Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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So.........if you ever have the chance to step on a pitchfork laying in the grass in the dark while wearing a measley pair of crocs for protection........DON'T. I am now limping like a madwoman. Luckily the crocs took the brunt of it but I do have a nasty puncture wound on the bottom of my foot just under the toes in the meaty part of my foot.

Hubby laughed at me when he tried to clean it.

Said I was a baby.......

I am not amused. :rant

We did get the attic cleaned out yesterday, took a huge load of stuff to goodwill. We have decided to buy a desk for the living room and set up some sort of office in the unused part of the living room and maybe flank it on either side with some bookshelves. Hey, hubby said he wanted a woodworking project.....maybe he'll make me one!

We have a hawk. We have lost 2-3 ducklings that I can tell so far. Brahma mama has been a really good protector for everyone. She even pecked the hawk. Good girl!!! She has an evil growl.

Well, hubby is playing in a whiffle ball tournament this morning. Weird, gonna be funny, I bet. My BF and her hubby are playing too. Obviously I'm not going to do anything but cheer and prop up my foot to keep down the swelling. :th


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Make sure you keep that foot clean!! Don't want any infection setting in!!

I wear crocs outside, too....I hope we don't have any pitchforks lying around!

Hope you get the hawk problem taken care of!

Have a happy Sunday! :D


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Sorry about foot. I wear crocs too. Now I am wondering if that is a good idea. But then I guess a pitchfork would go through anything I might wear. Sounds painful.

Hawks are a special problem. I hope they don't get the idea you are a fast food place with an open invitation to fly through whenever they feel the need for a snak. Personally I expect a lose or two occasionally but if they decide this is their main meal, daily resturant I would have to take a more lethal approach.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I wear crocs as well, but my pitchfork accident ... from which I still carry a scar 20 years later had nothing to do with my feet OR good sense for that matter. :/

I was cleaning a stall and there was this certain chunk of horse poo stuck down between the pitchfork tines. It was irritating me so I reached down and delicately (yeah right) grasped the poo and slid it up and off of the tines while the pitchfork was in my left hand with the handle on the ground. Don't ask me how (I am just graceful I guess) but as soon as the poo was off I brought my hand back down and TOTALLY impaled myself on the tine! :ep :lol: Right in the meaty part of my hand under my pinky! Yeah buddy, that one hurt ... and took a while to heal. You can imagine.

As for feet. I have broken a nail off in my foot TWICE and tripped over a sickle bar mower blade when running to catch a loose horse. Farms are dangerous places!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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FF-that sounds like something I would do! :lol:

I went straight to the doctor's office yesterday after I dropped the kids off at Vacation Bible School and got them settled. They loved it, btw! I asked for a tetanus shot and antibiotics and they happily gave it to me. I soaked the foot in epsom salts last night after hubby's softball game and it feels much better this morning. I've been keeping that new skin stuff on it to keep out any dirt. It's slightly infected and the top of my foot is a little red and swollen but it already looks and feels better this morning after 2 doses of antibiotics. They gave me cephalaxin--same thing that the vet gave my dogs, go figure :p

Hubby got my clothesline done so I am doing laundry this morning. We're planning on going and getting the final load of stuff from the old house this evening and then just relaxing a bit. We're all worn out.

We have decided that we are going to sell our dining room table and chairs and get an old antique farmhouse table or make our own from the boards on one of the remaining barns at my great grandparents old homestead before they finally tear it down too. We bought a smaller one at an antique store down the road to use as a desk and it is wonderful. Granny just raved about how much she liked it and it looked like one her family used to have. :D

Still haven't sold any more of the ducklings and they are getting big! I'm gonna put up a paper at TSC and try again on one of the local boards around here. Hopefully I can get some of them sold. I have someone on reserve but she only wants to pay me $2 a bird. I'll go to her if I'm desperate. :rolleyes:

I went to Walmart yesterday and got the kids some school supplies. Didn't do too badly, spent about $15 and got them notebooks, crayons, pencils, sharpeners, glue sticks, calculators, rulers, colored pencils, scissors, markers, and construction paper. All of Maddie's stuff is pink and all of tyler's stuff is blue so I can tell them apart and (in theory) nobody will fight. The good thing about the farm table we got is that it is big enough for me to sit in the middle with one child on each end. We got our old desktop computer set up in Tyler's room so he can do the writing and art programs that are on it and he loves it. No internet on that one. :D

We had been debating whether to keep it or try to sell it but for now I think we'll keep it so that the kids can play on it and we won't have to worry about them messing up something important on the laptop. It will be for supervised use only. We downloaded some coloring pages on there before we took it down and Tyler really loved playing with it. There's a program on there where you can draw your own picture and save it and then turn it into a coloring page so that has been a fun thing for him to do.

The beetles have eaten all the leaves off our apple and cherry trees. I didn't catch it early enough to do anything about it so I hope my trees live. They didn't touch the pears though. :/


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Hey Girl....take it easy on that foot, I hope it heals up quickly.

I snatched as little computer time and just wanted to catch up a bit on
what everyone is up to! A whole lot of nothing going on here!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hey Dace! How's everything going?

I was planning on doing sheets and towels today and hanging them on the line but they are calling for thunderstorms here all day long so it will have to wait til tomorrow. Chad has a double header tonight, he's subbing for some guys that had to go out of town that work with BF's husband. He just called me and said he hopes that it gets rained out. He's really tired.

We were going to go to the old house and pick up the last load of stuff last night but there were storm warnings all over the place so we decided to stay here and put together the kids' playground stuff. We got the slides put on last night and got the swings hooked up. Still have to level the playhouses but at least now the kids can play on it. They were very happy to swing again!

I have someone that is interested in ducks.....again. Hope this one shows up :/

Gonna take the opportunity to get some planning for the school year done this morning while the children are at VBS. May look on CL and see if I can find an old pie safe to use as a bookcase. We have always wanted one and it seems silly to spend money on particle board bookcases when we can have something solid with character that will last.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Everything is is good, it will be better when we are actually in our own place, but the family has really made this adventure very easy.

How is your new place? Are you all settled? Did you post loads of pics? Maybe I better go back and look :rolleyes:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Dace- I posted them in the family section under "remodeling a mobile home".....lots of them!

Today I am dealing with the neighbor and my stupid dog. Tonka, our black lab keeps going over to the little pond via our neighbor's yard. Only problem is that he keeps pooping in her yard on the way. :rant I talked to her this morning and apologized and she seemed okay but I'm gonna have to do something about this dog. I am having to tie the latch on the deck gate together cause he has figured out how to pop it open.

I have a question for those of you with laminate flooring. What do you clean it with to keep it from streaking?

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