framing fowl
On a mission
Hope you get a good weather day today. Ducks and a gosling? Sounds like you have some cuteness going on over there!
:justusnak said:So, my daughter and her hubby came up for the funeral..I havent
had a chance to really visit with them for a while. The morning they were going to leave, we had a storm blow in and they had to stay about an hour longer than they had planned. We were talking about politics...the way the economy is tanking...SHTF scenarios...etc.
My daughter is deep down inside wanting to be more suffecient..but I think she just doesn't know where to start. We talked about growing a garden, canning, and makeing laundry soaps, etc.
When she got home...she called to tell me she was at the lumber yard, buying the stuff she needed to buiold a raised bed, to put in some green beans, tomatos, and a few others.She also asked about where to get the ingredients for makeing laundry soap. I am so proud of her for wanting to learn, and take care of herself more. Maybe I will be able to teach her to preserve her foods this summer.
My D1 seems to be going about this in the opposite way. She has the sheep and chickens ... now to get her to make her own laundry soap or grow a green bean!framing fowl said:Hurray! It must be very satisfying to have someone willing to learn and you have the ability to share that with her. Laundry soap and green beans... next thing she knows it will be chickens & goats.