I cannot believe that the kids were required to write an apology to the sub. The sub needed to apologize to the kids and their parents for not doing his job in supervising them properly and stopping this "game" the moment it started! Un-stinkin'-believable. These kids are what, eleven years old? Sheesh. And your DGD was the only one who didn't "play?" Double-sheesh. But good for her. She's a good kid, smart, too.
DGD10 is here before school like always, and the thing I love about her is that she has a positive, it's over and we can move on, attitude. AND she wrote her paragraph about summer plans telling about how we are going to study American History this summer !!
I think it turned out that there were three girls and one boy who didn't "play". Some that did have accused DGD10 of lying and of being a part of the game. She says she didn't and that is in line with her character.
The teacher is making the kids who were absent write apology letters. My DD has had a chat with him about creating animosity and guilt in students unnecessarily. She is SO good. He probably doesn't even know that he was told what to do! She is THAT good. Always has been.
I agree, that sub deserved to be fired. He shouldn't be allowed in a situation with kids ever again. Allowing such totally inappropriate behavior is bad enough, but to smile and therefor encourage it, is way worse. This incident could have been used as a good lesson on what is acceptable and unacceptable behavior in our society. 5th graders are notorious for their curiosity about sexual matters. This sub missed out on a good teaching opportunity.
He had been fired from other schools, too? Hmmmm..... I wonder why? Don't they have a files or records on subs? It sounds as if he needs to find a different line of work because anyone who finds stuff like that funny doesn't need to be watching our kids.
I don't have those answers, wish I did. But he will not be working in this school district ever again. He got the boot completely, not just from that school.
Okay, I am really in need of another serious vent about my sister.
Back in post 134, I talked about her mental illnesses, her surgeries, her Munchausen, etc. Not sure if I mentioned that she convinced all of us for more than I think 10-15 years that she had multiple sclerosis.
And in that part of this thread I also talked about the nasty "you are a racist" email she sent to me, copying all my friends and family.
Well, it never died down. I just didn't talk about it.
Basically, she has been calling our mother and instructing her to make me change my ways, and become the person she thinks I ought to be. Mom gives me few details, so it is probably the usual stuff, maybe a little more intense.
I don't know if I mentioned that three days after the email situation, after I had blocked her again in email and on facebook, I got a snail mail from her. I refused delivery. It apparently took ten days to get back to her.
The day she got it, she called my mom again and really kicked it up a notch. Sister told mom that if she didn't straighten me out, she would have killed the family, destroyed any chance we ever had of being unified, and that she would die a failure as a mother. Mom told her that she didn't want to be a part of the conversation and sister hung up.
Today we hear through her daughter that she is having a breast biopsy. Apparently she had an ultrasound and they found what sister says is a "70% probability of malignancy" on the ultrasound.
At first I was so upset for her. But the more I thought about the details the my niece told me, the more it was just not particularly believable. Niece had seen ultrasound report, quoted parts of it, and it didn't sound kosher. (I have been typing medical reports 31 years, including breast ultrasounds.) The terminology niece quoted was not consistent with what a plain breast ultrasound report would contain. Now, maybe this is a more advanced type of scan than I am failiar with, so I will keep myself from saying what I am thinking until this alleged biopsy results come back. If then.
My problem is that she has flat out lied so many times that I can't believe her. Plus, the timing is right for her mental illness to be calling the shots. When she feels she has been rejected or abandoned, she first tries to control her environment and the people in it, and then she has some medical issue that requires people to hover around her. And then it's magically gone and we don't speak of it again.
I want to be wrong, but then if I am wrong, she has cancer. I distrust her so much that I think she would actually put her whole family through such a trauma (remember, she convinced two of her kids THEY had cancer when they were teens), just to regain what is "normal" to her. She has failed at getting Mom to order me to do what she wants, and given her history, it is completely within reason to think that she is manufacturing all of this.
I am just a mess. I in no way want my sister to have cancer, but I don't want to imagine that she could be faking it, either. Time will tell, I guess.
Wow, this is long. A testimony to how upset I am, I guess.