Always doing laundry
Good grief.... 
I hope they get it straightened out....

I hope they get it straightened out....

Wouldn't you be contributing monetarily if you were drawing UIB...? Don't get how they're making the leap that if you aren't working you MUST be drawing...:/Bubblingbrooks said:By the way, the reason they think I/She is drawing unemployment, is because I do not work outside the home.
They have zero proof of unemployment. Just that fact that I do not contribute monetarily to the mortgage.
What is UIB?i_am2bz said:Wouldn't you be contributing monetarily if you were drawing UIB...? Don't get how they're making the leap that if you aren't working you MUST be drawing...:/Bubblingbrooks said:By the way, the reason they think I/She is drawing unemployment, is because I do not work outside the home.
They have zero proof of unemployment. Just that fact that I do not contribute monetarily to the mortgage.
Must have that mortgage serviced by one of the 50 faces and only two last names down in that neck of the woods Isn't that the place Jeff Foxworthy talks about in his monologue? The family tree with only one branch...framing fowl said:I thought that only happened in KY?
Hope you get it worked out!
Bubblingbrooks said:I do not work outside the home, nor do I draw unemplymentFor that matter, I have never drawn!
Same for my mother!
No way! They already charge us $3.50 a gallon for gas up here!Icu4dzs said:Bubblingbrooks said:I do not work outside the home, nor do I draw unemplymentFor that matter, I have never drawn!
Same for my mother!
Guess it is time you did draw UIB (un-employment insurance benefits)
OR...you could send them your Alaska State Oil dividends check...
LOL! Yeah, we have tried to explain that to our company, but they are not amusedDenim Deb said:So wait, if your Mother is married to your DH, does that means he's in actuality your father or step father?
Sounds like a real pain. At times, we get bills, etc for my DH's cousin. But, they have the same name and live in the same area. Hope you get it straightened out.