City Biddy
Here are a couple of articles to throw in this mix. Roundup Ready 1 soybeans patent EXPIRES in 2014
The interesting thing about THIS article is that "Roundup Ready seed can cost as much as $75 an acre compared with $30 to $35 for soybean seeds that are not genetically modified, according to James Beuerlein, a soybean specialist at Ohio State University. The difference in price is thought to reflect mainly royalties paid to Monsanto."
and that "More than 90 percent of the soybeans grown in the United States contain it. So do about two-thirds of the nations corn and cotton crops, though those are protected by different patents that expire later than the soybean patent."
Since they still want to OWN all of our food they now are inventing PIGS!
The interesting thing about THIS article is that "Roundup Ready seed can cost as much as $75 an acre compared with $30 to $35 for soybean seeds that are not genetically modified, according to James Beuerlein, a soybean specialist at Ohio State University. The difference in price is thought to reflect mainly royalties paid to Monsanto."
and that "More than 90 percent of the soybeans grown in the United States contain it. So do about two-thirds of the nations corn and cotton crops, though those are protected by different patents that expire later than the soybean patent."
Since they still want to OWN all of our food they now are inventing PIGS!