Ohiofarmgirl'sAdventuresinTheGoodLand-where ya been? whatcha been doin


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
I just voted, too. I can honestly say, today I felt a intense pride in having the privilege to vote - I fear someday we may not.


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Full grown turks!! You MUST buy some Lori! How could you resist??

Have fun voting all you voters! Yikes!

bibliophile birds

Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 18, 2009
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Great Smoky Mtns, Tennessee
OFG, do you make any feed changes for your turks before they get the chop? i've been mixing BOSS in the last week for some extra fat and yumminess but i wondered if i ought to do more. they are on their way to my tummy (via the freezer) in 2 weeks.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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hey Bibbird!

nope - since we have a mixed flock (those who stay and those who go) we dont radically change. maybe pour on the corn more than normal. if we had another turkey house/yard (*silently dreams of such a thing....*) we'd have the 'volunteers' separated and really pour on the corn (and milk if we had it) to plump them up.

otherwise its business as usual and they go to bed without any supper....dun-dun-duuuuuuuuuun.


dont know about you folks but it was down right lively at the voting place today. it was wall to wall flannel, camo, and big trucks.

kc/sd - yep. we were saying that we dont remember when we DIDNT vote once eligible.

great work, AL! thats the way...and next year they will remember that nice gal who took all the pumpkins so they didnt have to haul them to the trash. next year show up with a bucket and tell them you'll take all the seeds.

blackbird - did you make your way to the polls? or you're not able yet?

Dace - i'm such a doofus, i wrote out my turkey processing over on your journal! ha.. oh well. hopefully you'll get the message


lori - golly, just drive the truck up and take in the haul! whoooot!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
Dace said:
Lori...just don't try to sneak home a full sizer in your bra. That might be weird :gig
Gosh the mental image that inspired... :lol:

The pumpkins at our local wally world are marked $1 but they ring up for a penny. :ep I've gotten several :)

I noticed our polling place was a good bit more crowded this time.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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you know this whole cold thing is really cramping my style. it was 28* this morning so we didnt get out till late. Debbie finally looked like she had enough to milk, but of course by the time the squeezin' was done every stray hair she had was in the bucket. so the dogs got it. sheesh!

we are diggin' taters today, once it warms up a little bit more. Bourbon Red told me about canned taters and how easy they were - and we are hooked! we fried some up the other day and it was so easy. we figure if you have to boil them anyway - might as well do it all in one fell swoop and just get them canned up.

yesterday i canned up the turkey and stock AND some more pear sauce (having some right now in oatmeal) and i can tell you that i'm sick of standing up.

but later this week it will be cold and rainy and might even SNOW. grrrrrr... so we are gonna get as much done as we can outside. i also need to shovel out the hen house. we have to get these poults out of the basement.

the meats are out 'meatin' around - more waddling than anything.

another one has a pale comb and i just dont think there is anything we can do about it???? any ideas? we dont want to have another one flop over but its looking like it

thats our word. onward and upward!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2009
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North Central Ohio
I was watching the results on school levies and fire levies. Some townships only had 15 people vote. :ep

So levies passed or failed as a result of 15 people! You would think people would be more interested in what is going on in their own town! They put a new school levy on our ballot that would only affect people who work. They wanted 1% of income. In our particular town, many people are on welfare. So paying for this would be on the backs of few. When I hear about the carelessness of spending that is in the schools and teachers only working half days and getting paid for full days, I have a hard time with it. One of my friends works in a school system and she said they spend money like they have all the money in the world and expect the state to bail them out. How can you give more money to schools when they aren't spending it properly to begin wiith.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Ever try putting a little raw apple cider vinegar in the chicken's water? I had a couple of ducks go all listless on me and a dose of raw ACV always perked them right back up. I used Braggs, but since I buy it by the gallon we always have some laying around.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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great thought WZ - i'd kinda forgotten. i've got some and will run it right out.

K - this is hands down the most mis-managed state i've ever seen in my life! there are so many school that cant afford to keep the lights on - or EVEN BUY PAPER, let alone books.


everyone has a luxurious new school. even our crappy little town's school got a 'concert' hall with acoustics as good as some of the professional venues. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? my hubby worked on the project and was just sick over it.

as for me, i vote down every single 'gimme money' thing that comes along except for our local town library. i dont care if the blind orphans of firefighters need money. no way jose.

when i lived on the west coast one of the most bitter battles was won/lost by 600 votes - it was a statewide race!

honestly i cant believe the folks to wont vote either. by not voting you are casting your ballot for same/same. and even if you dont believe in what is being voted on - at least you are supporting the system that folks have died for. all i have to do to inspire me to go on down to the polling place is remember the first election in S Africa when the folks walked for days, and stood in line for days, to cast their vote..... if they can do that i can sure drive on down and march right in there.

i have to say tho, the coverage last nite was puzzling. i was only loosely watching it but it seemed kinda weird.

i guess we'll see what happens now. either its gonna get much worse, or much better. and it can't get much worse. i'm cringing tho if it gets worse... did you see that almost 30% of the families (not workers, families) in the country have had at least one lay off?

if worse is coming i'd better hustle right out there and get them meat shored up.... yikes!


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 18, 2010
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Eastern Kansas
ohiofarmgirl said:
great thought WZ - i'd kinda forgotten. i've got some and will run it right out.

K - this is hands down the most mis-managed state i've ever seen in my life! there are so many school that cant afford to keep the lights on - or EVEN BUY PAPER, let alone books.


everyone has a luxurious new school. even our crappy little town's school got a 'concert' hall with acoustics as good as some of the professional venues. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? my hubby worked on the project and was just sick over it.

as for me, i vote down every single 'gimme money' thing that comes along except for our local town library. i dont care if the blind orphans of firefighters need money. no way jose.

when i lived on the west coast one of the most bitter battles was won/lost by 600 votes - it was a statewide race!

honestly i cant believe the folks to wont vote either. by not voting you are casting your ballot for same/same. and even if you dont believe in what is being voted on - at least you are supporting the system that folks have died for. all i have to do to inspire me to go on down to the polling place is remember the first election in S Africa when the folks walked for days, and stood in line for days, to cast their vote..... if they can do that i can sure drive on down and march right in there.

i have to say tho, the coverage last nite was puzzling. i was only loosely watching it but it seemed kinda weird.

i guess we'll see what happens now. either its gonna get much worse, or much better. and it can't get much worse. i'm cringing tho if it gets worse... did you see that almost 30% of the families (not workers, families) in the country have had at least one lay off?

if worse is coming i'd better hustle right out there and get them meat shored up.... yikes!
I totally agree. especially since now you don't even have to go down to vote, you can do it by mail. and you don't have to vote on voting day, you can go down early so you can make it fit your schedule!
And I'm kind of worried about how this next year is going to play out. Having a dem pres, rep house and dem senate is a receipe for disaster! *sigh*
They are building a new highschool for the tri town area here. To be honest, i think they actually need it though, i think the old one is starting to get dangerous. :)