Okay, you guys are hilarious. You convinced me. I'll come back. To SS.com.
I'm sorry but I need your continued support ... my son is having a huge meltdown today. Nothing I say is right. Everything is taken to mean that he's stupid, mean, horrible, untrustworthy, and so forth. Yet, I never say those things, and don't infer them either.
So glad you found him. That must be so rough. My son threatened to run away once. I told him go ahead. But, I wouldn't let him take anything. I told him we paid for that stuff, not you, so it gets left behind. He changed his tune real quick.
Goodness...DD told me she was going to run away once too. I told her the same Deb told her boy...have at it, I have no idea how you're going to survive without X X and X, but if that's what you want....