Lorihadams-- hi guys...been busy!


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Gettinaclue, to finish the edges I just folded the edge over and pressed it, I didn't even measure it or anything I just eyeballed it, and did a straight stitch around all four edges to hold it down. I figured that we are just going to wipe our hands and dirty faces with them, who needs anything fancy :lol: Now if I were to sell any, then I would definitely finish them off nicer than I did. I just wanted to get them done at this point.

edited for spelling


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

Still raining.....blah. My BF called today and wants us to come over for lunch tomorrow so that will be fun. Cleaned the bathrooms today and swept the floor, just being lazy today. On a side note, my hens are in the front yard chasing the crows away :) They are patrolling the perimeter of the split rail fence and keeping everything in order for me. Two of my barred rocks actually ventured out into the road in front of the house. Normally they don't push it that far but they were pretty quick to get back in the yard. I tried to take some pictures real quick but they didn't turn out so well. We all have cabin fever and the kids are driving me nuts picking at each other ("she's poking me", "he touched me"). No knock down drag out fights but they are definitely getting on each other's nerves. I think we'll do some painting after naptime and maybe that will keep them occupied until Daddy can get home and I can cook dinner.

We may sell our enclosed trailer, webfootmafia is no more. We just can't do it on our own and DH's partners are too unpredictable and unreliable. So we will be liquidating all the company's property, but the trailer is ours. We still might sell it and get an open trailer and put the rest in the bank. Don't know yet, haven't decided anything definite yet.


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
Reaction score

Chad has been getting tons of phone calls and emails protesting webfootmafia's closing. It's hard because when you can't find reliable people to work with then your hands are kind of tied. I hate it for him but he told me that he doesn't regret it at all. The way he sees it is that this is our children's time and he needs to spend his free time helping them grow up correctly, he can hunt later. Gotta love him :love

Yesterday was a little difficult. We went to my BF's house in the morning and stayed until nap time. Then we went down to the Petsmart in town and bought some crickets for Charbee, the toad in my son's aquarium. While we were there the kids wanted a fish. I gave in and gave them 13 cents and they picked out a goldfish. I have a couple small fish tanks at home. Well, we got the fish home and somehow DS killed the fish. Now he is all upset, I'm mad cause I told him not to pick at the fish and even put the tank up where I thought he couldn't reach it. He has gotten water all over his furniture from trying to hold the fish. I spanked his bottom and made him clean up all the water. I hugged him later and apologized for losing my temper and thanked him for being honest and coming to me to tell me what happened. I talked to him about it and told him that maybe when he is older and can handle the responsibility maybe we will try again.

Then we got all the soil/compost put in the raised beds and they look wonderful. Another friend called me today and begged me to take some romaine lettuce seedlings off of her hands, yay! So today DH is going to go by her house and see what she has for us.

Our riding lawnmower has finally bit the dust. We took it to get it repaired and told the guy that if it was going to cost more to fix it than the lawnmower was worth not to bother. He called us and said it was bad.....real bad, the whole electrical system needs to be replaced, no brakes, yadda yadda yadda. So we are going to buy our friends old push mower and try not to kill ourselves mowing our yard. I vowed to take the front half if my husband would take the back half and he agreed so we'll see how it goes. :lol:

Today it is glorious outside and I have a full clothesline with sheets, towels, blankets and my comforter. I will do the clothes this weekend cause it is supposed to be in the 70s and sunny!!! I'm also baking bread. I spent all morning thinning out and transplanting my lirope to two more flower beds and filling them in with more mulch....blah. Last night we gave our chocolate lab Maggie a bath and let her back in the house after breeding her with Tonka. She has been in the pen for a month now. We put her in as soon as she started swelling and kept her in for a while after she started bleeding cause we were so busy around the house. Hopefully we will have puppies.

We are going to the farm day event/swap meet tomorrow at Hertzler's Farm and Feed and hopefully I can restrain myself. I want to get some more chickens and I really want to get some goats. Our whole back half of our property is wooded and would really make a nice place to keep goats but we would have to spend quite a bit on fencing. Although we could probably get away with attaching it to the trees in lieu of posts :D

Hope everyone has a good day and I'll let you all know how it goes at the swap meet!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Oh Lori, what a few days you have had! I know how you feel, with the rain. We finally have had a few sunny days here as well. Sounds like you were able to get alot done. You can attach the fence to the trees...just will have to watch for growth. This is how we plant to do our wooded area as well. Not sure yet if we will put anything in there, just want to keep the neighbors OUT! I already informed her...I am putting the fence back up, and if she tears it dwon again, I will call the law! Maybe I will let the Doberman run the woods ;)


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Well, we went to the swap meet/farm day event this morning. On the way there Madelyn threw up in the car. So we went shopping naked. I pulled over at Family Dollar to clean her up and stripped her down to her crocs and a diaper and we went in to buy her a new outfit. $6 later she was feeling better and ready to go!

I was a little disappointed when I got there because I thought there would be more vendors. Apparantly TSC had a similar event 2 weeks ago and they lost a lot of vendors to that. We still got to see lots of different breeds of chicks, 4 different types of goats, horses, dogs and full grown chickens. We sat down in the shade and bought some food from the local boy scout troop and had a picnic and then went and bought 3 new laying hens. I managed to get away only spending $30. I didn't think that was too bad.

When I got home and went to put all the chickens in the pen I was missing Bertha, one of my EE hens. About 30 minutes later I see her slinking out of the woods so I snatched her up and put her in the pen with everybody else. I got to thinking and realized that I hadn't gotten any eggs from her in a while so I went on a search and here's what I found:


Here's the entrance to her nest that I found in the woods behind the house:

Sneaky little stinker, huh? :)


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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It was so pretty today I thought I would take some pictures of some of our animals and some of our recent projects and share them with you all.

Here are the new hens

Here is Maggie, our chocolate lab, in her favorite spot on the couch

Here is our cat Lil Bit laying in the flower bed in front of the house

Here is our other cat Shadow asleep on the porch

Here is the weeping cherry and creeping phlox in the front flower bed along with some lilies that are coming in but haven't bloomed yet

Here is the bird house that my parents made for us and on the right, the swing that Chad built us

Here is the new dog run, attached to the kennel that is a carport type thing with chain link around it. Inside are Tonka (black lab) and Charlie (yellow lab golden retriever mix)

And here is the new garden and fence


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
So do you suppose you have a broody in the making? Our JBG, Lou, loves to hide her clutch right before she goes broody.

Those are some great pictures!:thumbsup


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Really? I don't know. Our only roo now is a bantam and when I have seen him "do the deed" he is off by a mile, if you know what I mean ;)
So even if she did go broody I doubt anything would hatch. I am guessing that she just doesn't like the nesting boxes. The farm I got her from didn't have nesting boxes, they let the hens free range and just went on a search for eggs. We got her at twenty-something weeks and she was laying already. She never has used the nesting boxes much, she would dig a hole in the bedding under the roosting poles and lay in the corner right slam in the middle of the poo. Yuck. She lays the most beautiful mint green eggs though and my other EE lays muddy green ones so I know which is which. If you look at the picture I have one of Butterscotch's eggs in with her nest but the other 11 are all Bertha. I don't know, they are going to be locked in the run for the next few days to encourage using the nesting boxes again so we'll see what happens.

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