Honey, I have family too. LOL But at my age I no longer care. I am so sorry you are having to deal with all this mess. Greed seems to be running around like crazy in most families. I never understood why someone thinks that an equal share in something means they get it all and you get nothing.
Your step-MIL sounds like my MIL. At least you do have some land and a place to live on it. I am still trying to talk my MIL out of a mobile home that is just basically floors, walls, and a roof so we can move back to our 10 acres. It needs a kitchen and bathrooms put IN it and is sitting ruining on their friends land, and she said she would think of a price. This is the second time I have tried to buy it from her. It has been sittting there for over two years now.
Good grief....well, hubby just got home and said his dad called him today and wants to talk. Turns out BIL is full of it....the deed stuff is in the works but is not finalized yet. He is very unhappy and is afraid to see me or come to the party Saturday for fear I will be mad at him, which my husband told him is a load of crap. Yes I'm mad but that doesn't mean I can't be around him. He is not happy with this and Chad has requested a meeting with he and his wife, BIL and his wife, and me and him BEFORE all this goes through.
Once he got wind of how BIL talked to us he is not happy. Don't know what will happen....hubby wants to sit down with dad and have a heart to heart with him Sunday.
I am babysitting.....cooking a deer meatloaf and some sweet potatoes and once the meatloaf is done I am going to make a pear/cranberry crisp with some of the pears Chad's uncle gave us.
I think you need to make a pear cranberry Cosmo and take a rest.
Nothing like hearing the whole story. I think a family pow wow would be the best idea. You can call out BIL for his remarks and have FIL give his opinion on them.
Your party will be fabulous either way. Enjoy your home with your friends and family. Roast a marshmallow over that awesome pit for me. I like them black.
I'm exhausted.....I looked at Chad when we got back from getting a trailer load of sand the masonry place owed us and just went to bed. I couldn't even give him a reason why. I took 2 aleve cause I just ached all over and Maddie and I laid down on the bed for a few hours.
Chad built horseshoe pits tonight. Tomorrow we have to put the sand in them. He also has to go get the extra tables for the cookout.
FIL is supposed to come to the cookout. I finished the fireplace today....I'll take a pic tomorrow and let you guys see it. Gonna go play Farmerama and veg out.
Well, today I have declared that I am not doing a daggone thing!
I posted some pics on my remodeling a doublewide post now that we have finished the fireplace.
Today I'm just gonna relax with the kids before I kick it into high gear tomorrow. Gonna have to clean the house and go to Sam's Club to get hamburger buns and other stuff for the party. BLECH!
Madelyn is feeding her new pet fuzzy caterpillar....she's had it 3 days now. She keeps letting it crawl all over her. It's very cute.
My wonderful husband....note the sarcasm....went outside and caught 2 salamanders or newts....for my son. They are orange with spots. They are in ANOTHER aquarium in his room. It's getting to look like a nature preserve in there.
The meaties are very happy in their tractor and doing much better. I lost one the night before we moved them and I think it was just lack of space....may have been smothered. Of course, they are stupid enough to bury their heads UNDERNEATH all the other birds. Seriously, they have the intelligence of a rock.
Well, the party was fine...I had a minor panic attack 2 hrs prior ( I don't do well with large crowds of people in small spaces) so a friend of mine slipped me 5mg of valium. I was a little better but still stayed away from the crowd most of the night.
Hubby went to see his dad yesterday and they had a heart to heart. He said it went well. Now to have a heart to heart with his brother and dad at the same time.
I am so tired, I can't explain it. All I want to do is lay around. I gotta get my butt in gear. Still got to clean up from the party a bit. It's supposed to rain this afternoon.
Everyone liked the house and gravitated towards the fire pit. I have to go run some errands today but other than that I'm just gonna veg out.