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- #151
Been busy and realized I haven't updated my journal for a while.
My daughters carried banners in last Friday's Calgary Stampede Parade (Pathfinder Girl Guides take on this role every year--for more info on Girl Guides see my post #70 above) and received free tickets to the Stampede so we went Tuesday evening. The Stampede is billed as the "Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth" and is a cross between a huge rodeo, "state-fair" style fair with midway rides and games, live music performances (some free, some big names so you need tickets), and agricultural exhibition.
We saw the Super Dogs which is a fun free show, ate some wonderful beef on a bun from one of the food carts, wandered the cattle and horse barns, checked out the military display (tanks, personnel carriers, a helicopter, a fighter jet trainer cockpit, various other displays), watched the extreme midway rides (we're not real thrill seekers but they are fun to watch!), looked at displays of award and scholarship winning High School art with western themes, checked out the 4-H barn, spent some time in a small "petting farm" tent (photos below) and generally had a nice family evening out.
As we headed back to our car we stopped at the top of the hill to take a few photos of the Stampede Grounds and also got a peek at the evening Chuckwagon races:
Been busy in the garden keeping everything tidy and planting succession lettuce, radishes, carrots etc.
Butter lettuce, Romaine, carrots, radishes, beets, cukes
Tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, onions
Apple tree doing well
One of the tomato plants on the deck
Canned up some more strawberry rhubarb jam (5 half-pints) to finish off our rhubarb (may still get a few more stalks yet) and blackberry/raspberry jam (7 half-pints) and also canned up 7 pints of farmer's market Roma tomatoes because I'm all out of canned tomatoes from last year. Pressure-canned up a bunch more ground bison because it's just so darn easy to make quick dinners with! Plan to can up some chicken chunks and stew beef when I put in a couple of freezer orders next month.
Scored another great deal on canning jars, again via Kijiji (like Craigslist but more popular here in western Canada):
jars fresh and clean from the dishwasher!
With all the talk of home-made ice cream, my girls and I decided to break out the ice cream maker this morning and we made up a batch of Vanilla ice cream
My daughters carried banners in last Friday's Calgary Stampede Parade (Pathfinder Girl Guides take on this role every year--for more info on Girl Guides see my post #70 above) and received free tickets to the Stampede so we went Tuesday evening. The Stampede is billed as the "Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth" and is a cross between a huge rodeo, "state-fair" style fair with midway rides and games, live music performances (some free, some big names so you need tickets), and agricultural exhibition.

We saw the Super Dogs which is a fun free show, ate some wonderful beef on a bun from one of the food carts, wandered the cattle and horse barns, checked out the military display (tanks, personnel carriers, a helicopter, a fighter jet trainer cockpit, various other displays), watched the extreme midway rides (we're not real thrill seekers but they are fun to watch!), looked at displays of award and scholarship winning High School art with western themes, checked out the 4-H barn, spent some time in a small "petting farm" tent (photos below) and generally had a nice family evening out.
As we headed back to our car we stopped at the top of the hill to take a few photos of the Stampede Grounds and also got a peek at the evening Chuckwagon races:

Been busy in the garden keeping everything tidy and planting succession lettuce, radishes, carrots etc.

Butter lettuce, Romaine, carrots, radishes, beets, cukes

Tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, onions

Apple tree doing well

One of the tomato plants on the deck
Canned up some more strawberry rhubarb jam (5 half-pints) to finish off our rhubarb (may still get a few more stalks yet) and blackberry/raspberry jam (7 half-pints) and also canned up 7 pints of farmer's market Roma tomatoes because I'm all out of canned tomatoes from last year. Pressure-canned up a bunch more ground bison because it's just so darn easy to make quick dinners with! Plan to can up some chicken chunks and stew beef when I put in a couple of freezer orders next month.
Scored another great deal on canning jars, again via Kijiji (like Craigslist but more popular here in western Canada):
She actually only charged me for 4 dozen jars since there were only 10 in the final dozen (I protested, but not too much) so I spent a grand total of $25 for 58 jars and 6 dozen lids.I have 5 dozen gem jars (quart size). Also have the snap lids new in the boxes.
4.00/dz for the jars and 1.50/box for the lids.

jars fresh and clean from the dishwasher!
With all the talk of home-made ice cream, my girls and I decided to break out the ice cream maker this morning and we made up a batch of Vanilla ice cream