Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Lori, the pics of the animals and eggs are beautiful! Those are the prettiest EE eggs I've ever seen....I didn't know they came in that shade of blue. I've only ever seen the aqua and very pale blue ones. Hey! I have a chocolate dog too! Yours is sooooo pretty! :)


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Actually, Bee, the eggs are the most perfect shade of mint green you have ever seen. They look a little bluish when I take pictures of them. They are the exact color of my master bathroom walls...probably why I like them so much. I have never seen a blue one though, that would be cool!

Yep, Miss Maggie is our couch potato. :lol: When we brought her in she went straight to the bathtub, jumped in, and sat down. She is truly a princess and I hope desperately that she is pregnant. If she does not have a litter this time we will probably not breed her again. It is a shame because she has had one litter and they were beautiful. She has had 2 pregnancies that she has reabsorbed. We don't know what is up with her.

There's nothing wrong with our stud Tonka, though. Both our neighbors on either side of us have had "oops" Tonka babies. They tie their dogs outside, unsupervised, when they are in heat. How dumb can you be? Tonka stays in our yard until he smells something "better", if you catch my drift, and there's not a whole lot I can do to stop him running next door. He's 90 lbs of muscle and he can drag me down in a heart beat. We have little Tonka babies all over the neighborhood. One neighbor learned her lesson and finally (after 3 litters of unwanted puppies--not all Tonka's btw) had her dog fixed. Now our other neighbor, who has a Jack russell female that they leave either tied to a post or running free all over my yard, has NINE puppies that are all black as the ace of spades and look just like Tonka. They haven't complained so I'm staying out of it.

We actually have a waiting list for puppies from Maggie and Tonka and we had a lot of dissappointed people when she reabsorbed last time. We always skip a cycle and try to be responsible about breeding her. Our vet has checked her and can't find anything wrong with her so we'll cross our fingers and see what happens this time. :fl


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Wow, I just stopped by to say hello. You are a busy gal. The pics of your dog run and hens are great. Oh, I like the napkins as well. Take care, gina


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

I just got my electric bill! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last month it was $99 and this month it is $84.69!!! So happy!

Got most of the quilt top put together this morning and then my machine started acting up so I have to take it to the shop to see what's wrong. Mechanical genius I am NOT! I don't want to screw it up, it cost me too much money. :rolleyes: At least it came with a 20 yr bumper to bumper warrenty!

Made loaf bread this morning and the kids want pizza so i am about to make a batch of pizza dough for dinner. We'll see how it comes out, this is a first!

Rain all day, we got a brief break in the rain, long enough to let the hens out. The new girls are scared to death to go out of the pen, poor things. They were raised commercially and are just not used to being able to come and go as they please. I like to call it "chicken rehabilitation". We'll teach them how to be real chickens! Someday we'll tackle raising chicks and then we won't have to worry about it. :) I'm gonna have to go round them up, they are calling for a BIG storm to move through here pretty soon.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I wish everyone could see my kids right now. They have gotten Charbee (our American toad) out of the aquarium and have him in the hallway of the house letting him "exercise". They closed all the doors and are just letting him hop around to stretch his legs....too cute. My DH is giggling like crazy!

I finally got the new hens to come out of the chicken run and try free ranging a bit this morning. Poor things....they won't go in the coop either. Buddy, our roo, went nuts when I put two of them in the coop last night and they got freaked out and slept on the roosting poles outside in the run. Silly rooster was really raising cane last night....you would think he would be grateful...I brought him 3 more ladies. :p

Gonna take the sewing machine to the shop later today, hopefully it is something simple, I really want to finish my quilt and I have some old sheets that I want to turn into tote bags. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed sewing :)

We got the new lawn mower from our friend and we have to put oil in it today and put a new blade on it and hopefully it will dry out enough in the next day or two so that I can mow, the grass is going to eat us again!

My son's new job is to fill the bird feeders in the front yard. He was so excited to help this morning. He and Maddie have been fighting like crazy. Everytime they get physical I make them go into the toy box and pick a toy to put in the attic and once it goes into the attic it doesn't come back. It seems to be working pretty well so far. Tyler has a temper, he gets frustrated very easily and tends to explode. He's like my husband, no patience.

The ticks are driving me nuts. I got one off of the dog, off of me, and off of Maddie yesterday. I put frontline on all of the dogs yesterday and hopefully it will help.....maybe I just have to get some guineas!!! :D


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Our ticks are out and bad already, too! I'm so gonna give in and put the order in for some guineas next month!! I cannot handle the ticks!! ugh....

Now if you run out and get guineas don't go blaming me!


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
A word about Frontline and similar products....I used them for quite a while. They don't kill the ticks, they just made them not attach or stay attached to the dog.

So we had ticks in the bed, ticks on the house cats, ticks in the bathroom where the dog naps sometimes, ticks on the couch.....

We still have those ticks, but they don't cost us anything now! :lol:

Well, not really, the chickens and guineas free-ranging have done a number on the ticks in our pasture. The guineas prefer to hunt in the neighbor's yard, though. I'm convinced that I could pluck them bald and they could still make it to my neighbor's roof with ease! :rolleyes:


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
I just picked 2 more up off of the living room floor......aaaaaaaaah! :barnie

Aly, honey, you are a doll! Someday I aspire to have a chicken collection to match yours!!! :hugs


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
Popping in to say HI Lori!!!

glad all is going well for you!

on the electric bill....you are doing great. Just like me, I want to kill that bill as low as I can go! We are doing it! :)

I am going camping over Mothers Day up to Cherokee. Tony wants to trout fish and Nicole and I are heading to the indoor pool and jacuzzi

so wondering, any camping for you!!!???? I know you mentioned you want to....just wondering you have camping fever at all?

I sure do..HA HA

Cooler here today. 47 this morning and wicked wicked wind!! I bet you have the same weather......where is the hot weather? LOL_LOL-----

take care and it was great to read and catch up with your journal! Whew...alot of back reading but fun!!!!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score
Hey darlin', good to hear from you. Yes I have the camping bug. We bought the kids their own sleeping bags and now we are just waiting for drier weather. Seems like we just keep getting rain every few days and the ground won't dry out enough to set up the tent. We want to start out in the yard so the kids are comfortable. Chad won't camp if it is too hot so that is an obstacle as well. I am hoping that we can go in the next couple of weeks.

I got my quilt top done this morning! Went to Joann's last night and let the Viking dealer take a look at my machine. She said that she could feel something in the tension disc when she tried to thread the machine. She took a crisp dollar bill and slid it in between the disc on both sides and voila! She said she thought it was a lint ball....probably from the thread I was using...she threw it away. Guess when you upgrade machines you should probably upgrade thread too, huh? :hide

Anyway, here it is

Here is a close up of one of the blocks so that you can see the fabric better

I also have been mowing the yard all day. I am taking a break, the push mower is getting the best of me. We have almost 2 acres to mow. I must have been crazy! The back yard is done but I still have to do the front yard and side yard. Hopefully the rain will hold off, it is getting cloudy. :fl

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