Thank you Bee! Yeah, okiegirl, my dad tells me that. I'm really proud of him for quitting. Although it took 2 weeks in ICU for him to quit, I don't want to need that kind of shock therapy!
Ya'll be good, I'm going home
I didn't read the whole thread, but CONGRATULATIONS! Quitting smoking is a huge step, and that's awesome that you have the strength and courage to do it. Way to go!
You'll get there. The $$$ you will save would be a great SS fund too. I'm sure you have some projects that you can save up for now. And more endurance to work on them with. Bye bye nasty cigs.
Wow, that is a huge step, lori! Keep supporting her!
Thanks Dace!
DL, I've got sooooo many projects I want to save up for, you have no idea.
I'm good today. Got my snackies, got my gum. Brought the checkbook, as I have to go to the grocery store, but I have a sticky note with "Just Buy Gas!" on the first check. I have a bad habit of walking into a store, grabbing a water or juice or DP (yes, I still drink my soda occasionally) and saying "Gimme a pack of palmal lights shorts." I'm out the door before I ever realize.
I've gotten a little loud with a few folks around me (better than saying I felt like ripping off their heads ) but I haven't gone off on a crying jag or a super embarrasing rant like I have in the past. I am still reaching for that pack of smokes, so I took an empty pack & filled it with toothpicks. That way I'll have something to chew on. I don't think my carrots would last very long in a empty pack of smokes.
My friends are all being very cool & supportive. My best friend is keeping me accountable. I have been exercising more regularly. I am stepping up my exercise gradually. I'm on my 10lb. weights for arms & squats and I'm up to 100 pushups in a row. I work out M-S, rotating light cardio with strength & resistance training. I'm very proud of the way my arms, shoulders & back are shaping up. I'm still having difficulties with the lower half, but my gut isn't as poochy as it was.
The cardio still gives me fits, I'm not running/walking/biking as much as I should, because my lungs feel like they are going to cave in and my heart is trying to burst through my chest. Or rather, as hard as I should. When I take a stroll or a casual ride, I'm cool for a good while. I know its the smokes. I can still ride or walk into town, because it's less than 1 mile to everything but dollar general.