keljonma's Front Porch - Settling in and adjusting


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Even though our high today was only 68, the sun was shining and the weather was just perfect for getting stuff done.

TR got home from the ramp project just before lunch, so he mowed the front and side yards while I made lunch. We had our white garlic veggie pizza on the back porch with some iced green blueberry tea.

Then TR did some more yard work, while I finished up the house work; and then he helped me hang some winter blankets on the line to dry.

TR also dug some more huge rocks out of the veg garden area. If I didn't know any better, I would swear that this piece of yard hasn't ever been cleaned out before. Last year we got an over-full wheelbarrow full of large chunks of concrete. This year we got more of the same plus large rocks. :barnie Obviously, this part of the yard used to hold a dairy building on it. As a result, the entire garden had to be dug by hand.

We have had so many problems with the veg garden this year, as most everyone else has, because of the weather. Most of our veg plants drowned this spring...twice. Very frustrating for all of us who want to grow our own food.

TR suggested we visit our friend B who has a greenhouse nearby. I called B and she said, "Come on over, I still have lots of veg available". We got
6 Amish paste with buds
6 Polish paste with buds
8 beefsteak-style w/tomatoes started
6 cherry-style tomatoes (red, chocolate, and yellow) with buds
8 sweet bell pepper plants with buds
8 sweet basil
2 sage
2 parsley
2 different nastursium varieties flowering
2 buttercup winter squash with buds
2 yellow summer squash with buds
4 burpless cucumbers with flowers
....and a partridge in a pear tree. :D

Okay, I'm only kidding about that last one. ;)

Anyway, the grand total for all that wonderful garden goodness was $10! :bow

After paying B, TR decided it was time to hit the Cherry Valley Amish Bulk store, where we shopped for groceries. We just got the newsletter in the mail on Friday, and I was looking forward to talking to Lizzie about her fresh fruit availability this year. Anyway, I got Qualitate flour, which I use for bread and general baking for 40 cents/pound and peanut butter at 10 pounds for $8.

We also looked at some pre-built chicken coops, bunnies, homemade preserves, and some canning and cheese-making supplies. I also looked at the large All-American pressure canner that Lizzie has with the canning supplies, but still am looking around for a used one. This is why I love Cherry Valley Amish Bulk store - I can get everything there. :D

Our next stop was Yorkie's in Espyville, PA for ice cream. We have to drive across Pymatuning Lake to get there, and there were white caps on the lake today due to high winds. We had the car windows open, and my hat blew off my head onto TR's lap. :)

Once at Yorkie's, TR got a mint flurry (minus oreo cookie chunks, with tunnel of fudge instead) and I got a French roast coffee ice cream sundae with hot fudge. Yummy! We started sitting at a picnic table, but the wind was too much with the shade of the large maple we were under. So we moved to a picnic table in the sun.

Then we headed back towards home and stopped at the library, where they had 3 books on reserve for me from a previous order. Today is the first day of EBooks at our library, and as part of the introduction the library is going to raffle off a Nook EReader in August, so TR bought a raffle ticket. Our friend C was working the desk today, and we got all wrapped up in talking goats, goat cheese, honeybees, gardening, muscovies, and the 3 Paul Heiney books I got from the library today. :D

Back home, TR mowed and weed-whacked some more of the yard, including some of the really tall grasses behind last year's garden area. The grasses behind the garden and by the old milk shed and barn are about 6 or 7 feet high. I love that they completely hide all the junk that the landlords have stored in the yard. And not only is the grass beautiful swaying in the breeze, it makes for a much better view from the back porch. :D

Then TR got the entire veg garden planted, fenced and watered. Then we sat out on the back porch drinking some more iced tea and watching the sun go down. We have just gotten back into the house and are just getting ready to have dinner!

So I hafta run. But I just had to brag on everything TR got accomplished today - his only day off this week! :love It was a perfect June NE Ohio day! I hope yours was perfect too! :frow


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Tuesday 14 June 2011 - HAPPY FLAG DAY!

The temperature this morning was 54 when we woke up. We're at 62 this afternoon, and I doubt that we will reach the predicted high of 68. The sun is making only casual appearances and the wind is gusting at 21 mph!

We are flying our Colors on this windy day and the flag is waving wildly. We are short 4 functioning tomato cages because some did not store well over winter. so I had to remove them this morning as they were blowing over the squash. :rolleyes: I need to pull out the short ag fencing and make some more cages today.

The forecast tomorrow says 75 and sun, but rain is headed our way according to current predictions.

No Mary/Martha Circle tomorrow, because this is annual conference week and the majority of our members will be attending, including my friend Mary. This has been an exciting month for Mary and her dh Jack, as their older son just graduated from Case Western medical school and is beginning his residency now. And their younger son is being ordained as a Methodist minister today at conference.

I was reading the Farm and Dairy this morning and came across this article, which I thought might be fun, as I love to see how others 'get it done' on their farms. I used to be a supplier for Geauga Family Farm, so perhaps TR and I will head out to Middlefiled on July 26.... a great way to celebrate an anniversary, don'cha think? :D

Innovative Farmers of Ohio Hosts Farm Tours

The tour includes 6 family farms, are free of charge, and no reservations are required.

Jun 25 - Riehm Farms in Tiffin

Jul 26 - Andy Miller Farm (Geauga Family Farm) in Middlefield

Aug 7 - Swainway Urban Farm in Columbus

Aug 21 - Red Basket Farm in Kinsman

Aug 21 - Miller Livestock in Kinsman

Sep 18 - Ann's Raspberry Farm and Specialty Crops in Fredericktown

More information can be found at this link:

Have fun!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
:/ This afternoon, I put the oven temperature to 400, and put a cookie sheet of cubed, spiced potatoes into the oven. An hour later, I had a disturbing surprise.....

The small oven thermometer I have in the oven was reading 150, the cookie sheet wasn't even hot and neither was the oven rack! And while the potatoes were cooked through, they weren't hot either.

The broiler works, but the oven isn't heating up properly; although it worked fine just yesterday. The oven heating element was replaced in October 2010.

Just frustrating!

Tried messing with the oven this evening. Looks like I won't be using it for any serious cooking anytime soon. Serious sadness here....... ;)


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Looks like another beautiful day in store for NE Ohio! Hope you enjoy your day!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
Overnight low was 45 and it was 53 when we got up this morning. We're at 68 now and the sun is shining. I am taking advantage of the 10 mph breeze to hang laundry this morning.

The forecast is predicting a high of 78 today, and I am ready for it! :cool: Rain and thunderstorms are in SW Ohio, and the report is that they will reach us tonight and temps will drop into the 50s.

Yesterday the winds whipped the flag so hard that a zip tie that held one end of the flag to the pole snapped. So I have to fix that before we can hang the flag again. :/

One of the farms near us has freezer lamb for sale. I am trying to convince TR that is a good thing, but he is not fond of lamb. :lol:

I tried sitting out on the back porch to work on the quilt in the sun, but it was just too breezy.

I did get a library book read, though. George Soper's Horses: A Celebration of the English Working Horse by Paul Heiney. This book is filled with Mr. Soper's story and his illustrations of rural English farm life between WWI and WWII. The illustrations are just wonderful!

Other than that, just getting stuff done around the house while TR is at work.

Have fun!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Oh no, sorry to hear your oven is being a pain. I did oven potatoes that way last night. Thanks for the email, btw.


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
keljonma said:
:/ This afternoon, I put the oven temperature to 400, and put a cookie sheet of cubed, spiced potatoes into the oven. An hour later, I had a disturbing surprise.....

The small oven thermometer I have in the oven was reading 150, the cookie sheet wasn't even hot and neither was the oven rack! And while the potatoes were cooked through, they weren't hot either.

The broiler works, but the oven isn't heating up properly; although it worked fine just yesterday. The oven heating element was replaced in October 2010.

Just frustrating!

Tried messing with the oven this evening. Looks like I won't be using it for any serious cooking anytime soon. Serious sadness here....... ;)
IT IS OFFICIAL.... my oven is dead!! We had to BUY bread today! :hit

We had just moved here and had sold our really nice ceramic top GE stove when we sold the farm and moved to the mobile home. :/

We are the 4th owners of this old stove and I got it for free because the owners couldn't sell it and no one would take it for free in the yard sale they had when moving.

So obviously the stove is old. So old, in fact, that according to the company, the manual is no longer in print.

They suggest I get a repair/service guy out to look at it; but that would be $30/minimum.

We just replaced the oven heating element for $35 last October and I am not ready to put that much money into this stove again.

TR and I went out and got some items that can be cooked on top of the stove and on the grill.

Just really frustrating!


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
lorihadams said:
Oh no, sorry to hear your oven is being a pain. I did oven potatoes that way last night. Thanks for the email, btw.
Yeah, I keep a jar of Amy's Spice in the pantry for veggies. Do you remember that thread from last year or the year before? I think it was mixes we make? Nope, it was roll your own.... posts 51/52 on this thread.....

You are very welcome for the email, Lori, I hope it was helpful. :hugs


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
We moved the bee hive closer to the garden today. It is now behind the veg garden, instead just west of it.

There were honeybees going in and out of the hive, but I think they are robbers. I haven't seen any swarms....and I *have* been watching. :fl

At least with the hive closer to the garden, we have a better chance of pollination. These are the FIRST bees we have seen in the farmyard since ours were flying in March. We won't have a blueberry harvest this year. :(

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