Lady Henevere: Year in review


Jun 27, 2011
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I know this will sound silly but if I can't go to sleep, I lie in bed and tell myself I have to stay awake. Puts me out every time. I'm kind of simple that way! LOL

Lady Henevere

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles County
Wow. You all are awesome. Thank you so much for your responses.

Someone else has told me melatonin worked for her as well. I had not heard of valerian for sleep, and I never thought of benedryl. Good to know there are choices. (I'm with ya on the warm milk though :sick )

savingdogs, how did you learn to meditate? Did you just try it and it worked, or did you take a class or something? I have tried and can't seem to do it. I recently learned that a friend who I had lost touch with is teaching meditation classes. Maybe I need to call her up.

Diane, the list idea is fabulous. I will have to try that. I think a lot of my worries come from whether I remembered to do this or that, and keeping a list of things and a set time to take care of them is a great idea. I am not very organized, which I was able to get away with when I had one small kid. But as she's gotten older it's gotten harder to keep track of her stuff, and now that I have the second one too I feel very scattered. I like the idea of lists to put my mind at ease!

I can't do multiplication tables (I'm dyscalculic), but maybe I could figure out some sort of alphabet game or something. DD and I sometimes play a game in the car where we pick a category -- cities, animals, foods -- and go through the alphabet taking turns. So she might say "aardvark," and I would say "bison," and she would say "cheetah," and so on. Maybe I could try that one in my head.

I keep trying to cut back on the caffeine, but then I go through a period of insomnia and I'm back on it again since I can't make it through the day without sleep AND without caffeine. There's a 3-day weekend coming up; I should be able to kick the habit.

My stovetop cappuccino maker exploded Sunday morning -- maybe it's a sign. :gig

Thanks again -- I appreciate the responses more than I can express. :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score

There are several ways. Most involve "shutting off" your thoughts. I find that stressful. I have so many and I'll never stop them all! lol.

For me, I sink BELOW my thoughts. I cannot stop them, but they are like the dapples of sunlight over the waves, and I sink deep into the ocean. I can hear the thoughts murmur above and see them dart, but they don't effect me.

Sometimes I fall into currents, but mostly I am just there, falling deeper into the Dark until there is nothing but me.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
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rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
I feel your pain. I've been doing that off and on for literally years now. My daughter calls it menopausal insomnia, I call it midlife momma and the boogeyman. And it's the craziest things that suddenly pop into my head, going round and round, and I can't turn them off. During the light of day, it's soon as my head hits the pillow? Bam.

Some nights, just saying 'peace' or 'sleep' over and over helps. Peeeeeace, like some kind of chant. Other nights, turning the TV on and watching something boring helps. The sound is enough to distract all those random thoughts. We have a timer on the TV so I can set it to turn off after a specific length of time. Other nights I take a Benedryl tablet, too.

I got to the point where I couldn't fall asleep because I was worrying about not sleeping! :/ Taking the benedryl three nights in a row helped break the cycle for a while. Then it'd just start over again for no real reason.

From what I read, it's a hormone imbalance and can start up to 10 years before you actually are menopausal. Hormones are delicate things, you know. I had a hysterectomy at 32, didn't start HRT until I was 40-ish. Did that for a few years, then decided not to do it any more. Then the insomnia hit. Sucks.

Take heart, you aren't going nuts and you certainly aren't alone with these symptoms. A search on the web for 'menopause insomnia' might help and some sites offer suggestions to help you sleep.



Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
Lady Henevere said:
Wow. You all are awesome. Thank you so much for your responses.

Someone else has told me melatonin worked for her as well. I had not heard of valerian for sleep, and I never thought of benedryl. Good to know there are choices. (I'm with ya on the warm milk though :sick )

savingdogs, how did you learn to meditate? Did you just try it and it worked, or did you take a class or something? I have tried and can't seem to do it. I recently learned that a friend who I had lost touch with is teaching meditation classes. Maybe I need to call her up.

Diane, the list idea is fabulous. I will have to try that. I think a lot of my worries come from whether I remembered to do this or that, and keeping a list of things and a set time to take care of them is a great idea. I am not very organized, which I was able to get away with when I had one small kid. But as she's gotten older it's gotten harder to keep track of her stuff, and now that I have the second one too I feel very scattered. I like the idea of lists to put my mind at ease!

I can't do multiplication tables (I'm dyscalculic), but maybe I could figure out some sort of alphabet game or something. DD and I sometimes play a game in the car where we pick a category -- cities, animals, foods -- and go through the alphabet taking turns. So she might say "aardvark," and I would say "bison," and she would say "cheetah," and so on. Maybe I could try that one in my head.

I keep trying to cut back on the caffeine, but then I go through a period of insomnia and I'm back on it again since I can't make it through the day without sleep AND without caffeine. There's a 3-day weekend coming up; I should be able to kick the habit.

My stovetop cappuccino maker exploded Sunday morning -- maybe it's a sign. :gig

Thanks again -- I appreciate the responses more than I can express. :hugs :hugs :hugs :hugs
I do addition tables :) I'm not very high math like some people, but I can take those numbers pretty darn high with adding. sometimes I'll even do three numbers at a time. the focus and concentration kind of washes everything into the background and then I can fall asleep, or get a song out of my head, or just stop the voices for five minutes :)


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I CAN NOT meditate with an empty mind. I guess I am too naturally pessimistic.

For me meditation works far better when I have read a positive Bible verse (or something uplifting and encouraging), just a small positive thing to get my thoughts on the right track. Then I get in a comfortable place and try to explore that. Usually it starts as a very shallow remembering of what I just read but then it progresses into some good deep relaxing thoughts on the subject. It makes a world of difference in my outlook.

I used to particularly like daily devotional materials like, "Our Daily Bread" because they have a short uplifting story and then a short Bible verse that ties in to the story. It is a real easy and uplifting read. They have free 90 day subscriptions or you can get it by email each day. I am a Christian, but I am sure there are other things like that out there as well.

Lady Henevere

Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 24, 2009
Reaction score
Los Angeles County
Went cold turkey on the caffeine today. Holy cow, what a headache! I took a couple of ibuprofen and a couple of naps (weird dreams!). Tomorrow should be easier.

I tried Abi's deep in the ocean meditation, and got a panicky feeling that I was drowning. :lol: I think I might try marianne's "peace" chant.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 11, 2011
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thats a great result though because it means you manged to focus your mind and realy get into "the zone"

personally i need a visual to meditate, i typically use a small candle and focus on the flame dancing.


Super Self-Sufficient
Feb 6, 2011
Reaction score
rural Abilene, KS, 67410 USA
I used to meditate with certain music. Loved it! I had great visuals that were just there, and I learned a lot about myself and more...

One time a big, wire waste basket was put in front of me. I knew I was supposed to throw all my negative thoughts and feelings into the basket. I was pulling brown leather bags out of my pocket and dropping them into the basket (this one was the time that XXX, and this is the time that YYY, etc). It went on for toooo long to the point that I even rolled my eyes in this mental image. I finally was just dumping bags of real and imagined hurts, issues, etc, without even thinking of what they represented. I was very aware of how much this stuff was weighing me down without me even thinking about it. I got to the point where I was even chuckling about it. Afterwards I felt so light, airy, peaceful. And loved. Always felt very loved afterwards.

It's been forever since I meditated. But I know for myself, the times I haven't meditated are probably some of the most pressing times that I should have!

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