boys course I am currently eating my mean roo . . . but I did give him a few attitude adjustments and plenty of time to calm down. He was a beautiful light brahma, but he was huge and couldn't be trusted so he had to go.
Woke this morning to 59 degrees! Jeesh! Its almost chilly out there! Oh, I am not complaining....I am loving it. NO AC! Im still going to wear my shorts...even if I do shiver a little , at first.
I am off to the feed store...sigh...have to get the straw and pine shavings. With company coming..I need to get everything cleaned out and spiffy looking.
Going to be a busy day for sure!
Have a great one everyone!
I can't believe its already going on 4pm! Where has this day gone?
Got back from the feed store and unloaded all the feed and hay, and pine shavings. Got it all put away, and I started on the coops, while DS started on the barn. I cleaned the 4 big pens, pushed the old shavings into their yards, swept the walls, ceiling, and windows....added all new shavings..put up a new pen for the 3 pigeons, and got them moved outside. DS came over when I was finished, he had the 2 stalls and the sheep's area mucked, waiting on me to take the truck over to load it. I wanted to finish the Banty Shanty and the Turkey hut first. So, we headed over there, got them all mucked out, new shavings, swept the cob webs, while dodging a few wasps who were NOT happy I took out their nests...cleaned and filled all the feeders and water's. Then I came to the porch for some sweet tea, and a break. After about 20 minute's we headed to the barn. Whew! That's a LOT of POO!!!!! Filled my S10. Put down new straw bedding for everyone..and brought the old straw/poo to the garden. Just finished that up and my hands are tired! I can't believe it took us 5 hrs to do that! I need to get that load of laundry off the line, then I think I am done its time to close the coops. Maybe I will sneak in a little nap.
Whew! These old bones were tired! I started to get cold. :/ Not sure what that was all about, so I went to my bedroom, and laid on the bed for a minute. HA! An hour later I was waking up to the news! LOL I feel refreshed....guess I need to head back outside..and close everyone up.
Well, I wasn't really intending to get a just my bed, with a fan on, and the TV going. LOL Hey, these old bones had a good workout today...I was able to get more done after the nap. Finished laundry, took chicks from the bator to the brooder, after I got the brooder set up, moved a few ducks around to new pens, cleaned the kitchen...and sat out front with the cats for a bit. Now I need my shower, coffee and some TV time.
I had to go into town again today....UGH! When I got the animals feed yesterday, they didnt have the hog feed. So I had to go back today to get it. I hate making 2 trips into town in one week! Such a waste of gas. But, the pigs hafta eat..I guess. LOL
So, we get home, DS3 had to come to the house to change his "going to town shoes" and I needed to put away a few things. ( made the trip useful, got a few groceries.) Finished putting it away, and headed to the barn with the feed. I look out...and 2 of my 3 Ewes are IN THE YARD....not their fenced area. UGH! So we go flying out there...and of course, big old Nelly...decided she didn't want to go back in. The grass is always greener on the other side...right? LOL I told my son to run in and get a bucket of sweet feed.....he came out with corn. Nelly does NOT like corn. UGH! So she would run a few steps, stop and eat, run, eat...and I couldn't grab her because she has been sheared already. After about 30 minutes of cussing, and hobbling after her, we were finally able to herd her back inside. Someone took the lock off the gate, and opened it!! The lock was removed!! THIS really gets my blood boiling. WHY?????????
Guess we will have to start locking the lock from now on, and try to remember to take the key when I go out there. People just really drive me mad. I am pretty sure I know WHO did it. Summer is out, kids are bored. I need to get me a big dog to live with the sheep....I guess.
So, the sheep are back in their fence...everyone is fed and happy, its overcast and cool..I am happy.