Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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lorihadams said:
I've been trying to come down off of it for the last 4 or 5 months. Tried going down to the 30mg for a couple months and eventually tapered off. I am just so sick of being on it.

I just got back from my beekeeping meeting and looks like some changes are going to happen. Our county extension agent is going to a different county and we are going to have to decide whether or not, as a group, to form a "club" in order to keep going.

I was dizzy and cold the whole meeting. I am drinking kombucha (thank you Blackbird for the scoby) and need to make a new batch. I'm hoping that this feeling will go away soon. How long does it take to get this mess out of my system?
Ahh, I thought you did it in the last month.
Just my thought, but it sounds like your thyroid and adrenals are suffering a huge letdown.
If you have access to real sea salt ( Celtic) it is good for support in addition to the Iodine. You put a little into warm water in the morning and drink it.
The Kombucha will do a number on you with detox, so just sip it so it happens slower.
I have been taking Dr Rons desicated thryoid for several months, (have cut back recently to one dose due to it being to much) to suport my thyroid.
I have been doing lots of reading over at http://180degreehealth.blogspot.com/ that has been very helpful to get my endocrine system healed.
Its working slowly.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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It just kills me that my hormone levels and thyroid levels were tested and "came back within normal limits". I hate my doctors.

I think I started with the depression issues after the birth of my DD who is now 3 1/2.

I am hoping the GF diet will help but I just feel so "off". I have always had dizziness....ever since my first pregnancy, to the point that I black out completely. My vision just goes black and I have to stand still. I can be walking along and it will just hit me.

I have chronic widespread pain, especially in the neck and shoulders and base of the skull. Lots of fatigue, bouts of anxiety and mild panic attacks, chronic constipation, random stabbing lower back pain. No libido for YEARS. Numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes, constantly cold.

I just want to feel good. Whats the point in living if you feel like CRAP 90% of the time. I am just over it. Nobody knows what's wrong with me and lately no one seems to want to find out.

My kids want me to play with them and sometimes I just have to lay on the couch and find something for them to do themselves cause I just can't muster up the energy.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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lorihadams said:
It just kills me that my hormone levels and thyroid levels were tested and "came back within normal limits". I hate my doctors.

I think I started with the depression issues after the birth of my DD who is now 3 1/2.

I am hoping the GF diet will help but I just feel so "off". I have always had dizziness....ever since my first pregnancy, to the point that I black out completely. My vision just goes black and I have to stand still. I can be walking along and it will just hit me.

I have chronic widespread pain, especially in the neck and shoulders and base of the skull. Lots of fatigue, bouts of anxiety and mild panic attacks, chronic constipation, random stabbing lower back pain. No libido for YEARS. Numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes, constantly cold.

I just want to feel good. Whats the point in living if you feel like CRAP 90% of the time. I am just over it. Nobody knows what's wrong with me and lately no one seems to want to find out.

My kids want me to play with them and sometimes I just have to lay on the couch and find something for them to do themselves cause I just can't muster up the energy.
Have you looked at MSG in your diet? It hides under 40 different names by the way.

I also tested normal, but no way can that be true.
However, since I am sure now it is more adrenal for me, that might make sense at least.
What you describe has a tendancy to be labled as chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia, which is actually adrenal fatigue.
I would think for sure getting some Iodine in will give you at least enough relief to deal with more healing.


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 29, 2009
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Southern Ohio
lorihadams said:
It just kills me that my hormone levels and thyroid levels were tested and "came back within normal limits". I hate my doctors.

I think I started with the depression issues after the birth of my DD who is now 3 1/2.

I am hoping the GF diet will help but I just feel so "off". I have always had dizziness....ever since my first pregnancy, to the point that I black out completely. My vision just goes black and I have to stand still. I can be walking along and it will just hit me.

I have chronic widespread pain, especially in the neck and shoulders and base of the skull. Lots of fatigue, bouts of anxiety and mild panic attacks, chronic constipation, random stabbing lower back pain. No libido for YEARS. Numbness and tingling in my fingers and toes, constantly cold.

I just want to feel good. Whats the point in living if you feel like CRAP 90% of the time. I am just over it. Nobody knows what's wrong with me and lately no one seems to want to find out.

My kids want me to play with them and sometimes I just have to lay on the couch and find something for them to do themselves cause I just can't muster up the energy.
Hugs sweetie! :hugs many of the things you described is my life to a tee! I have vitamin Deficiency anemia... my body has a hard time absorbing vitamins (especially the man made ones) and I have chronic achy pain from it and feel cold all the time (main reason I hate winter) I'm fatigued and when you are in chronic pain and too tired to push through the pain and get stuff done... it will cause depression anxiety... you have so much you want to do or accomplish but can't because you just have no energy... you then feel worthless because you can't do simple chores...

you mentioned being dizzy... that can be from lack of oxygen getting to your brain (anemia is when you blood doesn't have enough oxygen carrying cells... so you can pass out from it!) I got dizzy earlier today when I was out feeding the rabbits... it's not even a tough job but I had to come in and lay on the couch for a bit till I felt better...

mine has improved slightly with eating healthier and exercise (yoga does wonders!) but I still have flair ups... if maybe you might be anemic from vitamin deficiency... Then Iron and B vitamins are a must! Ibuprofen helps with the pain (it decreases the swelling in joints) St John's Wart helps with the depression... and Ginseng helps with my anxiety.. All this isn't a cure all... I still have bad days but it does help more than all the crap the docs had me try... and all but the Ibuprofen is all natural herbs and my body digests it and uses it!

Finding a few good relaxation techniques are great as well... the yoga is one and a good hot soak in the tub with some epsomsalt and bakingsoda does wonders to the aches and pains... I know it's hard finding time for this with kiddos (I have 3 little ones 2 of which I homeschool!) But if you can work in an hour of alone "mommy" time each day it really helps with the mood and lack of labido... nothing sexy about being a mom cleaning up poo and cheerios all day... but pampering yourself really helps with the selfesteem and that helps generate the mood more so... may not ever be as passionate as it was years ago... but it's more about showing love and closeness more so now... and in order to do that you have to feel good about yourself to have the energy to show him your love...



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
CrimsonRose said:
wow didn't know that about the gluten... what's celiacs?

Lori I found this link that describes pretty much all the symptoms you stated... only ones lacking is the depression and anxiety... but I honestly think those could be caused by the chronic pain and fatigue you feel...
Celiac Sprue disorder is an inherited, autoimmune disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating gluten and other
proteins found in wheat, barley, rye. Gluten is the stuff that gives wheat dough the lift it needs to rise. If you have the disorder (most common in those of Scotch or Irish decent) the gluten is not processed and causes the tiny cilia in the intestines (which are responsible for moving food about and aiding in the absorption of nutrients) to become pasted down, damaged or destroyed.

I have a hard time absorbing most minerals, probably due to my Celiac disease. Anemia is a real possibility Lori. It can cause blackouts and dizziness due to lack of oxygen (that the iron carries) in the bloodstream. Low blood pressure can also cause the symptoms.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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Lori, I'm guessing there isn't any *one* thing wrong with you - its just a whole bunch of things working together and that is massively hard to figure out. One thing affecting another and another until your whole body is messed up. When the doctors tell you that you are normal and you know you aren't, then sometimes you have to just start trying things and don't give up. Pray you find some answers. Do alot of reading. Pay attention and write down your symptoms to look for patterns. After months of listening to my body and tinkering with supplements I know when I feel like my adrenals and thyroid are off and need a boost. I know when I need extra magnesium because my muscles get twitchy. I know I always need a ton of B vitamins.
- that salt water solution is great too! It really helps the adrenals.

I know you've had advice for everything and it's probably hard to wade through it. And I'm going to add to it - the constipation is keeping toxins in you. Can't improve much until you address it. I recommend Dr. Christopher's lower bowel formula. It's not a laxative and not something one would become dependent on.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Lori those symptoms you listed are not good

I seriously think you should grab your health full force.

(NOW---I am saying IF THIS WERE ME--feeling like you stated)

I would make an appt. at the top hospital in my area....for me is Duke in Raleigh and I would find the top endo in his field and I would sit down and give him a complete history. And I would get every single test done. You have something darling and no one is catching it cause those types of problems are not just run of the mill and can't be fixed by diet or anything else. You need help and you must find the right Dr. you must search out your path to fix these problems.

I know for me, I would find that help. The right Dr. is out there Lori and I would be finding him cause in the end, only you can truly search out the ending to this. For me personally, I would be finding that Dr. that gives me the tests and has the best credientals I would not be waiting

hang in there gal and best of luck in finding the right solution !! :)

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