MOVE!! What did you do to workout today?

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
Walk/hiked only 4 miles today :( it was too hot and that is the excuse I am sticking with.

Then we swam for 3 hours at the lake. I'd say I made up for the other 4 miles I lacked.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Well...yesterday..we split wood. Thankfully we rented a log splitter...but was still an 8 hr day.

This pile is about 20 ft long...roughly 4 ft high, and about 8 feet deep.
Today...we stacked wood....LOL

The rows are 10 ft long, and 4 ft just about 7 ricks.
Took us bout 4 hrs to do.
Plus all the animal WONDER im tired! :/

A guy decides to buy a place in the country...and learn to be SS. There is a fireplace in the home, and he had no idea how much wood he would need. So, he decided to go chat with the locals. He gets to the small country store, where a native american is sitting on the front step. The man thinks to himself, " I bet he will be able to tell me about the upcoming winter" So, he walks up to the native and says..." Hey old timer, tell me, what do you think about the coming winter?" The old native stands up, looks around and says. " Winter cold" and sits back down. So, the guy goes home, and puts up a few ricks of wood. He comes back the next week, and again asks the native..."tell me, what do you think about the upcoming winter"? The native stands up..looks around and says.." winter be very cold" and sits back down. Now the guy thinks...I better put up more firewood, so he goes home, and doubles his firewood. Same thing, next week...he goes and asks the native...."tell me now old timer....what do you think about the upcoming winter"? The native stands...looks around...and says" Winter be very, very cold, lots of snow" Now the guy is thinking...and says...tell me old do you know just by looking around...what the weather will be like"? The old native stands...and points to the guys farm...and says...........

"White man put up LOTS of wood"
:lol: thats OUR MOTTO! :lol:


Power Conserver
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Well 7 1/2 hrs at the fair yeasterday mostly walking, oh my aching bacon. Today chicken chores, laundry, picking apircots again, drying and canning apircots, weeding garden and yard. no time for formal exercise.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
T-Tapp involves compound, comprehensive muscle activation in a specific sequence. That means you are using 5-7 muscle groups all at once. But really, there is so much more to it that the best thing would be to check out the website if you are curious I cannot get that to link right now. Need more coffee. And there's no sign in needed and it has tons of info.
Once you check it out, I can probably answer more specific questions. It's just really hard to explain without actually showing it in person. There are some video examples of a few exercises on the website.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
sylvie said:
I'm a competitive runner. On a typical day I prefer running fast for 10 telephone poles and slower for 10 poles, alternating the entire run. I think it builds an aerobic fitness faster and keeps it interesting.

I hike with my dog off trail, up and down hillsides-sometimes having to pull myself up up the steep incline by grasping roots. We follow small streams stepping on rocks to keep dry and climb over and under fallen logs. Pretty much contains the components of strength, flexibility and balance. Plus by going off trail we don't run into anyone, a plus for a female.
Hi Sylvie,

First of all WOW!

I may have some questions for you in the future!

I used to be a runner then life hit and after collage running kept geting put on the back burner. I am excited about beginning to run again. That is my main goal and I'm giving myself a whole year to build up to perhaps a half marathon. I love my "walk hikes" too, it sounds like I need to find an even more challenging route...more like yours.

I would like to use running as my alternate form of transportation. I was inspired by that young girl on the View who once held up a pair of running shoes and said that was her mode of green is that?

Javamama, thanks for the link to T TAPP, I'm going to check it out.

Everyone keep up the good work!!

Angelib 1 you made me laugh with your "oh my aching bacon" comment!:gig I'm so going to steal that one!!!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
Reaction score
THAT is a BIG wood pile! Way to go!

Yesterday I did my basic workout in the morning. I started a 24 hour fast right after lunch. We try to fast once a week for health purposes. DH is far more successful at it than I.
Then I decided to learn a new workout late in the evening. Today I am a bit sore, and will take today off. Only need to do T Tapp a few times a week anyway.

More about what T-Tapp is. I found this on the forum's must read threads.

So, why does it work? There are many reasons but the simplest can be summarized in a few key points.

1. It is about muscle density, not dieting. Dieting does not change metabolism. In this context, diet means cutting calories or some food group with the objective of losing. A diet will not change your metabolism. It takes building muscle density to change how MUCH fuel your body burns versus stores as fat. T-Tapp builds muscle density faster than any other exercise regime I've experienced, including weight training. Muscles burn far more calories which lets you enjoy food more.

Teresa does recommend an approach to nutrition that she calls "God Made/ Man Made". You don't eliminate or count anything. I'm sure others will be posting lots of info about this approach to eating. In general, you eat what ever you want that is naturally occuring in nature for 2 or 3 days and then enjoy 1 day that includes man made foods. This is an extremely effective way to improve your nutrition, feel better and accelerate your inch loss. You can have all the protein, carbs, veggies, meat you want on GM days -- just eliminate processed foods such as breads, pastries, pastas. You can have the latter on MM days. This is an option, not at all necessary for results.

2. T-Tapp uses compound muscle groups comprehensively. Lots of words there ... so what do they mean? Seems to me that nearly every muscle of the body is used in virtually each and every T-Tapp move. By using multiple muscles in a single exercise, that means compound muscles.

Better yet, targeted muscles for a particular exercise are worked comprehensively -- from attachment to attachment. This means that muscles are worked the full length literally from insertion on the bone to the other end. In comparison, weight training works only the belly of the muscle. By working the full muscle length, we can build bone density without weights and build long, lean, dense muscles without bulk.

3. T-Tapp rebuilds fat-and-calorie-buring-inner-core muscles. You may have heard of the 'inner core'. So what does it mean? The inner core typically means all the muscles everything between the belly button and the spine. T-Tapp works all these super strength building, slenderizing and fat-burning muscles.

4. T-Tapp maximizes the lower-end of the fat-burning "target heart rate zone". You may have seen target heart rate charts on your fitness center walls or read about this along the way. T-Tapp works to keep your heart rate in the super-fat-burning range of this zone. Teresa incorporates the equivalent of brief 'wind sprints' through the workout. Examples include plies and hoe downs, moves which quickly elevate the heart rate and then bring it back down to the more sustainable fat burning zone.

5. You can do it anywhere. It takes no equipment and maybe 4 square feet of space at most. BUT, most people must do the workout 3 to 4 times a week to lose. Many can drop to 2 times once on maintenance. I personally find that I need 3 times a week to maintain. With 4 workouts a week, I continue to tone and trim.

6. NO IMPACT, NO EXCUSES. T-Tapp involves no dancing, no equipment, no weights and no impact. YES, no impact. Any one of any size can do this workout. Your range of motion may vary but as long as you go to your personal max, you will reap the benefits. This is also true of limited range due to illness or injury. This is also why the workout is rehabilitative.


Power Conserver
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Angelib 1 you made me laugh with your "oh my aching bacon" comment! I'm so going to steal that one!!!

I hope today is more productive than yesterday. Everybody was draging, kids had a county fair hang over and weren't wanting to move. oh-so-cranky.

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