JUSTUSNAK...Summer coming to an end!?


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
Big hugs to you and your hubbie :hugs and prayers said for peace and comfort for you all in your time of mourning. May you always treasure the good memories, and make sure you enjoy firing off those rounds in her honour.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Well...today was the hardest....the funeral. :( I have to say tho...it went really well. No fighting...yet..and, even tho it rained this morning...at the time we were at the cemetary..the sun came out, with a light breeze, and was almost 75 degrees!! Just about perfect...except that the farmer that owned the field next to it, was spreading manure!! :lol: I think I was the ONLY ONE that was not offended by this smell. :p
Everyone met back at the inlaws home..and we ate, and shared great memories.
Tomorrow the plan is to off 3 roosters...and work in the garden...Sunday we will BBQ those roosters....and work in the garden...LOL Have to get the soil turned a few times...so I can get to planting!! I am sooooooooo excited to get started.I have 5 wagon loads of sheep and pig poo compost going to be tilled under. GROW BABY GROW!!!!!
My son made it in from OKC...finally...oh, thats another story!!
We was at the funeral home yesterday, for the viewing....My daughter was coming in from Evansville and would be going right through where my son was getting off the bus, so the plan was for her to pick him up, and bring him to the house with her.
I get a frantic call from my soon to be DIL....my son missed his bus in Louisville, KY. Thats about 2 hrs from where I was at the time. JUST GREAT! We were all too busy with the viewing...to go get him. So we are all making calls...trying to find him a ride...when I told my daughter to call the bus station...and explain to them that he missed the bus...( he is 28 yrs old) I told my daughter..." tell them he is handicapped...I dont care what you tell them, see if you can get him rerouted on another bus" ( my son is slightly handicapped, and gets confused easily) So she calls the bus station, and explains to the lady, that her brother missed the bus. The woman then informs my daughter.." That bus doesnt leave for another 10 minutes" :cool: So my daughter asked the woman to please page my son...and let him know. Once my son is at the counter...my daughter is listening to the conversation between the woman and my son..." She said...you bus doesn't leave for another 10 minutes, you can still catch it" To which my son replies..." Oh, thats OK, I have a ride coming to get me" Then the woman said..." I am talking to your "ride" and she said, if you dont get on that bus, she is going to kick your azz! ":gig Then, trying not to laugh too hard, my daughter says " will you please make sure he gets on the bus?" and the woman says..." I will PHYSICALLY put him on that bus, dont worry" !! :lol: Gotta love the Greyhound people!!! My son made it in...and all is well. LOL
My son on the other hand, was NOT happy with being " manhandled" :rolleyes: At least he is here...whew! What an ordeal!! His fience' called, and said she will come pick him up...when its time for him to go back !! LOL Whew! He is staying here toi help with the farm untill my foot heals from the surgery...I have to get done soon. ( a bunion and hammer toe) OUCH! He will be a great help to me....I hope! LOL
So, it has been a long week..and I am worn out....heading to slumberland!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Sounds to me like gardening will be a nice reprieve for you. Hope your garden does extra well for yu tis year. You deserve something nice to happen to you for once.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
FarmerDenise said:
Sounds to me like gardening will be a nice reprieve for you. Hope your garden does extra well for yu tis year. You deserve something nice to happen to you for once.
Aww, thanks FD. I am praying all of our gardens do well this year. Last year was a bust for many of us. We have had our share of bumps in the road...but..we are stronger for it. ;) All we can do is "turn the page" and keep on going. :)
ETA: Through all this....both of our cats have had thier kittens! A total of 7! Hubby FINALLY said...we are getting these darned barn cats FIXED! ( ya think?? ) LOL


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Why is it my "best layed plans" seem to never work out??
Yesterday , the plan was to get the rototiler running...and work the compost into the garden area...clean the stalls.
Well, the rain came in early...and boy did it rain!!!!! Im not sure how much we got but it was enough to make my property non workable.
My son and I made it to the shop before the rain, and got the new baby duck pen set up...I had 4 more ducks brought to me from the rescue. Oh, and a little gosling. :) I have no idea what breed this gosling is...but it is sooooo cute!! I thought the ducks were Pekings...but I see a few feathers coming in, and they are looking sorta grey??? However they are BIG ducklings!
So...after the rain...hubby and son went to the shop to get the tiller going. They started on the mower first.needed to get it ready for when it dries up. This took them most of the day, sharpening blades, changing oil, cleaning plugs etc.
Then my BIL shows up...and he and his wife and daughter stayed untill 1:30 am!!! :th
Today...the weather is supposed to be 85, sunny and breazy. I am hopeing the tiller get done early, and the ground dries enough to get the garden turned. I am getting a few loads of laundry on the line this morning...then headed out to take care of the animals..and clean the stalls. I think today warrants shorts!! Woohoo! Come on sunshine!

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