keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We used to get tickets from a company my hubby dealt w/to the boxes for the Phillies games. It was great. All the free food you could eat. Then, they built a new stadium, and they no longer have the boxes. :hit So, if he's given tickets now, it doesn't include food. And, I refuse to pay the outrageous prices for the food there. It's not worth it to me.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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What an awesome game to see in person last night! I was watching it on TV. The dessert wagon with the chocolate layer cake.... :drool

The old muni stadium. Memories...:old I was there the night they filmed overhead shots for the movie Major League. Another night we sat in the last section of reserved seats next to graveyard empty general admission on the 3rd base side and the 6 of us got 8 foul balls. :ya

oops I had that backwards. The reserve section was empty (actually about 4 of them) and we sat in gen ad. Don't post without enough coffee!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Oh yeah, FJ, LOTS of Muni stadium memories here as well. TR's mom was an Indian's season ticket holder until she died in 83. His dad preferred to stay home and listen on the radio. TR has two older sisters who hated baseball. So TR spent many a week-end at the stadium. :D

The stadium ground crew section of seats were at the end of 3rd baseline seats as well.

When he worked for the Browns grounds crew, TR worked at the Lakeland College summer camp and at Baldwin-Wallace College training facility.

One early summer day, Hank Aaron had come to watch the Browns training camp at Lakeland. For some reason TR had a baseball from an Indians game with him. He asked for an autograph and Mr. Aaron graciously signed that ball. TR put it in a lexan case with his old Hank Aaron baseball card and a typed noted of the story behind the ball and card. Almost a decade later, TR donated that ball to the Harris County (Texas) ARC (Association of Retarded Citizens) for their annual fund-raising chili dinner and auction. [TR was a volunteer for that group]. Anyway, the group got a *very* pretty penny for that signed ball and card, and TR was very thankful to be able to help.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Denim Deb said:
We used to get tickets from a company my hubby dealt w/to the boxes for the Phillies games. It was great. All the free food you could eat. Then, they built a new stadium, and they no longer have the boxes. :hit So, if he's given tickets now, it doesn't include food. And, I refuse to pay the outrageous prices for the food there. It's not worth it to me.
During my corporate career, we used to win tickets a couple times a year for the Cleveland Browns and later the Houston Astros.

We REALLY loved the 1st year of inter-league play. DS got lots of Indian players to sign his Indians cap and Astros to sign his Astros cap. :D I think the prized signatures were Sandy Alomar, Jr. and Jeff Bagwell.

This was our first Progressive Field suite experience. But our family tradition was for each of us to get 1 hot dog to eat at the old Municipal Stadium and at The Jake when we would come up to Cleveland from Texas. Other than that, we did not usually buy anything else, because the food *is* expensive.

But to my mind, there was nothing that said spring and summer like a hot dog at Muni with Bertman Ball Park Mustard on it! :drool Awww the memories! ;) :lol:


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
It is sunny and 72 today! :D

Sophia called to say she and Paul aren't coming this week-end to finish the job they started yesterday. Now we will have to wait until next week; it could be Monday, but depends on the weather.

TR is at work. So far I have done laundry, sat outside drinking coffee and reading beek books in the SUN, and played on the internet.

About to go have lunch and decide what to make for dinner tonight. I was going to make a quiche with the left over bacon, but TR made BLTs for his lunch, so off to decide......

Have fun!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
TR came home long enough to change from scrubs to jeans and a t-shirt for his library job.

I think we're having pasta and veggie/tomato sauce tonight with a huge tossed salad when TR gets home in a couple hours.

I checked the hive today. I found two or three worker bees inside. And ants. My guess is that the girls I saw are robbers. If a swarm doesn't move in soon, I will be opening the hive so the other local bees can take advantage of some of the honey I left in it. I may reallocate some this week-end.

TR was having trouble with his email account, and he lost his password for posting on SS. Anyway, he has that all cleared up now.... so maybe he will start posting again. :D


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Perhaps those workers will return with the information and kick start a new queen in their old hive now that they have found your nice new home. Swarm - GET READY!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Farmfresh said:
Perhaps those workers will return with the information and kick start a new queen in their old hive now that they have found your nice new home. Swarm - GET READY!
Well, FF, I hadn't thought about it that way...... :D

I haven't seen any swarms my way, but maybe they were scouts! :clap

Sunday.... we are off to Harrison County soon with a load of stuff in the Saturn......... :)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Woke up to 75 and rain this morning. I mean pouring rain. TR and I forgot to set the alarm, so we missed the 8:30am service at church. I made a molasses/cheese/fruit coffee cake for breakfast and we lazed a bit drinking coffee with our cake. :D

We got the "all purpose farm vehicle" (Saturn) loaded up in short order and hit the road. To make up for missing church, we listened to Moody Radio and a Twila Paris cd (He is Exalted) for most of the trip.

We had left the rain behind us by the time we reached the Youngstown area. After that it was 83, BLUE SKIES and SUNSHINE the rest of the day (in Harrison County). ..... I have no idea what it did here in Ashtabula County. :p

We spent a great day visiting with QA & E and their family. As a bonus, TR had a blast playing with the boys. I think they had fun too! Who cares if the hardball *just* missed us by 2 feet?! :lol:

QA's new animals look very healthy, and Layla and the new doeling seem to be doing well together. Other than that you will have to read QA's journal about our day together. ;)

We brought some great looking strawberry plants home with us we got from E & QA. TR said it looks like there might be close to 50! But I think he was j/k.... We have a raised bed we used last year for tomatoes and basil, which TR thinks will be perfect for the strawberries. So TR will try to plant them tomorrow, providing the rain holds off long enough.

TR kept saying he wanted to hit the Cracker Barrel on the way home. But we decided to stop at the Steel Trolley Diner in Lisbon instead. We had some really *yummy* burgers before heading home once more.

After a really grand day and 246 miles, we are back home. TR, who is still fighting off a cold, zonked out reading already; which is why I get to play on ss this evening. ;)

Right now (8:40pm) it is 79 (heat index 81), humidity is 56%, the temp dropping to the low 60s tonight. We have a 70% chance of showers and thunderstorms tonight.

Tomorrow's forecast.... Can't You Just Guess? :lol:
High temps will be around 80 and once more there is a 70% chance of showers and thunderstorms! :barnie

I hope you had a grand day as well! Whatever you do - have fun!

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