keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Although we were overcast this morning, the sun has been shining all day.

Which means, no-show Paul missed a great opportunity to finish the roof job. :) Some guy came to the door and asked TR if we needed help finishing the job. He is really looking for scrap and offered to take everything under the overhang.

That is some funny garden hoses, plant stands, yard tools, the lawnmower, and my extra plant containers. I don't know what he saw in that area that made him think it was worth anything. :lol: I told TR get the manure fork and chase him away. (I was obviously feeling a bit coffee-deprived cranky this morning.)

This guy is also interested in all the junk the landlord still has laying around the back farmyard (left over from the days when this was a dairy farm). Maybe the metal in the hay elevator and pull-behind trailer has some value. :hu But seriously they have been sitting out there since the early 80's, so I am not sure they wouldn't disintegrate once someone brush-hogged around them and tried to move them. This will be the 4th guy to ask about the junk in the yard in the 1 1/2 years since we moved in. TR told him to check with the landlord next door; but we know he told the other guys that he wasn't interested. Can we spell junk HOARDER? :p

This morning, TR said he saw some rabbits eyeing up the strawberry plants. Since the day turned out to be so nice and sunny, we decided to spend a lot of the early afternoon outside. So before TR left for work, we got some deer netting put up around the bed.

Then TR cut part of the back yard grass. Most of the yard is still 'grass up to my knees', though. Unfortunately, the handle connection snapped on the lawnmower, so TR duct taped it together long enough to get a path out to the porch swing out near the beehive.

Before the storm late yesterday, I brought my container gardens into the mudroom. I see today that some of them need to come back into the sunroom. They are not doing so well outside with all this water we have been getting. And the weather forecast is calling for more, tomorrow, and all the way through Sunday. Although at this moment, it does look like that yellow shiny orb might appear once more on Memorial Day Monday. :clap

Jon called and gave TR the information for the tux for the wedding. TR will get fitted here, and get his final fitting iand pick up the tux n Austin days before the wedding.

I haven't made any definite move to getting a dress yet. Although there were a number I saw online that I liked.

Today I have a ton of stuff to do, but just no desire. I think it is because I took out toooo many good books from the library this morning and they are calling my name. :D But I am going to hang a load of laundry and get something done first....

ETA: Our friends Ron and Pat became first time grandparents this past week-end, to an 8.5 pound baby boy who came 3 weeks early! Baby boy and his parents are doing well. Praising God that everything went well.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Hey, Kel. Wish it was today that you were done instead of Sunday. It's just one of those days where you just want to kick back and relax with a friend. :hugs


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Yes, so far a perfect day.....for visiting friends; we just need to live a lot closer to each other, QA! ;)

It is also perfect for reading all about beeking. :lol: BTW, did you check out the beeking section in your book The Backyard Homestead? There isn't a lot of info there, but some.

Weatherbug tells me that the WIND CHILL is 67 today! I wish I could bottle this for when I need this weather in February. :D

The books I got out of the library today that are calling my name today are:

The Dogtown Chronicles: Our Life and Times with Sheep, Goats, Llamas, and Other Creatures by Doris Ober

and this book, which is a re-read for me:

Twelve by Twelve: A One-Room Cabin Off the Grid & Beyond The American Dream by William Powers

I got some things done outside, but came back in to do some bank stuff. Then I thought (since it is soooo beautiful outside) that I'd take the laptop with me and check my email outside on the porch swing. :D But that didn't happen, so now I am back inside at the desktop.

If I have the laptop hooked up to the internet modum I have no problems. But the wireless connection is not working, and it appears to be a laptop thing, not an internet supplier problem. If I can't figure it out, I guess I will take it to Nick at the quilt shop. blah


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Yes, The Backyard Homestead does have some beeking info in it, I've just not read it in awhile.

Haven't had a lot of time to read the last day or two.

But, should have seen the girls buzzing around today. :) They seemed happy. AND they have found the pasture field of white clover! E was out checking on a tree that got blown towards the fence line, and he said almost every flower had a honey bee on it! :D

He ran for the house :lol:

Yes, we need to live closer.

So when you moving down here? ;)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Quail_Antwerp said:
But, should have seen the girls buzzing around today. :) They seemed happy. AND they have found the pasture field of white clover! E was out checking on a tree that got blown towards the fence line, and he said almost every flower had a honey bee on it! :D He ran for the house :lol:
White clover close by is a wonderful thing. :D We always had plenty, but across the street in the village, many people are mower-addicts. I told TR I think the guy across from the landlord cuts his grass as soon as it is 1/4 inch high! :rolleyes:

Anyway, start taking your camera out there with you so you can get pics of the girls bringing in pollen. :D


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Earlier this spring the ditches in front of the landlord's house next door weren't draining water from his property. So he had some ODOT folks come in and muck about with them. And the township came to muck about as well. The landlord didn't have anything done to our side of the property because we have a large drain pipe that was installed when his folks ran the dairy. So it was made for heavy loads, yada-yada-yada. So for the past month, his drains have worked and he is happy.

Anyway, today Mary came to get me for Mary/Martha at church. While pulling out, her teeny sports car got stuck and topped; she had to back up a bit and pull out faster to get out of the drive.

Well we were at Mary/Martha for about an hour, when TR called to say that Paul's pick up truck (fully loaded with roofing materials and tools) got stuck in the same spot.

But when Paul pulled out of that spot, he heard a whooshing noise behind him. He stopped to investigate and found out that we now have a 3 FOOT DEEP sinkhole in the drive. :barnie

TR has taped it off, but I hope he sees it good enough to miss that half of the driveway when we pulls into the drive at 2am!

This is what it looks like from the front porch


This is a close up view



Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Yes there never seems to be a dull moment around here lately.

8pm..... we are under severe thunderstorm warning and tornado watch.

I can hear the tree branches cracking off the trees now. Thunder and high winds

Be safe !


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Scary storm just passed through. Pea-sized hail and heavy rain. Lightning tapering off now. The sirens when off in Hiram at the height of the storm.

Until tomorrow!

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