JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
justusnak said:
Farmfresh said:
I have been telling all of the people around me - none of whom care - that what is really needed is a micro baler that can be pulled with a lawn tractor!!

Someone with lots of money, PLEASE fund my idea. (I even have a person who could build one!) Let's get rich together. :cool: :p
Hubby and I have talked about that for a few years!! I wish I knew someone who could build ME one!! I would love to have one to "bale" the grass in the front field...with my lawn tractor!!!
My cousin is a mechanical genius and spends a lot of his time building farm tools and restoring old John Deere tractors. He could get the job done for sure, but when I mentioned it he looked at me like I am crazy.

I KNOW a lot of people that would love to bale their yard for small bales to feed rabbits, goats and other critters. Why will no one listen to the whacky old city farmer?? :idunno


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Farm, I think they would be a great seller!!! Especially for smaller farms like us! He could patent them, and make millions!! I wish I could get someone to build one....man oh man....that would be great!!! We have about an acre that we currently mow. UGH!! It always goes to waste...while the sheep stand there and watch..just wishing they could have all that great green grass. I have been known to rake it into a wagon....once! LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
So yesterday I had to get up early and take the pot belly pigs to thier new home. My neighbor helped catch them, and load...then went with me to deliver them about 45 minutes away. They are now on a WONDERFUL farm...just beautiful...a place where I would love to live. Once we got them settles the ownder of the farm took us to see the miniature horses that were born just that morning. They were still wet! So cute! Pocket pony's! LOL
She has over 300 mini's. They have raised them for 30+ years. What a beautiful place.
So, my neighbor gets a call...we have to get back to town to pick up her daughter from school. Once we get home I walk in to see my hubby up and on the phone. ?? He is NEVER up this early. I put away my things and waited for him to get off the phone. His brother called to tell us that MIL is in the hospital. She apparently had a heart attack dureing the night...and was in a coma. Hubby threw on some clothes and we left. ( I didnt even think of changeing, wish I would have, I was covered in pig poo) It is about 1 1/2 hr drive to Hamilton Ohio from our home. By the time we get there, she had passed away. We was met by the family at the hospital..some quietly crying, some in hysterics. I went to those in hysterics. Held them, and tried to comfort them. We spent the rest of the day at the in laws home makeing plans on our next few days. We got home late, I did animal chores in the dark. Hubby will go back today to be with his dad, and help make arrangements. He will stay there for a few nights....then come home to get me, I think Friday......The funeral is Saturday. This is all so unreal. MIL was FINE the day before. At least she passed peacefully. I am thankfull for that. It just seems we keep loseing our loved ones.........this is getting harder to handle. In less than 10 years...we burried my brother, my grandfather,our grand daughter, my aunt, my uncle, my mother, our son, my father, and now his mother. It is getting a little overwhelming. Please say a little prayer for my huby and his family...


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
:hugs I will be praying.

We had a streak like that. In less than five years we lost my Grandma Nettie, both my grandpas, my uncle and my mom. :(

Sometimes it gets to feeling lonely. But I know, some of them at least, were simply needed "elsewhere". :)

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