keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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keljonma said:
Hard to say Deb....where are you located? Seriously, TR is willing to help anyone in need of assistance, providing they are somewhat near by. [I asked him - that was his exact response.]
I'm in South Jersey, about 1/2 hour away from Philthydelphia. So, is that close enough?


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Denim Deb said:
keljonma said:
Hard to say Deb....where are you located? Seriously, TR is willing to help anyone in need of assistance, providing they are somewhat near by. [I asked him - that was his exact response.]
I'm in South Jersey, about 1/2 hour away from Philthydelphia. So, is that close enough?
'Fraid not......... We are about an hour south west of Erie, PA


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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It just popped out here!!!! :ya :ya :ya :ya :ya :weee The girls are sunbathing in the rock garden... :)

Great, I can see the top of the thunderheads moving in from the SW... :he


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Sun is shining here, too, which is why I was OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:celebrate :celebrate :celebrate


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
With the exception of breakfast on the back deck (in the sun), coffee in the sunroom, lunch on the back deck (in the sun) and sleeping 2 hours, I have been on this silly computer all day long!

One of my nieces is doing a report on Turner Syndrome, so I sent her some info links and some pics of our dgd and some notes I had from her diagnosis before birth.

And the rest of the time doing SS and emails.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Sophia just called to say she and Paul are coming in the morning to start replacing a roof!! :woot I am so psyched, I don't even care which one they replace first! :lol:


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Turned out to be a decent evening, no storms showed up as predicted. I may have to make it a short work day tomorrow, too.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
5-20-2011 Friday

It was pert near perfect today, FJ!!

Paul, Sophia, and their son Fred came today at 9am. TR had just gotten up, and after bacon, eggs and toast, he lent them a hand on the work today.

First they had to trim the white lilac, as it was hanging over the roof where they were going to be working.

Then they removed and replaced the north half of roof shingles on the downstairs bedroom (they did south 1/2 of this rooms roof shingles last year). This room used to have a woodstove in it, but the chimney is still up. The landlord told TR that he was going to have the chimney removed, as he never wants a woodstove in the house again. However, he did not approve it on the work order with Paul, so the chimney is still up there.

Paul, Sophia and Fred also removed and replaced the roof and shingles over the mudroom. Paul and Sophia are coming tomorrow morning to remove and replace the wood, support beams, and roof and shingles on the storage overhang next to the mudroom.

Unfortunately, the landlord has NOT given Paul approval for replacement of the sunroom roof and shingles. So I guess I will have to keep *some* houseplants in there to catch the water when it rains. :barnie

While TR napped and Paul, Sophia and Fred worked on the roofing, I was cleaning off the rest of the frames we extracted honey from. So now they are wax- and propolis-free and back in the super in storage in the cold room.

The garden hive is still set up, and I checked it today; but so far no bees have decided it would be the perfect place to live. :( While I truly miss the absolute joy and zen of beeking, I am not going to purchase a package of bees this year. I am just going to have to share the joy and zen with someone else. I also cleaned up some stuff that is going elsewhere on Sunday. :D

TR did not work at the hospital today because he was told he HAD to attend the Indians game instead. He was given 2 tickets as a recognition reward for his contribution to the Patient Experience Make a Difference program at the hospital. Now that he is working outbuildings, he will have to resign his position on that committee, as he won't have patient contact anymore. That is part of the "bad" with this position, as TR really enjoyed doing his part to ensure a patient's experience was a good one.

It was 71 this afternoon as we drove to Cleveland for the game. The sun was out, there was just a slight breeze, and the sky was beautiful blue. Lake Erie was very calm and looking like a sheet of glass. The only movement seemed to be from the boats leaving the marina.

Parking was not included with the game tickets, so we did have to spend $10 (special event rate) for parking. The special event was Frank Sinatra Fireworks after the game! (Fireworks to Franks singing). Special Event! :rolleyes:

TR's tickets were for the Cleveland Clinic suite and included all the food, non-alcoholic drinks, desserts plus liqueur shots in chocolate cups with dessert - up to 4 shots per person.

I think I ate almost half the grilled/marinated veggie tray - artichoke hearts, green beans, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, red, yellow and green pepper strips. And I devoured about 1/3 of the fruit platter - strawberries the size of a golf ball and larger, pineapple, cantaloupe, star fruit, grapes and oranges. :lol: TR had the mixed nuts, a huge cookie and nachos, I think.

Back in the 80s when TR worked for the Cleveland Browns ground crew, we used to get to see the Indians play all the time. :D It was great because the Indians were in the cellar most of those years and we could sit right behind home plate or with the Indians ground crew. :D Great memories! And to this day, our kids still love baseball games. Anyway, we would always get a hot dog at the Indians games. But this time we should have eaten hamburgers instead.or just stuck to the veggies and fruit! I think they served chicken dogs. And imo they are just Y-U-C-K- O!!!!!!!!!! I had two bites of it and threw the rest out it was just that BAD! :lol:

For dessert TR had a triple chocolate cake, which he said was too sweet. :) I had a cassata cake with raspberries, which was *just* okay. But I also had Grand Marnier in a chocolate cup. YUM! I stuck with water and a cup of hazelnut coffee for beverages, TR drank Pepsi and coffee (not together).

Some of TRs co-workers were there. One fella ordered beer, and the girl asked if he wanted one or a six-pack. He got a single beer, which was $6.75. The six-pack (of Bud) cost $25!; it must be in gold-plated cans or something. :lol:

The important thing is that we had a great time. The game was tied at the 7 th inning stretch, but in the end, the Tribe beat Cincinnati Reds 5 to 4. And the fireworks were terrific. Once again, TR continues his great date title, which he has held for over 30+ years!

Traffic coming home was pretty heavy, even out our way in the country. And there were very thick patches of fog. But the moon was just gorgeous, big and bright; hanging heavy in the night sky.

TR just dropped me off at home after the game so he could head over to the library to clean for 2 hours.

To make up for not cleaning the outbuildings today (since he wasn't allowed to work), TR will have to go into tomorrow and put in his 8 hours. Plus, this is his week-end to clean the library, so he will work 2 hours there again tomorrow. However, the outbuildings are not open on the week-end, so he can get that job done during the day, instead of waiting until after 4pm.

I hope everyone else enjoyed their Friday as much as we did! I see tomorrows forecast is supposed to be as terrific as todays was. YIPPEE! Thank God!

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