showed THEM! HA!
Looks like the little peas will be OK. And the onions. Now I have to go get some thing to spread on the garden to keep the cats from useing it for a little box! DAM CATS! I know there used to be a product called Scat Cat...I will be out today looking for it. I will have to make sure it is safe in a garden tho. :/
My little ducks are hatching.... :weee So far...7 hatched....18 to go, I think...maybe 19 to go. LOL I lost count. SO far they are all black cayuga mix. I was hopeing to get a few Khaki Kambels....guess I will have to do a seperate hatch of them next...well,,,after the turkeys. I have a dozen turkey eggs to go in next. :D
At least the snow melted...I was glad to see that! So were the PB piggies. Yesterday I moved Pinky and Oliver out to the pasture where the goats were. They have a nice little house to get into, with lots of straw, so they should be OK. Then moved Tulip over to Pinky and Olivers pen....then moved Harley ( the hog) over to Tulips pen. Whew! I am Sooooo glad pigs are food motivated!!!:gig Now I need to clean the stall where Harley was, and get ready for lambing. I am pretty sure my Nelly is preggo...she will be getting sheared this weekend...if the weather holds....then I will know for sure if we will have little lambs or not. She is the only one that MIGHT be. IF she is, she will be due mid April.... I think. LOL
OK, I need to get to town...booooooo..and get a few things. Have a great day everyone!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Ducks are all hatched out! Whew! I ended up with 25 baby ducks. :love However...I DONT love the mess! At least they are in the coop..and NOT in my garage like last year. :sick
The little peas are looking good..about an inch tall. I am still waiting on the beets...not sure if the cold got them or not, I might have to replant.
Today is supposed to be really nice, I am hopeing I can convince hubby to get out there and turn over the new garden area. I have a bunch of pig poo with sheep and goat poo mixed in, I want to put on top when he is finished.
Yesterday I had to reinforce the fence where those pigs are. One kept pushing under to get in with the sheep. Then my little April would chase her and thrash her. :rant You would think after a few good butt whoopins that stupid pig would stay on her own side. So, I finally got some old boards and nailed them to the bottom of the fence row, its not pretty but it seems to be working. Tuesday these fat little piggies will be gone! :celebrate
I have a dozen turkey eggs in the bator now. The hens are still laying...so I might do another batch.
Well, the sun is up, so I need to get outside! Have a great weekend everyone!!!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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yikes that sure is farm work today! :)

been there, done that, glad it is almost all over HA HA

you go girl!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
So, Saturday...hubby and I worked outside most of the day. It started with me getting animals chores done. Feeding , watering, patting and petting. Then hubby came out and we got sttarted on difefrent projects...sorta. I wanted to use the lawn tractor to haul the dump wagon....I needed to move some barn "compost" to the garden area. Well...we had to get the lawn tractor running! UGH! I wanted to use the older green machine. This tractor is at least 30+ years old...big, solid, and a real work horse! I love this machine. We pulled it out from its winter bed...and it had a flat. Oh, not " just a flat" the tire was coming off the rim! Dang! OK, so I will use the White. We get it pulled out, and to the shop....change the spark plugs...add fresh oil and gas...and crank...and crank...and crank untill the battery is almost dead! Oh, hubby had a few choice words for THAT machine! So then he "borrows" the battery from my green machine. :/ This means I wont get it back, and will have to go buy another one! He gets it in the White...and after a few cranks and cusses...it turns over. Whew! I thought hubby was chanting to call the devil with all the cussing he was doing! :hide
I pull it around, and he hooks up the wagon for me. Off I go to the barn. I ended up getting 5 full loads of compost material from the side of the barn. This stuff has been sitting there for 2 years...working for me! :D Hubby in the meantime...was in the shop, cutting the 8 ft brooder in half. I really can't use an 8 ft...and have no place to use one that big. It was free so.....yeah.
The compost in a heap in the middle of the garden spot...covered in black plastic..."cooking" for a few more weeks....hubby and I are in the shop cleaning up when a friend comes over...wants me to go look at the chickens he bought at auction. He was so excited about his $7.50 each "hens" So, I get my DE...and go over to his place...I am sure these new hens need a good dusting. Once I get there, It was all I could do to not laugh and scream..." You paid for these chickens??" He did get a pretty good looking Brahma hen...2 Easter eggers..and 3 black ones with gold on thier chest. The 3 black ones look rough....REALLY rough!!! Im not sure thier breed...either black copper marans....Welsummers...or mutts. Either way..they look really rough...and I am pretty sure one is a rooster. To say the least, he was pretty upset. I went to work dusting them all....and offered my advice to give them as high a proteine food as he could get, adding meat, cheese, and milk to thier diet for a few weeks. Get some weight back on them, they MIGHT be good layers.I really felt bad for him...he was taken for a ride at the auction.
I come home...and hubby was finishing up in the shop...by this time its almost 6 pm...so we run into town for a burger. I knwo...I already regret it! My stomach is paying me back for it already. :sick
We settle in for the evening...to watch some tv together, drinking our coffee....watching "Happy Feet" what a cute movie.....when my phone rings. Its my sister in KY. She informed me that she is going to order herself a NEW Kabota. I have to say I was green with envy...untill she said.." Hey, remember the Ford 8 N tractor I bought last year? You want it?" Of course I was excited...but tried to keep it inside, untill I knew what she wanted for it. I know she payed 1500 for it and put that much at least more into it. So, timidly I asked...what do you want for it? She said..... NOTHING! WHAT!??? Oh, I tell her....let me give you at least what you paid for it...she refused..said she will deliver it to me in a few weeks! O M G !! Really?? Free!??? It was hard for me to just sit there...and NOT jump all over the place. I can't believe it...she is GIVING me the tractor...Sooooooooo, I talked to hubby...and we are going to raise an extra pig for her, and a few cornish cross chickens. ( maybe 10 or so) What a great ending to a good day!

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
:woot Those 8N tractors are great! That is so exciting. My DH's family had them for years and swear by them. Sounds like you had a great day of fresh air and sunshine too!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
I am not trying to bragg....but...oh..heck, yes I am! :p It has a new PTO on it too! Now I want a plow..and disc...and a post hole digger, and a wood splitter..and....and..... :th

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